Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Hey Obama, You're Still President in August

Dana Milbank doesn't think it's a coincidence that his approval rating is down

(Newser) - Egypt is unraveling, and Edward Snowden is keeping the NSA in the news. What's Barack Obama doing? Well, he just got back from a six-day Martha's Vineyard golf trip, and today he's holding an event honoring the 1972 Miami Dolphins. "The president is certainly looking forward...

Obama Once Again Rags on Kanye

And his babymama

(Newser) - It's the day of bros bashing bros : President Obama has had a somewhat tortured relationship with Kanye West, at least as reported in the media. He memorably called the rapper a "jackass" in 2009, then later explained that he "liked" the "smart" and "talented" Kanye...

Obama Axes Putin Meeting
 Obama Axes Putin Meeting 

Obama Axes Putin Meeting

Over asylum granted to Edward Snowden, among other gripes

(Newser) - President Obama is canceling plans to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow next month. The move is retribution for Russia's decision to grant temporary asylum to National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden and reflects growing US frustration with Russia on several other issues, including missile defense and...

Obama Quietly Turns 52
 Obama Quietly Turns 52 

Obama Quietly Turns 52

Hits Camp David for the weekend

(Newser) - What do you get for that leader of the free world who has everything? Apparently a weekend at Camp David and a round of golf with old friends will do it, reports the AP on the occasion of President Obama's 52nd birthday today. The White House is staying pretty...

Obama to GOP: Let&#39;s Cut Corporate Taxes
 Obama to GOP: Let's 
 Cut Corporate Taxes 

Obama to GOP: Let's Cut Corporate Taxes

... but only if you agree to job creation measures

(Newser) - President Obama has a new "grand bargain" for Republicans, though it's a little less grand this time around. In a speech today, Obama will offer to overhaul the corporate tax code, reducing the rate and reaping a onetime windfall in the process, the Wall Street Journal reports. In...

Microsoft Pens 'Unusually Dramatic' Letter on PRISM

Brad Smith tells Eric Holder 'the Constitution is suffering'

(Newser) - Add Microsoft's general counsel to the list of people not happy about PRISM and other government surveillance programs. Brad Smith wrote a letter to Eric Holder yesterday—a letter Business Insider calls "unusually dramatic" in its tone—asking the attorney general to convince President Obama that he should...

Obama Won't Intervene in DOJ's Zimmerman Decision

And more post-verdict news

(Newser) - Barack Obama famously and controversially weighed in on Trayvon Martin's death (" If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon "), but the president will not be getting involved in the DOJ's looming decision on whether to prosecute George Zimmerman on civil rights charges, Politico...

Obama: This Is How We Should Honor Trayvon...

Calls for 'calm reflection' in wake of Zimmerman trial

(Newser) - As the aftermath of George Zimmerman's acquittal continues to unfold—the Washington Post reports protests across the nation with more planned for the future—Obama has issued a statement, asking for Americans to "respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son,"...

Obama on Mandela: 'I Do Not Need a Photo Op'

It remains up in the air whether he will meet the ailing luminary

(Newser) - Barack Obama is en route to South Africa just as Nelson Mandela looks en route to the hereafter (though his ex-wife says he's showing " great improvement "). But Obama says he won't push too hard to see the ailing luminary, for fear of being an unwanted...

Sharpton: Court Just Killed MLK's Dream

Voting Rights Act decision provokes outcry on left

(Newser) - "They just canceled the dream." That was Al Sharpton's reaction to the Supreme Court's Voting Rights Act decision , which has provoked a full-on outcry from the left, from President Obama on down. Sharpton was perhaps the most vociferous. "Part of, at least half, of what...

Obama to Tackle Climate Change— Without Congress

Big focus: tackling the pollutants produced by coal-fired power plants

(Newser) - Fewer nukes , less pollution: It was a big day for Barack Obama and his potential legacy, with a late-in-the-day announcement that he is planning a major push to tackle the pollution blamed for global warming—and he'll do it without Congress. Senior energy and climate adviser Heather Zichal...

Obama, Putin Tussle Over Syria ... and G8 Gym

Obama calls dibs, so Putin swims in lake

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin had a reportedly tense 2-hour meeting at the G8 summit today. The two leaders butted heads over the conflict in Syria, the Washington Post reports. "Our opinions do not coincide," said Putin. "But all of us have the intention to stop the...

Clinton Is Right: Obama Did Too Little, Too Late on Syria

Maureen Dowd: Bill Clinton has schooled Obama on the fallacy of governing via polls

(Newser) - News that both Bill Clinton and John McCain think Obama is being a wuss on Syria should be a wake-up call for the President, says Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "When the man who polled where to take his summer vacation and whether to tell the truth...

Security to Be Intense(ly Expensive) on Obama's Africa Trip

Trip could cost between $60 million and $100 million

(Newser) - Barack Obama is set to take his first extended tour of sub-Saharan Africa this month—and it ain't gonna be cheap. Obama's security for the trip could cost as much as $100 million, according to planning documents obtained by the Washington Post . What's all that money going...

Obama's Weapons Won't Do Enough In Syria

Michael Weiss and Elizabeth O'Bagy say it's time to unleash the MANPADs

(Newser) - The Obama administration is at last willing to send weapons to Syrian rebels —but it looks like neither the president, nor anyone else in Washington, is willing to go far enough to actually help, write Michael Weiss and Elizabeth O'Bagy at the Atlantic . "Even the most hawkish...

Obama: 'Nobody Is Listening to Your Phone Calls'

President defends the government's surveillance programs

(Newser) - President Obama tried to defuse the growing surveillance controversies during a speech in San Jose today, reiterating that anything the government does is limited in scope and necessary to keep the country safe, reports the Washington Post . (Pretty much the argument that the New York Times bashed him about.)...

Security Adviser Quits, Susan Rice Gets the Job

Tom Donilon resigns as national security adviser

(Newser) - National Security Adviser Tom Donilon will announce his resignation today, multiple outlets are reporting, and President Obama isn't exactly choosing a politically safe successor. Instead he'll tap Susan Rice , the US ambassador to the UN who's become a lightning rod thanks to the Benghazi controversy. The job...

Obama Cracks Down on Patent Trolls

He'll issue executive order to try to curb abuses

(Newser) - President Obama plans to issue five executive orders today aimed at slaying, or at least curtailing, patent trolls—companies that amass a lot of patents purely for licensing and litigation purposes. Obama's orders will, among other things, ask the Patent and Trademark Office to take a harder look at...

Stop Trusting Geeks Like Obama
 Stop Trusting 
 Geeks Like Obama 

Stop Trusting Geeks Like Obama

Like Google, Facebook, and co., Obama assures us he's got good intentions

(Newser) - Many people are confused by President Obama's relentless prosecution of Bradley Manning , and pursuit of other leakers . Isn't he supposed to be a Silicon Valley-style transparency-loving geek? That view is "charmingly naïve," writes Edward Luce at the Financial Times . "Obama is no traitor to...

Obama Struck Secret Deal to Back Hillary in 2016: Book

Obama offered endorsement in exchange for Bill's in 2012: Edward Klein

(Newser) - A new book by journalist Edward Klein says Obama has been pushed into supporting a 2016 presidential run by Hillary Clinton. Obama offered the endorsement in exchange for Bill Clinton's enthusiastic nominating speech at the 2012 Democratic convention, writes Klein in an extract of The Amateur: Barack Obama in ...

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