Barack Obama

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Why Edwards Still Matters
Why Edwards Still Matters

Why Edwards Still Matters

Barring a miracle, he won't be nominated, but could be huge as spoiler

(Newser) - He may have lost Iowa and New Hampshire, but don’t forget about John Edwards just yet, even if he’s not going to win the nomination, writes the Washington Post’s Dan Balz. Trumped by the celebrity and fundraising might of Clinton and Obama, Edwards will likely have to...

Invoking King May Backfire for Clinton in SC

Influential congressman reconsiders neutral stance in primary

(Newser) - The highest-ranking African American in Congress, Rep. Jim Clyburn, is reconsidering his neutrality in South Carolina’s Democratic primary after comments by Hillary Clinton he perceived as “denigrating” Martin Luther King. Competing with Barack Obama over the legacies of JFK and MLK, Clinton said: “King’s dream began...

Dems Vie for Stars' Support
Dems Vie for Stars' Support

Dems Vie for Stars' Support

Obama, Clinton seek star power, cash

(Newser) - Democratic frontrunners Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are actively recruiting an army of Hollywood stars to help on the campaign trail. The LA Times runs down the supporting casts: Besides Oprah Winfrey, Obama has the support of George Clooney, Scarlett Johansson, Will Smith, Jennifer Aniston, and Halle Berry. Clinton's star...

Did Race Cost Obama NH?
Did Race Cost Obama NH?

Did Race Cost Obama NH?

Poll expert thinks poor whites voted against him because he's black

(Newser) - Polls predicting a Barack Obama win in New Hampshire were way off, and the head of the Pew Research Center thinks race and class were part of the reason. In his years as a pollster, he has found that poorer, less-educated white people are less likely to agree to answer...

Economists Say Recession Risk Rising

Cumulative troubles mounting; most see a Dem in the White House

(Newser) - The odds of a recession hitting the US are rising as the cumulative effects of soaring energy costs, a flailing job market, and a dogged housing slump put the brakes on the economy, predicts a panel of economists in the Wall Street Journal today. Those economic woes, they say, are...

She Got Out of Jail Free
She Got Out
of Jail Free

She Got Out of Jail Free

Times scribe: Clinton got 'sympathy vote' from women who recognized her vulnerability

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had a “horrendous week” in the lead-up to Tuesday's New Hampshire primary—and won not on merit, but on a “sympathy vote” from women who saw themselves in her, exhausted and “overdosed on multitasking.” The New York Times’ Gail Collins argues that women recognized...

At Last, a Win for Romney: $5M in 1 Day

Clinton, McCain seeing millions in post-NH fund-raising bounces

(Newser) - Mitt Romney bagged $5 million in donations yesterday, and aides called the more than 10,000 contributions a “solid affirmation of support” for the second-place New Hampshire finisher, the Boston Herald reports. The candidate said the donation bonanza showed “a continued belief” that he’s the only Republican...

Bookies Pay Out on Longshot Clinton Bets

At 100-to-1, Hillary's victory startles political gambling websites

(Newser) - Clinton supporters of an apolitical kind had reason to celebrate after her surprise win in New Hampshire: bettors on a Hillary victory reaped huge payoffs after her odds dropped to a low of 100-to-1. Bloomberg reports that the Dublin-based Intrade had made an Obama result a near certainty, leaving contrarians...

John Kerry Endorses Obama
John Kerry Endorses Obama

John Kerry Endorses Obama

Former Dem nominee backs the Chicagoan in South Carolina

(Newser) - John Kerry threw his support behind Barack Obama's candidacy today at a Charleston, South Carolina, rally, saying "Barack Obama can help our country turn the page." The Democratic standard-bearer said Obama is best suited to unite the country, and spark "a transformation, not just a transition."...

Democrats Rush to Silver State
Democrats Rush to Silver State

Democrats Rush to Silver State

Nevada's Jan. 19 caucus being recast as Obama-Clinton tiebreaker

(Newser) - With the Democratic race tied at a victory apiece for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, a new front-runner will be crowned in Nevada's Jan. 19 caucus—and both campaigns are charging in. Health care, the foreclosure crisis and the environment are big issues; both teams are running Spanish-language radio spots...

