Barack Obama

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Nev. Caucuses Fascinating Next to SC
Nev. Caucuses Fascinating Next to SC

Nev. Caucuses Fascinating Next to SC

Advanced date, knotty demographic make state key for Dems

(Newser) - Just hours before voting begins in Nevada, its newly bumped-up caucuses are more crucial for Democrats than South Carolina's primary, blogs Sasha Abramsky of Mother Jones. Yes, Nevada has powerful unions, but it's more complex than that: outlying areas are conservative and rural, and the state is a third non-white....

Chelsea Hits Road on Mom's Behalf
Chelsea Hits Road on
Mom's Behalf

Chelsea Hits Road on Mom's Behalf

Daughter sheds hard-earned privacy to court Obama constituency

(Newser) - Chelsea Clinton has put aside her quiet life as a Manhattan hedge-fund executive to hit the campaign trail solo in California and Nevada, hoping to bring her mother's message to young voters—the crucial demographic currently enamored of Barack Obama. Chelsea, 27, is pressing the flesh everywhere from sororities to...

McCain, Clinton Lead Polls on Eve of Votes

Candidates hope for edge in SC primary, Nev. caucuses

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and John McCain lead their fields 1 day before important contests in Nevada and South Carolina, Reuters reports. In Nevada, a Reuters/Zogby poll puts Clinton up 42% to 37% over Barack Obama, with John Edwards at 12%. In South Carolina, the poll has John McCain at 29%, ahead...

Rove to GOP: Here's How to Top Dems in '08

Strategist slams Clinton's spending, Obama's inexperience

(Newser) - Karl Rove weighed in yesterday on Republican strategies for the 2008 election, with pointers on how to slam Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the Hill reports. President Bush's former guru took shots at Clinton's "$800 billion in new spending" less than halfway through the campaign, and her wish to...

Judge OKs Vegas Casino Caucuses
Judge OKs Vegas Casino Caucuses

Judge OKs Vegas Casino Caucuses

Clinton supporters' suit dismissed; Obama seen as beneficiary

(Newser) - A federal judge today dismissed an effort by Hillary Clinton supporters to block Saturday caucuses for Las Vegas Strip shift workers, reports the AP. The lawsuit claimed the at-large precincts created for the workplace caucuses gave those voters too many delegates. The decision is expected to benefit Barack Obama, who...

How They See Obama Overseas
How They See Obama Overseas

How They See Obama Overseas

New Republic scribe dissects what the world thinks of Democratic candidate

(Newser) - It’s not just Americans who are weighing in on Barack Obama’s candidacy: The New Republic’s Antonio Vargas Llosa reads the tea leaves in overseas attitudes towards the potential first black president:
  • The European left is relatively mum, showing “a quiet shame” that mainstream America—often mocked

Kerry Deplores Nevada Lawsuit
Kerry Deplores Nevada Lawsuit

Kerry Deplores Nevada Lawsuit

Ex-candidate condemns attempt to shut down some caucus sites

(Newser) - John Kerry came out swinging today against voter suppression, insisting on Talking Points Memo Cafe that all Democrats reject a lawsuit that would block special caucus sites for Las Vegas Strip workers. The Obama booster didn’t call out the Clinton campaign by name, but said “certain tactics make...

Obama Pastor Faulted for Farrakhan Rave
Obama Pastor
Faulted for
Farrakhan Rave

Obama Pastor Faulted for Farrakhan Rave

Incensed scribe cries racism; candidate deplores same

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s controversial pastor is back in the press—and the blogosphere—this time for praising Louis Farrakhan in an issue of the church's magazine, calling him "an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and his purpose."...

Obama Gains Traction With Dems in Red States

Hillary would have uphill battle where they come from, elected officials say

(Newser) - Barack Obama is better suited than Hillary Clinton to carry red states, say Democratic officeholders in traditionally Republican-friendly locales. It’s no coincidence that Obama recently picked up major endorsements in Arizona, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Dakota, Politico reports. Democrats who’ve overcome partisan odds say they think Obama’s...

