Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 5721 - 5740 | << Prev   Next >>

Candidates Are Stumping Like It's November

Republicans head south, Clinton west; Obama's in 3 states

(Newser) - Hopefuls from both parties are stumping today as if the election were in 3 days instead of Super Tuesday, the New York Times reports. GOP candidates are swinging through the South while Clinton heads west and Obama jumps from state to state. “This is the most consequential election in...

Obama Fights for Latino Vote
Obama Fights for Latino Vote

Obama Fights for Latino Vote

Deploys innovative, high-risk strategies in face of Clinton's entrenched ties

(Newser) - The Barack Obama campaign is at work in places like Greeley, Colorado, and Las Cruces, New Mexico, trying to break Hillary Clinton's hold on the crucial Latino vote. Obama strategists have taken an unusual tack: focusing on areas outside major cities where campaigns rarely stray, a wager that they can...

Kennedy's Hot on the Stump for Obama

Legendary lion thrills to campaign, is surprise hit with MTV generation

(Newser) - When Ted Kennedy endorses you, he doesn't just phone it in: The 75-year-old Massachusetts senator is seriously stumping for Barack Obama—and taking the Southwest by storm. Since backing Obama in a fiery speech on Monday, Kennedy has tried out his Spanish in Santa Fe and sung on an LA...

Prez Hopefuls Get Their MTV
Prez Hopefuls Get Their MTV

Prez Hopefuls Get Their MTV

Candidates to face young voters in MTV/Myspace 'Super Dialogue'

(Newser) - Voters hoping to get a question in to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul before Super Tuesday will get their chance tonight when the candidates appear via satellite on an MTV/Myspace forum. John McCain and Mitt Romney were also invited to the event, the fourth in the...

Oprah's Back on Campaign Trail
Oprah's Back on Campaign Trail

Oprah's Back on Campaign Trail

Talk show star to give Obama's California campaign a boost

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey is getting back on the campaign trail, reports the New York Times. Insiders say she will join Barack Obama's wife Michelle and Caroline Kennedy at a rally in Los Angeles tomorrow, aiming to sway women voters Obama's way before Tuesday's crucial vote. Oprah's credited with having helped boost...

The Early Word on VP Hopefuls
The Early Word on VP Hopefuls

The Early Word on VP Hopefuls

Blogger handicaps chances on both tickets

(Newser) - With the presidential race down to four major candidates, Washington Post blogger Chris Cillizza turns his prognosticating to the second lines on the November ballot. Who’s in the running to be VP:
  • McCain: Mike Huckabee’s a short-list shoo-in, social conservative Tim Pawlenty and McCain go way back, and

Sizing Up the Seismic Shifts
Sizing Up the Seismic Shifts

Sizing Up the Seismic Shifts

Journal 's Peggy Noonan calls this year's races confounding and exciting

(Newser) - Like politics? If so, "you are waking up each morning with a spring in your step" because of this year's political hayride, Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal. The conservative essayist sizes up the shifts—Democrats rebelling against the Clintons; Republicans thumbing their noses at conservative leadership—...

LA Times Picks: Obama, McCain
LA Times Picks: Obama, McCain

LA Times Picks: Obama, McCain

Calls Obama 'an inspiring candidate,' McCain 'genuine'

(Newser) - The Los Angeles Times today endorsed Barack Obama and, with some qualifications, John McCain, in party nominations. While either Democratic hopeful “would make a strong nominee,” it wasn’t hard to pick the one “most focused on steering the nation toward constructive change,” it writes. “...

MoveOn, 2 Top Unions Tap Obama
2 Top Unions
Tap Obama

MoveOn, 2 Top Unions Tap Obama

Calif. service workers, NY transit employees had endorsed Edwards

(Newser) - Barack Obama scored three major endorsements today, winning the support of the liberal activist group MoveOn and two influential unions that had backed John Edwards. MoveOn’s members voted for Obama over Hillary Clinton, 70.4% to 29.6%. The candidate crowed that the group has “demonstrated that real...

Focus on Youth Benefits Obama
Focus on Youth Benefits Obama

Focus on Youth Benefits Obama

Campaign makes young people a priority, using net to organize

(Newser) - The youth vote is back, and that’s a very good thing for Barack Obama. Young people are voting in numbers not seen in decades, and they prefer Obama by an astounding margin. In Iowa, under-25 turnout was up 135%, and those voters favored Obama 4 to 1. And the...

