Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Clinton Camp: How Low Can She Go?
Clinton Camp: How Low
Can She Go?

Clinton Camp: How Low Can She Go?

Some want victory at all costs; others look to legacy, 2012

(Newser) - With Hillary Clinton’s campaign down to its last moves, her advisers are duking it out over how negative the candidate should go, MSNBC reports. Pollster Mark Penn wants to go ahead full throttle, while communications director Howard Wolfson and ad guru Mandy Grunwald are concerned that Hillary might damage...

Obama, Clinton Skip Courtesies
Obama, Clinton Skip Courtesies

Obama, Clinton Skip Courtesies

Congratulations are out, while stepping on toes is in for 2008

(Newser) - Perhaps the super-long primary season has made candidates forgetful, but the Democrats were not at their most courteous last night, as Hillary Clinton failed to congratulate Barack Obama on his Wisconsin victory, and Obama took the stage in Texas while Clinton was still speaking in Ohio. No rules govern either...

Anti-Obama Asians Accused of Racism
Anti-Obama Asians Accused of Racism

Anti-Obama Asians Accused of Racism

They vastly prefer Clinton, but bigotry charge sparks outrage

(Newser) - Barack Obama's low support among Asian-Americans is sparking cries of racism, Time reports. "On a gut level my reaction is that at least some Asian-Americans are uncomfortable voting for a black candidate," one analyst said. But some Asians resent the charge: A recent CNN show on the topic...

Hillary Coalition Collapses as Barack Lures Working Class

He wins white men 3-2 in Wisconsin

(Newser) - Barack Obama's 17-point victory in Wisconsin contains a major warning for Hillary Clinton: not only did the Illinois senator win among his usual coalition of well-educated, young and black voters, but he also captured the vote of the working class, particularly men. The "durable coalition" that Clinton strategist Mark...

Barack Sweeps Hawaii
Barack Sweeps Hawaii

Barack Sweeps Hawaii

Obama chalks up 10th win in a row after record turnout

(Newser) - Barack Obama made it a clean sweep yesterday when he nailed a big victory in Hawaii on top of Wisconsin, tallying ten wins in a row, AP reports. Voters turned out in record numbers for the state's Democratic caucuses and early returns show that more than three-quarters of them favored...

Obama Takes 9th Straight
Obama Takes 9th Straight

Obama Takes 9th Straight

He defeats Clinton in Wisconsin to keep his momentum on pace

(Newser) - Barack Obama won the Wisconsin primary tonight to continue his impressive streak over Hillary Clinton, NBC reports. Obama has now won nine consecutive political contests, and early results suggest he's going to win his native Hawaii too. In Wisconsin, he led 56% to 43% with nearly all results in, and...

Pointing Toward March 4, Dems Think Small

Clinton cranks up Vt. effort as Ben & Jerry warm to Obama

(Newser) - With the days when 23 delegates were no big deal a distant memory, Hillary Clinton isn't conceding Vermont to Barack Obama, the Burlington Free Press reports. She has sent three staffers to open a field office in a state where her opponent has seven paid workers, four offices, and the...

10 Key Factors in Wisconsin Vote
10 Key Factors in Wisconsin Vote

10 Key Factors in Wisconsin Vote

Here's what may tip the results either candidate's way

(Newser) - With Wisconsin voting winding down, "it's anybody’s state,” says Slate’s Chadwick Maltin. Here are five reasons Clinton could win. (Obama's follow):
  1. The demographics are perfect: 90% are white, and most are lower-income moderates.
  2. Polls here are seesawing, and they’re due to swing in Hillary’s

Turn On, Tune In, Cop Out
Turn On,
Tune In,
Cop Out

Turn On, Tune In, Cop Out

Obama embodies paradox of candidates who did inhale

(Newser) - The days when drug use could derail a Supreme Court nomination or make a hairsplitting presidential candidate look ridiculous are long gone, Hendrik Hertzberg writes in the New Yorker, and Barack Obama has broken yet another barrier: He is apparently "marginally less of a pothead than he has made...

Foes 'Question Our Blackness,' Clintonites Say

Unanticipated Obama surge puts heat on high-profile supporters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s African-American supporters may once have thought they were making the safe choice, but now that the black community is rallying behind Barack Obama, her boosters' instincts and loyalty are being questioned, the Washington Post reports. The heat is so high that 25 senior boosters had a conference...

