Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama's New Pen Pal: The President of Iran

US is hoping to thaw relations with Rouhani

(Newser) - US-Iranian relations have been tense lately—and by "lately" we mean for more than three decades—but the election of moderate Hasan Rouhani may have changed all that. President Obama has been exchanging letters with Rouhani in recent weeks, the LA Times reports, and officials say it's possible...

Obama&#39;s Syria Speech Wowed No One

 Syria Speech 
 Wowed No One 

Obama's Syria Speech Wowed No One

Reactions pour in, and most are not good

(Newser) - President Obama's Syria speech last night was only 15 minutes long, but it "will be analyzed for a LOT longer than that," writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post . But—because Congress isn't onboard with a strike on Syria and we don't yet know how...

Obama Agrees to Move on Russia's Syria Plan: Report

But Kerry says US 'won't wait long' for progress

(Newser) - President Obama has agreed to UN Security Council discussions on the Russian proposal that Syria hand over its chemical weapons, a White House official tells the AP . Obama talked about the idea, first accidentally floated by John Kerry, with David Cameron and Francois Hollande today, the official said. France will...

Obama: Syria Chemical Weapon Surrender Could Be 'Breakthrough'

Would 'absolutely' pause military strike if it works

(Newser) - Obama has weighed in on the Russian proposal to get Syria to surrender its stockpile of chemical weapons, calling it both a "potentially positive development" and a possible "breakthrough"—but only if it's a genuine offer. The move comes after Hillary Clinton also made cautiously positive...

Obama's Foreign Policy Approval at All-Time Low

Only 4 in 10 approve of the job he's doing

(Newser) - With low public support for US airstrikes on Syria, Obama's approval rating on foreign policy has also been sinking, and has now hit an all-time low, reports CNN . A poll by the news channel finds only four in 10 of those studied approve of the job the president is...

3 Ways Obama Can Get Our Syria Support
 3 Ways Obama Can 
 Get Our Syria Support 

3 Ways Obama Can Get Our Syria Support

An unsupportive public can come around: Jonathan Tepperman

(Newser) - President Obama has been "maddeningly tentative" in his handling of the Syria situation, and one big reason for that is the lack of public support in the US, writes Jonathan Tepperman in the New York Times . One week-old poll shows that just 29% of Americans are in favor of...

Obama's Making His Biggest Mistake Yet

Andrew Sullivan hopes Congress rejects Syria action

(Newser) - Noted Barack Obama superfan Andrew Sullivan thinks that the president's attempt to launch an attack on Syria is "impulsive, foolish, reckless" and "easily his biggest misjudgment since taking office," he writes at the Dish . Yesterday's narrow Foreign Relations Committee vote proved that even if Obama...

Why Congress Is Divided on Syria

Extremist rebels, regime atrocities leave lawmakers no easy options

(Newser) - Congress is decidedly skittish about the prospect of military action against Syria—sources tell Politico's Playbook that if the vote were held today, it would fail—and the reason why has a lot to do with the thought of potentially bolstering men like Abdul Samad Issa, aka "The...

We Must Not Intervene in Syria Without UN Vote
We Must Not Intervene in Syria Without UN Vote

We Must Not Intervene in Syria Without UN Vote

Columnists weigh in on Syria situation

(Newser) - The big topic on today's opinion pages: Syria. A sampling of what's out there:
  • We absolutely cannot intervene in Syria without UN Security Council authorization, write Oona A. Hathaway and Scott J. Shapiro in the New York Times . There is no direct threat to any NATO member, so

Boehner: We're Backing Obama on Syria

Obama promises Syria won't be another Iraq

(Newser) - President Obama took a big step forward in his quest to gain Congressional approval for a strike on Syria, convincing the leaders of both parties in the House to back his play. Obama held a meeting with John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and other top lawmakers this morning, arguing that military...

After Putin Diss, Obama to Meet Russian Gay Activists

Prediction: the Kremlin will not be amused

(Newser) - Looks like President Obama has found something to fill the time he won't spend meeting with Vladimir Putin during the G20 summit in Russia this week: he's going to meet with gay rights activists instead. Buzzfeed confirms that LGBT organization Coming Out, human rights activists Lev Ponomarev and...

Obama Came This Close to Striking Syria Alone: Officials

Senior officials say he decided to seek Congress' OK at last minute

(Newser) - President Obama announced today that he would seek Congress' OK before launching a military attack on Syria—but that wasn't his original plan, say anonymous senior administration officials. The president had originally planned to strike without first getting approval, but changed his mind last night after a long discussion...

Public: Obama Needs Congress' Blessing on Syria

80% say White House shouldn't go it alone

(Newser) - The American people aren't excited about the prospect of attacking Syria, and they overwhelmingly believe that President Obama should get congressional approval before doing it. In a new NBC News poll, a whopping 80% said the White House should get the OK from Congress before attacking. While the Constitution...

Obama's About to Ditch His Doctrine for Nothing

Jeffrey Goldberg thinks Obama is about to cross a line—without going far enough

(Newser) - Foreign policy experts who complain that Barack Obama doesn't have a Middle East strategy are wrong. "There is, in fact, an Obama doctrine," Jeffrey Goldberg argues at Bloomberg . And for the first time, he "seems poised to violate it in an irredeemable way." Goldberg calls...

McCain: Blame Obama for Syria's Chemical Attack

Meanwhile, Obama talks with Stephen Harper

(Newser) - So much for the supposedly blossoming Barack Obama/John McCain bromance. McCain, who's currently visiting South Korea, today laid partial blame for Syria's apparent chemical weapons massacre at Obama's feet, saying the White House hadn't reacted forcefully enough to past reports of chemical attacks. "Assad was...

Obama Weighing Strike on Syria

President calls alleged chemical strike 'a big event of grave concern'

(Newser) - Top Obama administration officials met yesterday to discuss potential military responses to what may have been the worst chemical weapons attack in decades. Officials were "sharply divided" and emerged from three-and-a-half hours of discussions about Syria without reaching a decision, the New York Times reports; options on the table...

Obama Wants to Shift Aid to Affordable Colleges

New plan would rate schools on value, and reward the good ones

(Newser) - Barack Obama will today unveil an ambitious plan designed to steer students to colleges that provide decent value for their tuition dollars. Under a draft proposal obtained by the New York Times , the government would rate schools based on tuition, graduation rates, graduates' debt and earnings, and low-income student acceptance....

29% of La. Republicans Blame Katrina Mess on... Obama

Despite the fact that he was still in Congress at the time

(Newser) - Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans more than three years before President Obama took office—but even so, 29% of Louisiana Republicans say in a new poll that they think Obama was more to blame than then-President George W. Bush for the poor federal response to the disaster. Another 44% say...

The Obamas Should Have Adopted a Pit Bull Instead
The Obamas Should Have Adopted a Pit Bull Instead

The Obamas Should Have Adopted a Pit Bull Instead

Breed has become a symbol of racial segregation, poverty: Emily Nusser

(Newser) - The Obamas just adopted a pretty new Portuguese water dog . But if the first family really wanted to make a statement, they should have adopted a pit bull from the pound instead, writes Susan Nusser at Salon . Pit bulls are "resilient, unpretentious, and a little gritty," she says....

Report: Maine Governor Says Obama 'Hates White People'

2 lawmakers say so, but Paul LePage denies it

(Newser) - Maine's governor managed to make even his fellow Republicans cringe at a fundraiser last week, according to two GOP state lawmakers who were there. Paul LePage was discussing how President Obama blew his chance at being a great president by not touting his biracial heritage—which he hasn't...

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