Barack Obama

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Clinton Loses Right-Wing Media Allies

As senator looks to her left, conservative bedfellows are bailing

(Newser) - The conservative press, once a surprising ally for Hillary Clinton, is turning out to be about as loyal as the Democratic senator should have expected, Politico writes. Though long reviled by the far-right masses, Clinton once had the carefully cultivated respect of some rightish media players like Rupert Murdoch and...

McCain, Obama Clash Over Campaign Funds

McCain puts Obama's public funding pledge in the spotlight

(Newser) - John McCain is baiting Barack Obama over campaign finance, the New York Times reports. Obama pledged last February that he would accept public financing—which comes with spending limits—if he became the Democratic nominee and his Republican opponent did likewise. He hasn't recommitted and GOP front-runner McCain is wondering...

SEIU Machine Lines Up Behind Obama
SEIU Machine Lines Up Behind Obama

SEIU Machine Lines Up Behind Obama

Senator was 'right person at the right time' for influential union

(Newser) - The Service Employees International Union cast its lot with Democrat Barack Obama today, the New York Times reports. "We have an enormous amount of respect for Senator Clinton, but it's now become clear members and leaders want to become part of an effort to elect Barack Obama the next...

Candidates Run the Gamut on Earmarks

Clinton in top 10; Obama near bottom; McCain has none

(Newser) - This year’s presidential frontrunners represent a wide array of stances on congressional earmarking—a term for garnering funds for home-state pork, reports the Washington Post. Hillary Clinton is one of the Senate’s biggest earmark recipients, Barack Obama is in the bottom quarter, and John McCain is one of...

Quid Pro Quo: Obama, Clinton Gave $890K to Superdelegates

Donations 'reliable predictor' of vote pattern

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have given $890,000 to campaigns of the 796 superdelegates who could decide the Democratic presidential nomination, a nonpartisan research group says. Such donations “have been a generally reliable predictor of whose side a superdelegate will take,” the report notes. Obama's PAC has...

Meet Obama's Karl Rove
Meet Obama's Karl Rove

Meet Obama's Karl Rove

Axelrod is the brain behind the senator's campaign

(Newser) - Even as Hillary Clinton shakes up her campaign staff, Barack Obama’s top adviser enjoys the standing of a man who, one political observer says, “ain’t going to be fired.” David Axelrod is Obama’s version of Karl Rove, the LA Times reports in a profile of...

Dems Tread Similar Paths on Economy
Dems Tread Similar Paths
on Economy

Dems Tread Similar Paths on Economy

Neither Clinton nor Obama venturing far into populist Edwards territory

(Newser) - With the Ohio and Pennsylvania primaries on the horizon, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are fine-tuning economic visions that have more similarities than differences, reports the Washington Post. Both candidates promise to ease the middle class tax burden while putting pressure on corporations that send jobs overseas, and to protect...

Clinton's Black Allies Defecting
Clinton's Black Allies Defecting

Clinton's Black Allies Defecting

John Lewis may switch vote; another House member already has

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is starting to lose the support of prominent black leaders—and superdelegates— who previously backed her. Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat who carries great influence in Congress, says he's now tilting toward Barack Obama. Another Georgia Democrat, David Scott, already switched, the AP reports. “Something is...

McCain Adviser Will Quit If Obama Is Nominee

McKinnon says he respects Dem too much to attack him

(Newser) - John McCain's chief media adviser will leave the campaign if Barack Obama becomes the Democratic nominee—because he has too much respect for the Illinois senator to go negative against him. “I will be supporting from the sidelines,” Mark McKinnon said when asked yesterday if he’d follow...

Big Biz Takes Stock of Obama
Big Biz Takes Stock of Obama

Big Biz Takes Stock of Obama

Democrat's limited record friendlier than CEOs might think

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s Potomac victories put him into stronger position to claim the Democratic presidential nomination, something business leaders are just wrapping their heads around, Business Week reports. So far, they’re not sure what an Obama administration might mean, but he’s earned kudos from billionaire Warren Buffett, former...

Clinton Leads Obama by Double Digits in Ohio, Pa.

