Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'
Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'

Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'

Hillary slams Obama over health care claim

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton blasted Barack Obama today over a campaign mailer that she called “right out of Karl Rove’s play book.” “Shame on you, Barack Obama,” she said, brandishing a flier—which she says falsely accuses her of wanting to force people to buy health insurance....

Websites Spark 'Baracklash'
Websites Spark 'Baracklash'

Websites Spark 'Baracklash'

Even Obama-lovers put up firewall of online sarcasm

(Newser) - The Internet may love Barack Obama—he leads other presidential hopefuls in online fundraising—but some new Obama sites are a tad sarcastic, the Washington Post reports. Sites like and are poking fun at Obamamania even as they partake in it. “It’s a backlash...

Richardson Is Out of the Race, But In Demand

Clinton, Obama vie for backing of NM governor

(Newser) - The remaining Dem hopefuls have been pursuing Bill Richardson since he left the presidential race, the New York Times reports. In fact Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are calling the New Mexico governor daily seeking his endorsement. Obama’s approach is “a surgical bomb,” Richardson said, while “...

Pentagon, Army Captain Differ on Obama Tale

Army doubts, captain confirms weapons, troop shortages

(Newser) - Pentagon officials moved quickly yesterday to rebut Barack Obama's tale of an Army captain whose platoon, deployed in Afghanistan, was stripped of men and so lacking in equipment that they resorted to using captured Taliban weapons. "I find that account pretty hard to imagine," an Army spokesman said...

Michelle Obama College Thesis Muses on Race

Studies void between blacks and whites at Princeton and beyond

(Newser) - Michelle Obama’s 1985 Princeton thesis—whose unavailability at the university has prompted blogger suspicions—discusses the concerns of a black woman in a sphere dominated by whites. In the 96-page document, scored by Politico from the Obama campaign, Mrs. Obama writes that to white students, it seems “I...

Hillary Didn't Plan for Long Haul
Hillary Didn't Plan for Long Haul

Hillary Didn't Plan for Long Haul

Spending calls might reflect poorly on Clinton's management skills

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton invested heavily to try to lock up the Democratic presidential nomination on Super Tuesday—but that didn't happen, and her failure to plan for the long haul let Barack Obama rack up 10 straight wins since and left some doubting her management skills. Clinton's dwindling war chest also...

Clinton Spending Vexes Donors
Clinton Spending Vexes Donors

Clinton Spending Vexes Donors

Supporters ask why consultants are paid so much for failing campaign

(Newser) - The $25,000 Hillary Clinton's sputtering campaign dropped at Vegas' posh Bellagio last month is raising eyebrows among those cutting her the checks, reports the New York Times. Add $5 million for the very strategists who engineered her string of recent failures, and donors looking over her latest campaign finance...

Clinton Fails to Turn Tide in Debate
Clinton Fails
to Turn Tide
in Debate

Clinton Fails to Turn Tide in Debate

She needed a big night, but it's mostly business as usual

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had to tread a difficult line in last night's debate—make a dent in Obama's credibility and momentum without sounding too negative—and she seemed to fall short of making any real headway, writes Wayne Slater of the Dallas Morning News. Clinton tried repeatedly to make the case...

Now Hillary's Accused of Plagiarizing Edwards

Obama camp claims Clinton lifted from Edwards

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton wisecracked last night that Barack Obama was promising "change you can Xerox"—prompting the Obama camp to suggest Clinton may have cribbed part of that speech from John Edwards, writes Isaac Chotiner in the New Republic. It was the latest battle in the heated war of...

Poll Sees Texas Dead Heat, Slight Clinton Lead in Ohio

Races close ahead of March 4 primaries

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are running neck and neck in Texas, while Clinton holds a significant but tenuous lead in Ohio, according to a Washington Post-ABC News Poll. Heading into the crucial March 4 primaries, Clinton leads Obama 48% to 47% in Texas, and 50% to 43% in Ohio...

