Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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There's a Secret Provision in Congress' Spending Bill

It would kill Obama's plans to take the drone program out of CIA hands

(Newser) - Congress' $1.1 trillion spending bill contains a secret provision torpedoing President Obama's plans to pass the drone program from the CIA to the Pentagon. In a classified annex, the bill specifically prohibits any funds being used to facilitate such a transfer, the Washington Post reports. Obama wants to...

LA's Most Destitute Pockets Reborn as 'Promise Zones'

As are parts of San Antonio, Philadelphia, Kentucky, Oklahoma

(Newser) - A large part of Los Angeles is being named a "Promise Zone" today by the White House, making the poverty-stricken areas included in the zone eligible for as much as $500 million in federal aid over the next decade. The Promise Zone touches five communities: Pico-Union, Westlake, Koreatown, East...

Dems Raising a Ruckus Over Jobless Benefits

President Obama plans to keep issue in the news

(Newser) - President Obama plans to climb the bully pulpit this week and hammer Congress—but really, just congressional Republicans—for failing to extend long-term unemployment benefits. The White House has concocted a plan to keep the issue in the news on a daily basis, Politico reports. Tomorrow, Obama will invite a...

Obama, It's Time to Pardon More Regularly

No more last-minute or Christmas pardons: PS Ruckman Jr.

(Newser) - President Obama is "one of the least merciful presidents in the history of the United States," writes PS Ruckman Jr. for CNN . He's so far granted just 52 pardons, which puts him ahead of the first two US presidents (one of whom only served one term), a...

Obama, Clinton Keep 'Most Admired' Crowns

Though Obama's number has declined substantially

(Newser) - President Obama and Hillary Clinton may still be the most admired man and woman in America, respectively, but 2013 took a huge chunk out of the public's esteem for both of them, a new Gallup poll suggests. Obama won by a huge margin, with 16% of respondents naming him...

Obama &#39;Wins&#39; Lie of the Year
 Obama 'Wins' Lie of the Year 

Obama 'Wins' Lie of the Year

'If you like your plan...' and ensuing prevaricating, take PolitiFact's top honors

(Newser) - "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it." Barack Obama has been raked over the coals for that one in recent months, and now he's getting, umm, honored for it: PolitiFact has awarded the phrase its Lie of the Year Award, it announced on...

Obama Task Force Leak: Get Leash on NSA

They want public defenders to argue for the spied upon

(Newser) - A presidential task force plans to call for sweeping changes to the way the NSA does business, including steps to make it more transparent and to increase White House oversight, according to reports today in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal . The panel of five intelligence and legal...

Fast Food Strikes Return as Wage Debate Looms

Obama speaks up in favor of minimum wage hike

(Newser) - Fast food workers in 100 cities will walk off the job today, and protesters will show up in 100 more to call for drastically higher wages for the nation's lowest-paid workers. The movement started with a small strike in New York City last year, and has ballooned since, with...

Barack Obama's Retirement Plan: Host SportsCenter

President has ESPN ambitions

(Newser) - So what are President Obama's plans after he exits the White House? Before he gave a recent speech at DreamWorks Animation, Obama told a bunch of entertainment bigshots at a briefing: "At least I know what I want to do when I retire … host ESPN SportsCenter's...

&#39;Pardoned&#39; Turkeys Swiftly Die
 'Pardoned' Turkeys Swiftly Die 

'Pardoned' Turkeys Swiftly Die

They're simply not bred to live long

(Newser) - President Obama will "pardon" a pair of turkeys today and send them to live at Mount Vernon, and if that gives you a case of the warm fuzzies, you should know that both "Caramel" and "Popcorn" will probably be dead within the year. Every turkey the president...

Mitt Romney Would Win Election Do-Over: Poll

Obama's numbers looking bad in wake of health care rollout

(Newser) - Just how bad are things for President Obama a year into his second term? So bad that if the American people got a mulligan on the 2012 election, there's a good shot we'd be looking at a President Romney. A Washington Post - ABC News poll reveals that...

The Kanye-Obama Feud Continues

West also addresses Confederate flag controversy

(Newser) - There's little love lost between Kanye West and President Obama , and West has issued the latest salvo: In an interview with Hot 107.9 this morning, West said he felt used by the president and is basically over him, the Washington Times reports. "I’m not gonna mention...

Sources: You May Be Able to Keep Your Plan

Source tells CNN current plans will be renewed for one year

(Newser) - President Obama may able to strip those Pinocchios from his record: A Democratic official tells the Wall Street Journal that the White House will allow insurers to continue to offer the "substandard" plans that have been canceled, to the distress of many, as a result of ObamaCare. CNN is...

Dems Plot Mutiny Over 'Keep Your Plan' Fail

Calls for prez to make good on ObamaCare promise grow among own ranks

(Newser) - The ObamaCare rollout has been a mess , and many congressional Democrats are readying the lifeboats in advance of abandoning ship. Writing for Yahoo News , Chris Moody says they're "scrambling to cover their hides before next year’s midterm elections." The Hill's headline paints a slightly more...

Obama Picks TARP Honcho to Run Futures Regulator

He'll use speech to advocate for CFTC

(Newser) - President Obama is nominating a top Treasury Department official to run the independent agency that regulates the futures and options market. The White House says Obama will announce the nomination of Timothy Massad to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission today. For the past three years, Massad has overseen the...

Obama Honors Oldest Living WWII Vet

Lays wreath at Arlington on this Veterans Day

(Newser) - President Obama today paid tribute to those who have served in the nation's military, including one of the nation's oldest veterans, 107-year-old Richard Overton. "This is the life of one American veteran, living proud and strong in the land he helped keep free," Obama said during...

Republicans Turn Up Heat on Sebelius (Sort of)

President stands by health secretary despite (some) pressure from GOP

(Newser) - Ten Republican senators sent a letter to President Obama yesterday demanding that he fire Kathleen Sebelius over ObamaCare's online debut, but Obama wasted no time in reaffirming his support for the embattled Health and Human Services secretary. "If a similar rollout from any other national company or private-sector...

Iran Talks, More Calculated Than Advertised, Begin

Report indicates Obama worked hard for that Rouhani phone call

(Newser) - Talks kick off today between Iran and the other P5+1 nations, and both sides were brimming with cautious optimism. Iranian negotiator Mohammad Javed Zarif touted the possibility of a breakthrough, while a senior Obama administration official said that they see "the outlines of a first step," the New ...

Obama Wrote a Blog Post— and It Sucks

The president is suffering from a case of blogger envy, writes Jonathan Chait

(Newser) - Last month, President Obama urged Congress to ignore bloggers (along with radio pundits, lobbyists, and professional activists) because they create "manufactured crises" (you can relive that stirring speech at Mediaite ). It wasn't clear at the time what, exactly, Obama had against bloggers, writes Jonathan Chait in New ...

Why Jon Stewart Is a Big Problem for ObamaCare
Why Jon Stewart Is a Big Problem for ObamaCare

Why Jon Stewart Is a Big Problem for ObamaCare

Left-wing darling might turn vital young people against the service: Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - ObamaCare's most dangerous critic right now "isn't John Boehner or Mitch McConnell or even Ted Cruz. It's Jon Stewart," argues Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post . Stewart dedicated three full segments on Monday night's show to mocking ObamaCare's ugly web debut, and put...

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