Blue-collared Buckeye State a 'demographic fit' for Hillary

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton leads by wide margins in Ohio and Pennsylvania, two primary states on which her campaign has staked its comeback, according to new polls on the Democratic race. The New Yorker leads Barack Obama in the Buckeye State by 55% to 34% and in Keystone country by 52% to...

Obama Camp Wields Steely Secret Weapon: Mrs. O

Michelle Obama seen as campaign 'closer'

(Newser) - Outspoken and gutsy but sometimes sarcastic and condescending, Barack Obama's wife, Michelle, is playing a central role in his campaign as it builds toward a final showdown. Known as "The Closer" behind the scenes, the 44-year-old Harvard-educated lawyer puts steel into the campaign while Obama stays above the fray,...

Obama Delegate Lead Dicey for Clinton

Unlikely to catch up, she'll push for Fla., Mich. delegates

(Newser) - Barack Obama has taken a lead of more than 100 delegates in the race for the Democratic nomination, leaving Hillary Clinton with a deficit she's not likely to make up unless she wins Texas and Ohio with a landslide, the New York Times reports. With dwindling options, aides say she'll...

Politics More Than Plot Twist for Roth

Author talks about the old character in his new book—and lays into Bush

(Newser) - Never afraid to find narrative fodder in real life, Philip Roth used the 2004 presidential elections as backdrop for his latest novel, Exit Ghost. The Pulitzer winner expounded on his politics in a lengthy interview with Der Spiegel, admitting he's a fan of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and calling...

Obama Debuts $210B Jobs Plan
Obama Debuts $210B Jobs Plan

Obama Debuts $210B Jobs Plan

Democrat proposes $150B for environmental, $60B for infrastructure jobs

(Newser) - Democrat Barack Obama today laid out a $210 billion plan to create 2 million environmental and construction jobs over 10 years. “This agenda is paid for,” the Illinois senator said at a General Motors plant in Wisconsin, adding that the money would come from ending the Iraq war,...

Hillary's Not a True Test of Gender Bias
Hillary's Not a True Test of Gender Bias

Hillary's Not a True Test of Gender Bias

Dowd: Maybe you want a woman president —but not this woman

(Newser) - Barack Obama's sweep of eight primaries in the past four days has put Hillary Clinton on the ropes, and New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wonders if women will once again come to her aid as they did in New Hampshire. But the "national seminar on gender and race"...

Obama Has the Big Mo— But Can He Be Stopped?

His campaign is claiming a lock on the nomination, but don't count Hillary out yet

(Newser) - With a week of sweeping victories, culminating yesterday in Potomac wins that show him cutting into the heart of Hillary Clinton's base, newly crowned front-runner Barack Obama now has a strong case that the Dems should coalesce around his candidacy, Adam Nagourney writes in the New York Times. He now...

In Sweep, Obama Breaks Into Hillary's Base

Wins among women, whites, Latinos in Virginia

(Newser) - With his wins yesterday in the three Potomac primaries, Barack Obama made stunning inroads into Hillary Clinton's base of support, the Washington Post reports. Obama won a majority of white voters in Virginia and Maryland, and also captured the support of 54% of Latinos, a traditional Clinton stronghold. He dominated...

Obama Sweeps, Takes Lead in Delegates
Obama Sweeps, Takes
Lead in Delegates

Obama Sweeps, Takes Lead in Delegates

He has now won eight straight contests over Clinton

(Newser) - Barack Obama swept the Potomac primaries tonight with easy victories over Hillary Clinton in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC, NBC reports. Obama has now won eight consecutive contests to capture an elusive commodity in this year's race—momentum. He also has an unambiguous lead in delegates for the first time—...

Pundits Ponder Democrats' Next Move
Pundits Ponder Democrats'
Next Move

Pundits Ponder Democrats' Next Move

Second thoughts abound as potential end game looms

(Newser) - It’s primary day in Maryland, Virginia, and DC, and opinions vary on which Democratic hopeful truly holds the lead. Here are four outlooks:
  • Barack Obama is surging past Hillary Clinton in this month's races, but their "long and increasingly bitter struggle" may hurt the party's chances in November,

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