Dems Square Off in Texas
Dems Square Off in Texas

Dems Square Off in Texas

Clinton tries to stem Obama's momentum in sometimes contentious debate

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton tonight declared that "actions speak louder than words" as she sought to stem Barack Obama's political momentum in a Texas debate. She razzed him for using another politician's words in recent speeches—calling it "change you can Xerox"—and called his health plan inadequate. Obama...

Obama Wins Delegates Abroad
Obama Wins Delegates Abroad

Obama Wins Delegates Abroad

Primary voting by expat Democrats gives him an 11th consecutive win

(Newser) - Barack Obama has won the primary organized by Democrats Abroad, a global organization controlling seven official delegates in the national convention, the AP reports today. Obama won more than 65% of the 20,000 US expatriates who voted from more than 164 countries. It is Obama’s 11th consecutive primary...

Feds Taking Closer Look at McCain Loan

Could lock him into matching funds— and $54M limit

(Newser) - Today just isn’t John McCain’s day. The Federal Elections Commission says it may not allow the presumptive Republican nominee to drop out of the federal matching funds program, because he used it as collateral for a $4 million loan he took out to fund his cash-strapped primary campaign...

Prices Jump for Top Drugs
Prices Jump for Top Drugs

Prices Jump for Top Drugs

Drug giants collect now against expected future losses

(Newser) - Drug companies have slapped a series of huge price hikes on some prescription drugs ahead of drug patent expirations, the Wall Street Journal reports. GlaxoSmithKline has raised the price of antidepressant Wellbutrin 44.5%, while Sanofi-Aventis hiked Ambien's price 70%. Wholesale prices for the top 50 drugs increased an average...

Clinton Camp Unveils Victory Blueprint

Plenty of time to turn this thing around, advisers believe

(Newser) - As Barack Obama continues to bask in the glow of a string of impressive primary victories, Team Clinton is pulling out the stops to capture important wins in Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania. Clinton advisers have hardly given up hope. They're optimistic Hillary can accomplish the latest victory blueprint: nail pending...

Wanted: Comic Who Can Imitate This Candidate

Saturday Night Live auditions for the part of Barack Obama

(Newser) - The latest indication Barack Obama is one of a kind: Saturday Night Live can’t find an actor to impersonate the Democratic presidential candidate. Show mastermind Lorne Michaels says mimicking any celeb's “mildly irritating” minor tics is crucial to any impersonation. The show, returning Saturday from the writers' strike,...

Surrogate Ups the Ante on Obama Attacks

Clinton warm-up speaker sets a new standard for nasty

(Newser) - Political surrogates often get stuck with the dirty work, but one Clinton-backing union leader came “close to redefining the genre” last night, the New York Times’ John M. Broder reports: R. Thomas Buffenbarger called Barack Obama a “silver-tongued warrior with a microphone…dancing to the tune of billionaires....

Teamsters Endorse Obama Over Clinton
Teamsters Endorse
Obama Over Clinton

Teamsters Endorse Obama Over Clinton

It's another troubling sign for Hillary and her base

(Newser) - The Teamsters union endorsed Barack Obama today, giving him a chance to make further inroads into Hillary Clinton's base of blue-collar workers. Obama met with Teamsters chief Jim Hoffa today, who afterward gave Obama the backing of the 1.4-million-member union, the Chicago Tribune reports. The move could help in...

Three Takes on How He's Doing
Three Takes on How He's Doing

Three Takes on How He's Doing

Scribes at odds over where Obama registers on wonky scale

(Newser) - More than ever, Barack Obama looks the Democratic front-runner—and pundits are focusing on chinks in his armor:
  • After much difficulty working policy into his “soaring oratory,” the New Republic's Jonathan Cohn writes, Obama recently found the right balance—but now “he may be getting a little

January Take: Obama $36M, Clinton $13.5M, Mac $11.6M

Small Internet donations key Obama success; debate over public funds grows

(Newser) - Barack Obama vastly outpaced his rivals in January fundraising, scoring $36 million to Hillary Clinton’s $13.5 million and John McCain’s $11.6 million. The Democratic front-runner drew $28 million online, with 90% of donations at or below $100. Obama is now on the spot over a 2007...

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