Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama's Gitmo Plan? Call It the 'Dorothy Doctrine'

Krauthammer: President thinks he can wish terror problems away

(Newser) - President Obama thinks he can declare an end to the war on terror by simply wishing it away, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . He "would like to close his eyes, click his heels three times," and, poof, problem solved. The rub is that jihadism isn't...

Kim Retweeted Twice as Often as Obama
 Kim Retweeted 
 Twice as Often 
 as Obama 
sad statistics

Kim Retweeted Twice as Often as Obama

We know. You're depressed.

(Newser) - Adding to your fears for the future of mankind: MIT researchers have built a tool that estimates that, on average, Kim Kardashian can expect to be retweeted twice as often as President Obama. The researchers came up with what they call the " Twouija: Retweet Oracle " to predict how...

We Won! Now Can Someone Tell the Terrorists?
We Won! Now Can Someone Tell the Terrorists?

We Won! Now Can Someone Tell the Terrorists?

Eugene Robinson declares victory; PJ O'Rourke thinks that's stupid

(Newser) - In his much-celebrated speech last week, President Obama said that "this war, like all wars, must end," and that al-Qaeda is "on the path to defeat." Well, PJ O'Rourke at the Weekly Standard has a word for that kind of thinking: "Stupid." His...

Obama to US: Donate to Oklahoma

As he offers moral, monetary support

(Newser) - President Barack Obama visited tornado-devastated Moore, Oklahoma, today, consoling people staggered by the loss of life and property and promising that the government will be behind them "every step of the way." He offered moral and monetary support in the wake of the monstrous EF5 tornado that killed...

History Rewritten at the W. Bush Library

Maureen Dowd: Both Obama, Bush are running from the Bush presidency

(Newser) - As Obama distances himself from the war on terror and the legacy of the W. Bush presidency, Maureen Dowd visits the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum and finds that ... Bush is also trying to distance himself from the Bush presidency, she writes in the New York Times . Things...

Obama to Military: Sexual Assaults Making You Weaker

President addresses Naval Academy commencement

(Newser) - Barack Obama gave the commencement address at the US Naval Academy today, and he used the occasion to talk about the military's issues with sexual assault . The perpetrators of sexual violence "threaten the trust and discipline that makes our military strong," Obama said, according to USA Today...

Did Obama Just End the War?
 Did Obama Just End the War? 

Did Obama Just End the War?

Pundits differ on how seriously we should take yesterday's speech

(Newser) - President Obama delivered a landmark speech on the war on terror yesterday, but people are divided on just how impressed we ought to be. The New York Times is singing the speech's praises. "As frustratingly late as it was—much of what Mr. Obama said should have been...

Dear Republicans: No One Cares About These Scandals

Charlie Cook: Polls indicate actual voters don't care about Benghazi or the IRS

(Newser) - So-called "scandals" like Benghazi, the IRS, and AP phone record seizures have dominated political discourse in recent weeks. And yet, polls find Obama's approval rating hasn't wavered. Maybe these issues will eventually gain traction with voters, says Charlie Cook in the National Journal —but maybe regular...

Pentagon Wants $200M— for 10-Year Gitmo Upgrade

Asks Congress for $450M for facility Obama wants to close

(Newser) - If you're already upset about the fact that Guantanamo is still open, your head may actually explode at this next bit: The Pentagon wants Congress to grant it more than $450 million to maintain—and upgrade—the prison, according to a budget request from the Obama administration. Specifically, $200...

Oklahoma's Coburn: I Want Offsets to Pay for Tornado Aid

But Obama promises resources for disaster

(Newser) - Tom Coburn represents Oklahoma, so you might expect him to call for tornado relief to flow to his state no matter the cost—but you'd be wrong. Instead, the Republican senator is demanding that all aid to his state be offset by cuts elsewhere in the budget, a spokesman...

Obama's Secret Weapon: This Guy?!

John McCain burying the hatchet with the president

(Newser) - Someone send the devil a sweater, because suddenly, John McCain and President Obama are getting along. Last week, McCain sat down with his 2008 rival for a private Oval Office strategy session, the latest in a string of such discussions. "Ever since the election, we've had conversations and...

Racism Is No Excuse, Obama Tells Black Grads

Encourages Morehouse grads to overcome inequality, give back to community

(Newser) - Obama delivered the commencement speech at the historically black, all-male Morehouse College today, encouraging graduates to use their education to help others in their communities, act as role models to other young black men, and to achieve success in spite of racism, rather than using it as an excuse to...

Latest Obama Scandal: Umbrellas

Conservatives unhappy that a Marine had to hold his umbrella

(Newser) - Benghazi, the IRS, the AP and now ... Marines holding umbrellas. That's the latest "scandal" to send Republican fists shaking in the general direction of President Obama. During a press conference with the Prime Minister of Turkey yesterday, Obama asked two Marines to protect the leaders' suits by holding...

Obama Slams 'Outrageous' IRS Targeting

Alleged behavior is unacceptable, he says

(Newser) - President Obama officially responded to the widening IRS targeting scandal today, promising to hold the organization responsible if it engaged in any unacceptable behavior and saying he first learned of the accusations through reports in the media. "If in fact IRS personnel engaged in the kind of practices that...

Obama: North Korea Can't Manipulate Us Anymore

'Those days are over,' he says after meeting with South's new leader

(Newser) - North Korea can no longer generate major international incidents at will with nuclear provocations, Barack Obama said today, asserting the United States and South Korea are fully capable of defending themselves. "The days when North Korea could create a crisis and elicit concessions, those days are over," Obama...

Obama Takes GOP Senators on Golf Date

'He's willing to try anything' says White House

(Newser) - Obama continued his campaign to woo Congresspeople to his second-term agenda today, inviting Republican Senators Saxby Chambliss and Bob Corker, and Democrat Senator Mark Udall, out for a round of golf at St Andrews Air Force Base, the New York Times reports. The White House acknowledged Obama's dates weren'...

White House Shooter Riled About Pot Law: Prosecutors

Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez practiced for 6 months: new document

(Newser) - Prosecutors believe Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, who was arrested after allegedly shooting the White House in 2011, may have been motivated by his unhappiness with US marijuana policy, the AP reports. The Idaho 22-year-old "expressed anger toward the government regarding the continued criminalization of marijuana," they say in a...

How to Grab Obama's Ear: Buy ESPN Airtime

Companies target influencers, elite with ads on network

(Newser) - How to woo Barack Obama to your cause? Via ESPN, apparently. Companies and organizations have been buying up ad time on the sports network with the hope of catching the known sports fan's attention, Politico reports. "It's certainly a tactic that’s talked about a lot,"...

Obama: We Don&#39;t Have All Facts in Syria

 Obama: We Don't 
 Have All Facts 
 in Syria 

Obama: We Don't Have All Facts in Syria

President addresses Syria, Boston, Guantanamo in press conference

(Newser) - The US is pretty sure someone has used chemical weapons in Syria—but it's not sure who, President Obama revealed at a White House press conference today, at which he invited reporters to ask him questions on whatever they pleased. "What we now have is evidence that chemical...

Obama Turns Blind Eye to Gitmo Horrors

Hunger strikes have turned closing the prison into a matter of life and death, lawyer argues

(Newser) - Barack Obama continues to ignore the Guantánamo Bay prison, even as "its continued existence is literally a matter of life and death," writes lawyer Baher Azmy in the Daily Beast . Azmy's firm represents a number of detainees who are on hunger strike within the prison, and...

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