Barack Obama

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Clinton Scores Mass. Surprise
Clinton Scores Mass. Surprise

Clinton Scores Mass. Surprise

Kennedy, Kerry endorsements can't help Obama overcome ad blitz

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton topped Barack Obama in the Massachusetts primary today, overcoming his fervent endorsements by Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, MSNBC reports. Clinton did benefit from backing by state lawmakers like the senate president, Therese Murray, who implied Clinton lost the big endorsements because she is a woman, the AP...

Obama Wins Easily in Georgia
Wins Easily
in Georgia

Obama Wins Easily in Georgia

He gets 86% of blacks, 43% of whites; GOP too close to call

(Newser) - Barack Obama easily won the Georgia primary today on a wave of strong black support and stronger-than-expected white support, NBC reports. Georgia is the first of 20-plus states to be called for Democrats on Super Tuesday. Exit polls gave Obama 86% of the black vote and 43% of the white...

Emotion Trumps Reason in Super Tuesday Voting

Hopefuls are triggering anxiety, hope to gain voters

(Newser) - Voters go with their gut in the ballot booth—this researchers know—but Super Tuesday is an acute study in heart over mind, Newsweek reports. With no party loyalty at stake and the Democrats' policies so alike, emotion rules: Barack Obama is trying to rouse voters with hope, while Hillary...

Eight Questions Super Tuesday Might Answer

What Super Tuesday may settle

(Newser) - The Washington Post runs down the major lessons to be learned fro Super Duper Tuesday:
  • Will either race end? The GOP candidate will almost definitely be decided; the Democratic nominee won't.
  • How do we score victories? The GOP has winner-take-all primaries; the Democrats will debate delegate count, popular vote, and

Invigorating, Unprecedented, Unforgettable
Invigorating, Unprecedented, Unforgettable

Invigorating, Unprecedented, Unforgettable

Analogies fail; there's never been an election like this one

(Newser) - Commentators have cast about for historical precedents for the 2008 race—Carter v. Ford in 1976, Hayes v. Tilden in 1876—but for the editor of Guardian America, the truth is simpler: There has never been an election like this one. As 24 states go to the polls, Michael Tomasky...

Candidates Plunge Into Tsunami
Candidates Plunge Into Tsunami

Candidates Plunge Into Tsunami

Where the four frontrunners stand today

(Newser) - On the biggest primary voting day in American history, the Times offers snapshots of the four major campaigns:
  • Hillary Clinton is uneasy with the crucial tool of talking about herself and performs far better on small stages than on big ones.
  • Mitt Romney has finally settled on a pitch as

Clinton: In my White House, I'll Wear the Pantsuits

Hoarse hopeful banters with Letterman on Super Tuesday eve

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton showed off her lighter side in a Super Tuesday eve appearance on David Letterman, joking to the talk-show host that in her White House, "we'll know who wears the pantsuits." Clinton said she was hoarse from rooting for the Giants in a Minneapolis sports bar, and...

Super Delegates Will Crown Dem Nominee
Super Delegates Will Crown
Dem Nominee

Super Delegates Will Crown Dem Nominee

Blogger runs math, fears party choice will 'lack legitimacy'

(Newser) - So-called super delegates will end up crowning the Democratic presidential nominee, Open Left’s Chris Bowers blogs. Even if Hillary Clinton wins a whopping 937 delegates to Barack Obama’s 862 on Super Tuesday, she would have to score 76% of the rest to win the nod. That's where 796...

Hillary's Health Plan Covers 22 Million More
Hillary's Health Plan Covers 22 Million More

Hillary's Health Plan Covers 22 Million More

Her mandated policy trumps Obama's, NYT 's Paul Krugman writes

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have health plans that sound similar but are vastly different in effect, the New York Times' Paul Krugman writes. Obama wants to make coverage affordable in the hope that Americans will sign up—a change that seems unlikely considering current coverage patterns. But Hillary's plan...

Hillary Keeps Quiet About Corporate Years

Hopeful heralds her non-profit work over high-paying gigs

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton trumpets her non-profit work on the campaign trail rather than the 15 years she spent representing big companies for a corporate law firm, McClatchy Newspapers reports. She did do much public service work in Little Rock, but also sat on corporate boards (like Wal-Mart's) and battled disgruntled workers...