4 Takes on the Clinton Win
4 Takes on the Clinton Win

4 Takes on the Clinton Win

Ink barely dry on NH results, scribes start in on meaning

(Newser) - What's the take on the Clinton upset, the morning after? Four responses from across the spectrum:
  • Obama-supporting rightie Andrew Sullivan says a media pile-on on Hillary Clinton sparked “voter backlash.” He’s partly “crushed,” but also excited that the candidates will now fight “a long

Are Pollsters the Biggest Losers in NH?

How much should we blame predictors for getting it wrong?

(Newser) - The New Hampshire primary was the biggest high-profile poll upset in memory, says Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall—but don’t jump too far down pollsters’ throats. Marshall has a hunch the polls weren’t “wrong,” but rather couldn’t capture a “late swing,” a...

Voters Sweat Economy, Slam Bush: Exit Polls

Voters share concerns about Bush, markets

(Newser) - New Hampshire exit polls picked the brains of yesterday’s voters, finding not only that women helped Hillary Clinton and independents boosted John McCain, but also that the economy was foremost in most voters’ minds—and Republicans weren’t giving Bush backers a free pass. While two-thirds of Granite State...

Edwards: I'm Stickin' Around!
Edwards: I'm Stickin' Around!

Edwards: I'm Stickin' Around!

Sets his sights on Southern primaries

(Newser) - John Edwards isn't letting a distant third-place finish in the New Hampshire primary get him down, and certainly isn't letting it count him out. "Two races down; 48 states to go," the upbeat Democratic candidate told supporters last night. The Edwards camp projects a resurgence in primaries in...

Obama Rallies Troops After Surprise Loss

In for long primary siege, needs to prove Iowa no mirage

(Newser) - Presidential contender Barack Obama consoled and rallied troops suffering from political whiplash last night after the Illinois senator did far worse than expected in the New Hampshire primary just five days after his Iowa triumph. "We always knew our climb would be steep," Obama conceded to supporters, but...

Women Crucial to Clinton Victory
Women Crucial to Clinton

Women Crucial to Clinton Victory

Obama takes youth and affluent vote, but Hillary still rocks Granite State

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's surge from expected second to sudden victor in the New Hampshire primary may be largely thanks to the ladies, writes Salon. Clinton's backing by 46% of female voters—compared with 34% for Barack Obama—boosted the New York senator to 39% of the overall vote, edging Obama's 37%....

Clinton Wins By a Whisker
Clinton Wins By a Whisker

Clinton Wins By a Whisker

Surprise victory goes down to wire; Edwards finishes 3rd

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton defied expectations and edged out Barack Obama in today's New Hampshire primary, NBC reports. Clinton's win rights her campaign in the face of surging support for Obama after his victory last week in Iowa. With 98% of precincts reporting, Clinton led Obama, 40% to 37%. John Edwards finished...

NH Town Always Picks a Winner
NH Town Always Picks a Winner

NH Town Always Picks a Winner

Hudson, pop. 25,000, has tabbed primary victors for 50 years

(Newser) - One New Hampshire town is in sync with the state and even the nation. Hudson, population 25,000, has picked the state's primary winners and national party nominees in the past 13 elections. "It's certainly been happening a long time for it to just be a coincidence," New...

Why Obama Is No JFK
Why Obama

Why Obama Is No JFK

Comparisons fail to note fellow senator's experience on world stage

(Newser) - The election of a charismatic 43-year-old president nearly a half-century ago may indeed represent a precedent for Barack Obama's upstart candidacy, but Ted Widmer notes in Washington Monthly that JFK had something Barack can’t boast: a substantial foreign policy record. Born into world affairs, Kennedy was in the room...

Bill Loses It, Calls Barack Story 'Fairytale'

'Give me a break,' Clinton sneers at 'charismatic figure'

(Newser) - While his wife was nearly in tears yesterday, Bill Clinton was losing his cool, angrily telling a crowd that the press has given Barack Obama a free ride and that his seductive political narrative is “the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen.” The ex-prez said Obama had...

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