How Obama Is Like a Dot-Com
How Obama Is Like a Dot-Com

How Obama Is Like a Dot-Com

Politics of hope are a bubble waiting to burst

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be generating excitement across America, but so did tech stocks during the late-'90s bubble, writes Der Spiegel’s Gabor Steingart. "The rhetoric all sounds strangely familiar," he warns, comparing Obama’s campaign to that absurd era in the market’s history. Just as the bubble...

Hawaii Expects Record Turnout
Hawaii Expects Record Turnout

Hawaii Expects Record Turnout

Obama's sis stumps for native son; Chelsea campaigns for mom

(Newser) - It's caucus day in the Aloha state, and Hawaiian election officials are expecting a record turnout, writes the Honolulu Advertiser—due in part to interest in native son Barack Obama, as well as the competitiveness of the race for the nomination. Neither candidate left wintry Wisconsin, which also votes today,...

Clinton Camp Calls Obama Plagiarist
Clinton Camp Calls Obama Plagiarist

Clinton Camp Calls Obama Plagiarist

He says same of her, but admits he 'should have' credited lines

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton accused Barack Obama of plagiarism today over a speech he gave two nights ago, the Swamp blog reports. Obama retaliated by hitting Hillary with five instances of her robbing his words, including "Yes, we can" and "Bring this country together." But the Illinois senator later...

Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.
Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.

Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.

Primary shapes up as test of momentum

(Newser) - Tomorrow's primary in Wisconsin won’t decide the Democratic nomination, but Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are fighting tooth and nail anyway, Politico reports, airing their first negative ads of the campaign and taking shots at each other through aides. At stake is momentum: Obama doesn’t want to break...

The RNC's Anti-Obama Plan
The RNC's Anti-Obama Plan

The RNC's Anti-Obama Plan

The message for GOP victory this fall

(Newser) - At this weekend’s RNC winter retreat, “lowbrow” Hillary Clinton jokes were plentiful, Politico reports, but her opponent got more attention. Said one California Congressman, “a President Hillary doesn’t scare me nearly as much as a President Obama.” The PowerPoint breakdown:
  • Can you picture Obama as

Obama Makes Inroads in Ohio, Texas
Obama Makes Inroads in
Ohio, Texas

Obama Makes Inroads in Ohio, Texas

Youth focus boosts effort to sway Latino, blue-collar voters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's staunchest allies include Hispanic and working-class voters, and those are exactly the assets Barack Obama is targeting in the must-win states of Ohio and Texas, the Los Angeles Times reports. He's using young voters as a wedge: In a radio ad aimed at young Latino Texans, the announcer...

Obama Quietly Courts Edwards
Obama Quietly Courts Edwards

Obama Quietly Courts Edwards

Meets with Edwards, seeks endorsement

(Newser) - Democratic contender Barack Obama secretly visited former campaign rival John Edwards yesterday, seeking his endorsement, according to the Chicago Tribune. The media usually travels everywhere with Obama, but he managed to shake his entourage in Chicago on a day when his campaign said all events were canceled because of bad...

Bush Pushes Abstinence in AIDS Program

In Tanzania, president prods Congress to renew global aid pact

(Newser) - President Bush urged Congress today to “stop squabbling” and renew his global AIDS program, which provides medication and treatment for millions and earmarks funds for abstinence efforts. In Tanzania, his African tour’s second stop, Bush signed a $700 million aid package, saying, “We don’t want people...

Clinton, Obama Bicker About How to Count Superdelegates

He says obey voter will; she wants autonomy

(Newser) - As superdelegates appear ever more likely to play a deciding role in the Dems' hotly contested primary battle, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are pushing very different visions of how they should decide how to vote, the Washington Post reports. Obama wants them to follow the will of voters in...

Dems Take Aim at Big Business
Dems Take Aim at Big Business

Dems Take Aim at Big Business

Obama and Clinton turn up the heat heading into Wisconsin, Ohio primaries

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, heading into primaries in states struggling with joblessness and the mortgage crisis, are sharpening their attacks on big business, the Wall Street Journal reports. Both are lambasting oil companies, corporate tax cuts, and health insurers. Tuesday’s Wisconsin primary will be a test of which...

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