Obama Cools Race Rhetoric, Praises Hillary

Clinton says MLK dispute doesn't show 'what is in our hearts'

(Newser) - Troubled by the "tenor of the campaign," Barack Obama cooled off the recent race row with Hillary Clinton and praised her for being "on the right side of civil rights issues," the Swamp reports. But he added that her recent comments on Martin Luther King, Jr....

Hillary Praises MLK, Gets Tepid Response

Hopeful rouses little excitement at event honoring King

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton faced a smattering of applause, scattered boos, and a few walkouts at a Martin Luther King, Jr. event in New York today, ABC reports. "Each of us, no matter who we are and where we started from, is a beneficiary of Dr. King," she told the...

Dems Spar Over Suit to Block Vegas Voters

Clinton-friendly union objects to caucuses for Obama supporters

(Newser) - Barack Obama is among those who aren't happy about the Nevada lawsuit challenging at-large caucuses set up to enable Las Vegas Strip shift workers to vote Saturday. Obama pointed the finger at Hillary Clinton's campaign for challenging the rules only after the Culinary Workers Union endorsed him. "The rules...

Dems Tussle for 'Super Delegates'
Dems Tussle
for 'Super Delegates'

Dems Tussle for 'Super Delegates'

Convention-goers not bound by state voting are the gold standard

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama go neck-and-neck through February 5, "super delegates" may decide the Democratic nominee, reports the LA Times. The goal is 2,025—the number of convention delegates needed to secure the nomination—but the grail is the 796 elected officials who are free to...

Clinton, Obama Camps Throw Elbows on Race

Issue of drugs emerges in SC

(Newser) - The racially charged crossfire between the Clinton and Obama camps continued today, as Bill Clinton said on a radio show he had a "a list of 80 attacks" from the Illinois senator on his wife. Clinton had been asked to respond to a remark made by  BET founder Robert...

McCain Now National GOP Favorite: Poll

Clinton still leads Dems, but Obama doubles 'electability'

(Newser) - A new nationwide poll shows seismic shifts in the standings of presidential hopefuls in the last month, with John McCain, earlier counted out with just 7% support, now leading the GOP race at 33%. The New York Times/CBS poll has Mike Huckabee trailing with 18%, and Rudy Giuliani with 10%....

Clinton Strikes Back Over MLK
Clinton Strikes Back Over MLK

Clinton Strikes Back Over MLK

Obama retaliates, calls criticisms 'flat-out wrong'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton struck back today in an increasingly aggressive debate over race and war in the Democratic primary contest, Politico reports. On "Meet the Press," Clinton interrupted Tim Russert's questions as she accused Obama of "deliberately distorting her comments" about Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Obama's campaign...

Clinton/Obama Question Splits Labor Unions

Dems worry base too bitterly divided to unite behind single nominee

(Newser) - Labor unions are the foundation of any Democratic campaign, but that foundation in the '08 race remains clearly split between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the LA Times reports. Both have fervent support among different unions, and tension within the party is running high, raising fears that the base won't...

Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith
Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith

Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith

Dem puts religion over race in primary strategy

(Newser) - Barack Obama is putting religion over race in the Palmetto State, where almost half of Democratic voters are black—a strategy that has worked for President Bush twice, Politico reports. As in Iowa, Obama has held faith forums throughout the state and even stumped in conservative, white churches. Some sneered...

McCain Ties Hillary, Obama Nationally: Poll

Clinton scores highest 'definitely vote for' score; Romney comes in last

(Newser) - Fresh from his New Hampshire primary win, John McCain scored highest today among Republicans against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in theoretical head-to-head general election match-ups, according to a CNN poll. McCain drew 48% to Clinton's 50% and Obama's 49% in the survey, putting the three hopefuls in statistical dead...

Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap
Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap

Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap

Bill goes on Sharpton's show, explains 'fairy tale' remark

(Newser) - Bill Clinton was in damage control mode yesterday, going on Al Sharpton’s radio show to clear the air over remarks that some have called racially insensitive. Clinton offended by calling Obama’s campaign a “fairy tale,” but Bill says he was referring to Obama’s statements on...

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