Candidates Dress to Impress
Candidates Dress to Impress

Candidates Dress to Impress

The road to the White House runs through Barneys—or is it Eddie Bauer?

(Newser) - Maybe it’s the woman in the mix, maybe it’s "Project Runway," but clothing matters more than ever on the campaign trail, and fashion mavens are vocal about what candidates’ duds indicate. Barack Obama is particularly dapper, but his Windsor knots and tailoring may be too much,...

Candidates Play the Name Game
Play the
Name Game

Candidates Play the Name Game

Obama's best selling point: He's neither a Bush nor a Clinton

(Newser) - With “little substantive to separate them,” Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton nevertheless present radically different choices, argues US-based Guardian columnist Gary Younge. He contrasts Obama's fresh blood against "the sclerosis in America's political class," heaping scorn on President Bush’s “cronyism, sleaze, dysfunction and incompetence”...

Obama Momentum Opens Lead in California: Poll

Mitt boost in jackpot state may slow McCain

(Newser) - Barack Obama is pulling out in front of Hillary Clinton in Missouri and California the day before all-important Super Tuesday, according to the latest Reuters/C-Span/Zogby poll. GOP contender John McCain is well ahead of Mitt Romney in New York and New Jersey, but Romney has boosted his lead in California,...

Maria Shriver Backs Obama
Maria Shriver Backs Obama

Maria Shriver Backs Obama

Says if he were a state he'd be California

(Newser) - Another member of the Kennedy clan, California's First Lady Maria Shriver, made a shock endorsement of Barack Obama yesterday, three days after husband Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed Republican John McCain. Shriver's announcement electrified Obama supporters at a UCLA rally where Oprah, singer Stevie Wonder and Shriver's cousin Caroline Kennedy appeared, reports...

Obama and JFK: A Third Way
Obama and JFK: A Third Way

Obama and JFK: A Third Way

Can gift for oratory enable bring about change without partisan trench warfare?

(Newser) - On the now familiar territory of JFK-Obama comparisons, Obama shares Kennedy's weaknesses more than his strengths, Frank Rich points out in the New York Times.  Kennedy, too, was judged too glib and inexperienced, a purveyor of mere pretty words. But the dichotomy between Obama's inspirational speech and  Hilary Clinton's...

Dream Team? Dream On: Dowd
Dream Team? Dream On: Dowd

Dream Team? Dream On: Dowd

NYT's Dowd says candidates deserve Oscars for acting chummy at debate

(Newser) - Think you saw the beginning of a beautiful Dream Team friendship at the last Democratic debate? Think again, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd says: Hillary Clinton has no more desire to be Barack's running mate than he does hers. Why would Hillary want to play second fiddle to a...

Clinton, Obama Neck-and-Neck in National Poll

With Rudy out, McCain clear-cut GOP favorite; Edwards' effect unclear

(Newser) - As the race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama continues to tighten, GOP candidate John McCain is enjoying more overwhelming support than ever, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News national poll. Clinton's 47%-43% lead over Obama falls within the poll's margin of error, with no clear sign of who...

Paul, Obama Score Highest in MTV Debate

Huckabee and Clinton win fewest youth votes in 'instant' polling

(Newser) - Four White House hopefuls were beamed in to MTV's "Closing Arguments" debate in New York tonight and one took first place in "instant" polling: Ron Paul. His stand for friendly foreign relations won over 73% of those polled, and roughly half promised him their vote. Barack Obama fared...

Obama's Style Shift Working for Voters

Dem buttons shirt, dons necktie to convey authority

(Newser) - It’s no wardrobe malfunction: Barack Obama has ditched his trademark casual look for buttoned-up Washington style, Politico reports. As Hillary Clinton carped about his lack of experience, the Illinois senator began donning suits and ties. Aides shrug off the switch, saying it was prompted by weather, but political consultants...

Google for Barack, Microsoft for Hillary

Obama leads Silicon Valley donations; Seattle giant's workers skew toward Clinton

(Newser) - Barack Obama leads presidential hopefuls in Silicon Valley donations, but Hillary is tops among Microsoft employees, Reuters reports. Residents of the valley that Google, Yahoo, and Apple call home are interested in change, one analyst said: "It is absolutely the case that Obama is seen as different, and therefore...

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