Clinton, Obama Go One-on-One
Clinton, Obama Go One-on-One

Clinton, Obama Go One-on-One

They strike cordial tone but seek an edge on wide range of issues

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama squared off in a cordial but substantive debate tonight, their first one-on-one forum of the campaign, the AP reports. "One of us two will be the next president of the United States," said Obama, who later added that the nation needs a president...

Post Slams Hillary in Backing Obama
Post Slams
Hillary in Backing Obama

Post Slams Hillary in Backing Obama

Murdoch tabloid rails against 'Clinton co-presidency'

(Newser) - The New York Post today endorsed Barack Obama in Tuesday's Democratic primary, but devoted most of its space to railing against “the opportunistic, scandal-scarred, morally muddled” Clinton couple. Words like “thuggish,” “cynical,” and, of course, “triangulating,” flew in the right-wing tabloid. Only a...

Obama Pulled In $32M in January
Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Meanwhile, McCain makes headway after beginning '08 in debt

(Newser) - Barack Obama has raised $32 million this month, the Washington Post reports—a massive number in such a short span. The Democrat's campaign manager reported 170,000 new donors in January, raising the total number of contributors to 650,000. The best fundraising day was immediately following Hillary Clinton’s...

Dems: Who Can Beat McCain?
Dems: Who Can Beat McCain?

Dems: Who Can Beat McCain?

As GOP rallies round McCain, Hillary must battle Obama and the Clinton negatives

(Newser) - With the presidential race narrowed by yesterday's big defections, David Broder sees a clear favorite in each party. Despite lingering opposition from "unelected conservative ideologues," McCain's got the nod, the payoff for dogged stumping in New Hampshire and huge endorsements heading into the big states. But on the...

Sniping Heats Up as Obama Calls Clinton a 'Step Back'

Invokes White House rerun as negative

(Newser) - He claims he didn't snub her at the State of the Union, but Barack Obama was definitely on offense against Hillary Clinton yesterday, arguing that another Clinton in the White House would be a step backward, AP reports. "I know it is tempting, after another presidency by a man...

Scribe to Papers: Stop Endorsing
Scribe to Papers: Stop Endorsing

Scribe to Papers: Stop Endorsing

Getting behind pair of opposites—ie, Obama and McCain—is 'schizophrenic'

(Newser) - Newspapers should stop endorsing candidates, Philadelphia Daily News blogger Will Bunch writes, because the practice makes editorial pages look disingenuous. Most papers have been stepping up with one nod to a Democrat and another to a Republican, he notes; what could be more ridiculous than supporting Barack Obama and John...

Clinton-Obama Iciness Has a Little History
Clinton-Obama Iciness Has
a Little History

Clinton-Obama Iciness Has a Little History

Hillary's been snubbing Barack for a while now, Dowd writes

(Newser) - Contrary to his claims, Barack Obama did indeed snub his presidential rival Monday, writes the New York Times' Maureen Dowd—who’s not surprised, given the long, untold tale of Clinton coldness to the Illinois senator. It began when friendly Obama, fresh from revealing he might run, was “brushed...

John Edwards Drops White House Bid
John Edwards Drops White
House Bid

John Edwards Drops White House Bid

Departing hopeful: Dems 'will be strong, we will be unified'

(Newser) - John Edwards ended his presidential bid today in front of a Habitat for Humanity site in New Orleans. Edwards reiterated his confidence that "a proud progressive will occupy the White House" in 2008, but “It’s time for me to step aside so that history can blaze its...

Obama Hopes Kansas Roots Will Yield Votes

Red state's blue governor greets hopeful with endorsement

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been hitting the pavement in staunchly Republican Kansas, the Los Angeles Times reports, returning to the town where his maternal grandparents lived during the Great Depression. The Democratic presidential candidate also picked up an endorsement yesterday from Democratic governor Kathleen Sebelius—something that might help the Illinois...

Carter Backs Obama, Almost
Carter Backs Obama, Almost

Carter Backs Obama, Almost

Ex-president won't endorse, but calls senator 'extraordinary and titillating'

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter came tantalizingly close to endorsing Barack Obama in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, calling the Illinois senator's campaign "extraordinary and titillating for me and my family." While he's officially neutral, the former president and Nobel Prize winner heaped praise on Obama, predicting that he...

Stories 5721 - 5740 | << Prev   Next >>