Barack Obama

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Va. Offers Democrats 2 Possible VPs
Va. Offers Democrats 2 Possible VPs

Va. Offers Democrats 2 Possible VPs

If 'dream ticket' doesn't materialize, Kaine, Webb are rising stars

(Newser) - Amid talk of an Obama-Clinton or Clinton-Obama dream ticket, Democrats may want to look around before leaving Virginia tonight—the state is home to not one but two viable vice presidential contenders, Politico reports. Obama has already short-listed Gov. Tim Kaine, a campaign co-chair who shares the senator's bipartisan charisma....

Obama Edges McCain in New Poll
Obama Edges McCain in
New Poll

Obama Edges McCain in New Poll

Contest held today would be tight; Clinton ties with GOP leader

(Newser) - It would be close, but Barack Obama would beat John McCain if the presidential election were held today, an AP-Ipsos poll shows. A McCain-Hillary Clinton contest would come out nearly even. The numbers highlight the deep divide between Obama and Clinton supporters, with roughly a third of each saying they'd...

Harsh Reality: Clinton May Lose
Harsh Reality: Clinton May Lose

Harsh Reality: Clinton May Lose

Backers nervous as she heads into must-win situation in Texas and Ohio

(Newser) - With a string of losses swinging momentum away, Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff and supporters are slowly realizing she could actually lose. “She has to win both Ohio and Texas comfortably, or she’s out,” a superdelegate supporting the onetime frontrunner told the New York Times. Other superdelegates...

Young Evangelicals Shifting Left
Young Evangelicals Shifting Left

Young Evangelicals Shifting Left

Many are dropping hot-button issues to take on media and Internet porn

(Newser) - Young evangelicals are dropping hot-button GOP issues like abortion and gay marriage to embrace less controversial causes, a new survey says. Internet porn, liberal media, and AIDS orphans now top their political hot list, and many young evangelicals who still rank abortion as number one also pick Barack Obama—a...

Ex-Rivals Vie For Edwards' Backing
Ex-Rivals Vie For Edwards' Backing

Ex-Rivals Vie For Edwards' Backing

Hesitation may indicate problem for Obama: blogger

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are chasing John Edwards' endorsement, and Obama should be worried by their ex-rival's cold feet, Washington Post blogger Dan Balz writes. Edwards may seem a good fit for the change candidate, and the two often teamed up against Clinton on the campaign trail, but "...

Obama Draws on the Audacity of Mom
Obama Draws on the Audacity of Mom

Obama Draws on the Audacity of Mom

Kansas-born Ann Dunham worked to uplift the poor in the world's most fractured places

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s mother is sometimes described just as “a white woman from Kansas,” but Ann Dunham possessed an indomitable spirit and fierce open-mindedness that profoundly shaped her son. Dunham was a single mom and social activist who worked in Indonesia and Pakistan, and consulted for the World...

Clinton Clings to Lead in Superdelegates

Democrats trade words about process; AP tallies votes

(Newser) - Even after Barack Obama's weekend primary victories, he and Hillary Clinton are neck-and-neck in the delegate race thanks to her lead among superdelegates. By the AP's count, Clinton has won endorsements from 243 of the 796 party officials and insiders who vote at the convention for the candidate of their...

Clinton Battles for Vital Va. Win
Clinton Battles for Vital Va. Win

Clinton Battles for Vital Va. Win

Senator targets strongholds: Latinos, federal workers, rural southwest

(Newser) - Super Tuesday was supposed to decide the Democratic nomination, but tomorrow's Chesapeake primary might be what pushes Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton over the top, reports Politico. And with Obama all but assured victories in DC and Maryland, Clinton is waging a critical battle for Virginia, where her rival holds...

Conservatives Warm to McCain
Conservatives Warm to McCain

Conservatives Warm to McCain

Leaders aren't crazy about his politics, but they like his chances to win White House

(Newser) - Conservative leaders have a bracing message for voters leery of John McCain: he can win in November. Politico interviews with more than a dozen over this weekend's conservative powow in DC finds them approving of McCain's distance from Bush, which they see winning over voters who want change. “The...

