Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Sorry, Obama, Spin Won't Help Health Site Debacle

President's sales pitch fails to reassure, and might make things worse, say pundits

(Newser) - Barack Obama's speech yesterday defending and apologizing for the ObamaCare rollout has pundits talking—and more or less agreeing unanimously that it was a feeble attempt to save face. Here's what they're saying:

Woman Faints During Obama Speech
 Woman Faints 
 During Obama Speech 

Woman Faints During Obama Speech

President reaches back to steady her

(Newser) - President Obama took a break in the middle of his speech on ObamaCare's less-than-sterling web debut to steady a woman who appeared to be fainting directly behind him. The moment, captured by Mediaite , is a brief one; the woman stumbles only a bit before being steadied by both the...

Boehner to Obama: 'I Got Overrun'

A behind-the-scenes look at how and why the shutdown happened

(Newser) - During a White House meeting on Oct. 2, a day into the shutdown, John Boehner slipped out for a smoke. Barack Obama followed him, demanding a private explanation for the shutdown. "John, what happened?" he asked. "I got overrun, that's what happened," Boehner replied. That anecdote...

Obama Postpones White House Crisis Meeting

It will be the first full-cast affair since Oct. 2

(Newser) - Stop us if you've heard this one before : President Barack Obama today scheduled a meeting with Congressional leaders at the White House, only to delay it to give Senate leaders more time to resolve the government's twin fiscal crises. A new day or time for the meeting wasn'...

Protest Speaker to Obama: Put the Koran Down

Vets, conservatives, Tea Partiers rally against shutdown in DC

(Newser) - A march against the closure of national landmarks due to the shutdown today attracted thousands of protesters from across the country, along with high-profile Tea Party speakers like Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz. But the attendee who will probably attract the most attention is Larry Klayman, the founder of conservative...

Everyone Loves Pakistan's Malala ... Except Pakistan

Many in her home country think she's a CIA agent

(Newser) - Sixteen-year-old Malala Yousafzai has been on a whirlwind book tour of the US, winning hearts and minds with her courageous story of sticking up for women's education in her native Pakistan, then surviving being shot in the head by a Taliban assassin last year. Yesterday, Malala met with President...

Obama to Push for 1st-Ever Female Fed Chief

Janet Yellen to receive nomination: White House

(Newser) - President Obama will nominate Federal Reserve vice chair Janet Yellen to succeed Ben Bernanke as chairman of the US central bank, the White House said today. Yellen would be the first woman to head the powerful Fed, taking over at a pivotal time for the economy and the banking industry....

Boehner: Shutdown 'Isn't Some Damn Game'

Takes aim at administration's 'we're winning' comments

(Newser) - Things are getting testy on Capitol Hill. John Boehner lashed out at President Obama at a news conference today, demanding he open talks with House Republicans. "I was at the White House the other night and listened to the president explain to me some 20 times why he's...

Obama Deserves Blame, Too, for Shutdown Mess
Obama Deserves Blame,
Too, for Shutdown Mess

Obama Deserves Blame, Too, for Shutdown Mess

Daniel Henninger blames president for eschewing normal politics

(Newser) - Washington is embroiled in another of its "oxymoronic showdowns" and everyone is blaming Republicans. But Daniel Henninger at the Wall Street Journal thinks Barack Obama "must bear some responsibility for what has become of politics in the nation's capital. Which is to say, the obliteration of politics....

Obama to GOP: 'Take a Vote, Stop This Farce'

Meanwhile, Boehner says he won't allow a default

(Newser) - Barack Obama was on the warpath today in a speech delivered at a Maryland construction company, tearing into the "reckless Republican shutdown," ABC News reports. The only reason the shutdown hadn't ended, he said, was because "Speaker John Boehner won't even let the bill get...

Obama to Host White House Shutdown Summit

Meanwhile, he's also meeting with business leaders

(Newser) - With Congress apparently not even trying to negotiate an end to the government shutdown, President Obama has invited John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Mitch McConnell to a White House meeting this afternoon, the New York Times reports. But from the sound of it, Obama doesn't have a...

Obama Urges GOP to Make 11th-Hour Deal

Blames Republicans for re-fighting election and health care debates

(Newser) - At a press conference following the Senate's rejection of a bill to defund ObamaCare , President Obama urged House Republicans to pass a short-term spending bill at the 11th hour. He warned that a government shutdown tonight would "throw a wrench into the gears" of economic recovery and have...

On Obama's Agenda: Historic Handshake?

It could happen today with Iranian President Hasan Rouhani

(Newser) - Today could bring what Time describes as the most historic handshake since "Nixon and Elvis" (or, more seriously, "Rabin and Arafat"): President Obama and new Iranian President Hasan Rouhani will meet for the first time at the UN General Assembly today, and everyone from government officials to...

It's Shutdown Week, and Nobody Trusts Anybody

Your guide to the next round in Washington's endless fiscal wars

(Newser) - Washington has eight days left before the continuing resolution funding the government runs out, and this latest round of brinksmanship might be the worst yet, for a simple reason: None of the major players like or trust each other anymore, the Hill observes. Here are the relationships at play:
  • President

Kenya Launches 'Major' Assault on Mall, Death Toll Hits 68

Security forces plan to end standoff tonight

(Newser) - The death toll in the deadly attack on Nairobi's Westgate mall has risen to 68, according to the Red Cross, after the bodies of nine hostages were recovered today. Red Cross volunteers believe there are more bodies still inside the mall, but they're not reachable at the moment,...

Obama Turns to 'Funny or Die' to Promote ObamaCare

Will create videos encouraging young people to enroll for insurance marketplaces

(Newser) - The White House has turned to an unlikely medium to promote ObamaCare: funny web videos. The Obama administration teamed up with popular video site Funny or Die (you may remember it from such videos as " The Wire: The Musical ") to create some 20 projects to promote the...

Iran Wants to Make a Deal
 Iran Wants to 
 Make a Deal 

Iran Wants to Make a Deal

Rouhani writes encouraging op-ed in Washington Post

(Newser) - Iran thinks it's poised to finally bury the hatchet with the US and strike a sanctions-ending nuclear dealbecause officials believe President Obama offered that kind of rapprochement in his letter to newly-elected moderate Hasan Rouhani, a top Iranian adviser tells the New York Times . In Iran's reading,...

Boehner: Fund Government, Defund ObamaCare

Says House will vote on it; debt ceiling being drawn into drama as well

(Newser) - House Republicans have decided to make their latest game of political chicken all about ObamaCare. In a move Tea Party activists have been clamoring for, John Boehner told his caucus today that they would pass a bill to keep the government funded—but that it would defund ObamaCare. Eric Cantor...

Summers Is Latest Misplay by Obama's Inept Econ Team

Heidi Moore can't believe these guys think they've done a good job

(Newser) - The main question isn't why Larry Summers pulled his name out of the Federal Reserve Chairman derby yesterday, it's "how his candidacy even got this far," writes Heidi Moore at the Guardian . Many prominent senators openly opposed his nomination, as did 300 economists. From the beginning,...

How the White House Backed Into a Syria Solution

'WSJ' goes behind the scenes

(Newser) - In a nearly 3,000-word article, the Wall Street Journal today takes readers inside what it calls "an extraordinary 24 days in international diplomacy," detailing what happened behind the scenes as the White House decided how to handle the Syrian chemical weapons crisis. Based on more than two...

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