Winehouse Sweeps Grammys
Winehouse Sweeps Grammys

Winehouse Sweeps Grammys

Herbie Hancock in surprise win for best album

(Newser) - Troubled Brit Amy Winehouse was the big winner at last night's Grammys, taking five awards for her album Rehab and beaming in to perform via satellite from Britain, where she's in rehab. The upset of the night was 67-year-old Herbie Hancock's win for best album.

Obama Keeps Rolling in Maine
Obama Keeps Rolling in Maine

Obama Keeps Rolling in Maine

Voter turnout high in caucuses despite bitter cold and 8 inches of snow

(Newser) - Barack Obama continued his weekend sweep by winning the Maine caucuses today, MSNBC projects. Glacial temperatures and 8 inches of snow didn't stop lineups from forming across the state, where one Obama backer called him "a once-in-a-generation leader." Obama currently leads Hillary Clinton by 57% to 42% with...

Bush, Too, Says Obama Lacks Experience

GOP starts attack on hopeful's 'thin record'; Obama strikes back

(Newser) - President George Bush reacted to Barack Obama's roll at the polls yesterday by blasting the Dem hopeful on Fox this morning. “I certainly don't know what he believes in,” Bush said. “The only foreign policy thing I remember he said was he's going to attack Pakistan and...

Super Delegate Situation a Tangled Thicket

796 insiders must walk line between public's wish, party allegiances

(Newser) - Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have long been courting superdelegates—the 796 Democratic insiders whose votes are becoming ever more critical to their party's nomination—but the situation is rife with potential pitfalls, explains the Washington Post. The idea that the votes of everyday Democrats may not end up...

Barack Battle Strategy Snares Delegate Bonus

Strategy to capitalize on mid-sized states likely to pay off come March

(Newser) - With three monster victories yesterday, Barack Obama could be poised to extend his pledged, "locked-in" delegate lead over Hillary Clinton before March 4 brings contests in Ohio and Texas. The gain is a feather in the cap of the Illinois senator's strategists, who had been doubted for aiming so...

Huckabee Wins Louisiana, McCain Takes Washington

Victories upset blow to McCain

(Newser) - GOP presidential contender Mike Huckabee topped off his win at the Kansas Caucuses yesterday with another surprise upset in the Louisiana primary, edging out frontrunner John McCain 43% to 42%. With  87% of precincts in the Washington caucus reporting, McCain leads 26% to Huckabee's 24%, and AP has called the...

Obama Dominates All 4 Races
Obama Dominates All 4 Races

Obama Dominates All 4 Races

Dem hopeful tops Clinton in Wash., Nebraska, Louisiana, Virgin Islands

(Newser) - Barack Obama swept all four primaries and caucuses tonight and nabbed the winner's share of the 161 Democratic delegates up for grabs, the New York Times reports. He won roughly two-thirds of Washington and Nebraska votes to Hillary Clinton's one-third, and snagged racially divided Louisiana by more than 10 points,...

Blue-Collar Voters Not Sold on Obama

College grads prefer him by 20%; working class goes for Clinton

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s camp has spotted Hillary Clinton’s edge among working class voters, the Chicago Tribune reports. A recent Obama campaign memo said he expects to lose in states where collars are more blue than white. And numbers support the Dem divide: Workers picked Hillary over Obama by 60%...

Dems Look for an Edge in 3 State Votes Today

Clinton, Obama compete in Washington, Louisiana, Nebraska

(Newser) - It's not quite Super Tuesday, but Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will be competing for votes in three states today. More than 150 delegates are at stake in Louisiana's primary and in caucuses in Washington state, Nebraska, and the Virgin Islands. Both candidates are also campaigning aggressively in Maine, which...

Clinton: No Nomination, No Tax Returns

Obama campaign blasts Hillary as not 'fully vetted'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign said yesterday that it will not release the Democratic candidate’s tax returns unless she wins the party’s nod, the Swamp reports. Obama’s campaign attacked Clinton for the move. "Why should Democratic voters have to wait until after the primary campaign is over...

Dems in Florida, Michigan Could Get a Re-Vote

With Obama and Clinton in a virtual tie, the party is considering a do-over

(Newser) - Michigan and Florida Democrats—stripped of delegates to the national convention when the states moved their primaries ahead of Super Tuesday—could get another shot at helping select the candidate, the Wall Street Journal reports. With Hillary Clinton and Obama in a dead heat, pressure is mounting on the states...

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