Barack Obama

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Sundress Set Michelle Back $2K

Critics keep seeing dollar signs in pricey Hawaii vacation

(Newser) - Irritated penny-pinchers are still tallying up the costs of the First Family's Hawaiian vacation. Because Michelle and the girls went on ahead while the president wrestled with the payroll tax cut extension, some estimates put the price tag for the get-away at $4 million. Now critics are eyeing Michelle'...

Under Obama, a Force of Killer Drones Evolved

Semi-secret assassination program has expanded greatly in his term

(Newser) - In the five years before President Obama took office, America’s drones launched 44 strikes, all confined to Pakistan, killing about 400 people. But during his Oval Office tenure there have been almost 240 strikes, killing at least four times as many people, and the US has built dozens of...

Sea Turtles 'Pardoned' by President Obama on Hawaii Vacation
 Obama 'Pardons' 
 Sea Turtles 

Obama 'Pardons' Sea Turtles

President, daughters, friends release four of them in Hawaii

(Newser) - Apparently it’s not just turkeys that are eligible for a presidential pardon—sea turtles are, too. President Obama "pardoned" four of them yesterday during a visit to Hawaii’s Sea Life Park, releasing the 18-month-old turtles into Hanauma Bay. The president was accompanied by his daughters and a...

Is Bo Obama a Pricey Jetsetter?

Nope. Bo didn't go to Hawaii with Michelle...

(Newser) - Oh-oh. The star of the Obamas' holiday card is in trouble again. After the first family got a shellacking from Sarah Palin for featuring their dog, Bo, alone, on their White House greetings, they're now under fire for transporting the dog all the way back from Hawaii just to...

President Obama's Hawaii Vacation Costs Millions of Dollars

 Guess How Much 
 Obama's Hawaii 
 Vacation Costs 
in case you missed it

Guess How Much Obama's Hawaii Vacation Costs

Price of flying Air Force One has gone up since last estimate

(Newser) - Barack Obama has officially arrived in Hawaii for his family’s annual Christmas getaway to the state, and what a pricey trip it is: The Hawaiian Reporter estimated the cost of the vacation at more than $4 million. The exact cost of the trip is unknown, but based on the...

For One Military Family, a $20K Holiday Miracle

Dilley family wins massive gift certificate from Home Depot

(Newser) - 'Tis the season ... to report on really great stories like this one. Santa came early for one military family, who found themselves the recipient's of Home Depot's first "Give the Gift of Good" campaign—and walked away with a $20,000 gift certificate for much-needed repairs...

Media Gaffe of the Year: the Obama/Osama Mixup
Media Gaffe of the Year:
the Obama/Osama Mixup
Year in Review

Media Gaffe of the Year: the Obama/Osama Mixup

...and other mistakes

(Newser) - One is the president of the United States. The other was bent on destroying the United States. So you’d think Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden would be pretty easy to keep straight. But when the former announced the death of the latter, a really embarrassing number of news...

House Expects to Clear Payroll Tax Cut Today

Though it's possible dissenting members could delay things

(Newser) - The payroll tax cut deal is expected to be ratified today, with congressional leaders planning voice votes that would require just a handful of members to be present, the Washington Post reports. Politico notes that the House will be using unanimous consent rules, however, meaning a dissenting member could force...

Palin Rips Obama Family Holiday Card

What, did you expect her to like it?

(Newser) - Is someone a little put out that she didn’t get a holiday card from the first family? Sarah Palin was recently on Fox News criticizing the Obama family’s pic , noting that the card—which features Bo Obama in front of a White House fireplace—focuses on the dog...

Defense Bill Could Allow Rendition of Americans

President would be able to send terrorist suspects anywhere he wants

(Newser) - President Obama has signaled that he will sign a defense bill this week that includes language giving him broad powers to indefinitely detain terror suspects—including, many legal analysts believe, American citizens. Now, Mother Jones has spotted another charming provision in the bill that would allow the rendition of terror...

Obama's New Payroll Tax Pitch: What's $40 to You?

John Boehner, meanwhile, asks Obama to intercede

(Newser) - The White House launched a PR campaign to try to save the floundering payroll tax cut extension last night, asking supporters to chime in with what $40 meant to them—since that’s how much the average family stands to lose per paycheck if the extension doesn’t pass, CNN...

2nd UT Student in Hot Water Over Tasteless Tweet

'My president's black, he snorts a lot of crack": Cassandra Wright

(Newser) - Another student GOP leader is in big trouble for being tasteless in Texas. "My president's black, he snorts a lot of crack," tweeted Cassandra Wright, president of the University of Texas College Republicans. Wright's predecessor, Lauren Pierce, just stepped down last month after she tweeted that...

Sarah Palin: It's Not Too Late to Jump In

'I'm not there yet with the field as it stands,' she grouses

(Newser) - She's baaaack ... maybe. With the GOP line-up still creaky, Sarah Palin let slip on the Fox Business Network that it's "not too late for folks to jump in. Who knows what might happen in the future?" Or so she mused last night when asked on Follow the ...

Oops: Fox Calls Romney, Obama 'Best Friends'

Clip mix-up has amusing results

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Mitt Romney may differ on politics—but apparently they're best friends. At least, that's what Fox News host Bill Hemmer told viewers today. After noting that Romney had recently been interviewed about his personal life, Hemmer said, "Here is Romney on his relationship with...

Obama Throws Away Civil Liberties With Defense Bill

President to sign bill allowing indefinite detention of Americans

(Newser) - President Obama is taking a lot of heat today for dropping his threat to veto a controversial defense bill that could allow the military to capture and indefinitely detain American citizens on US soil. In a fiery editorial, the New York Times today called it "a complete political cave-in,...

Obama Should Take a Page From Tebow&#39;s Playbook
 Obama Can Learn From Tebow 

Obama Can Learn From Tebow

We need a leader who can lift us up: Matthew Dowd

(Newser) - With America struggling, we need "a leader who can raise us all up to a level we didn’t know we had in us, give us confidence in ourselves, give us a common goal to work toward, and make us believe in and have faith in ourselves again."...

Obama's Israel Ad 'Incredibly Dishonest'

He claims GOP wants to 'zero out' Israel aid: Justin Elliott

(Newser) - It's become popular for GOP presidential candidates to advocate "zeroing out" all foreign aid, and Barack Obama's campaign is now trying to use that against them—in what Justin Elliott of Salon calls an "incredibly dishonest" attack. Obama's Facebook ad text reads, "No Aid...

Obama: 'Our War in Iraq Ends This Month'

President promises US will still have 'strong presence'

(Newser) - As the last 6,000 American troops prepare to leave Iraq by Dec. 31, President Obama today heralded the end of the divisive war—but issued a warning to the country's neighbors: The US will continue to have a "strong presence in the Middle East." He added,...

Breast Cancer Survivor Apologizes to Barack Obama, Says ObamaCare Gave Her Insurance When No One Else Could

 I Was Wrong: 
 May Save Me 
in case you missed it

I Was Wrong: ObamaCare May Save Me

One breast cancer patient's apology to the president

(Newser) - Until about a month ago, Spike Dolomite Ward was so upset with Barack Obama that she’d taken a Sharpie to her bumper sticker, changing its message from "Got hope" to "Got nope." Now, she’s publicly apologizing. What changed? “I found out three weeks ago...

Desperate Obama Resorts to Class Warfare
Desperate Obama Resorts
to Class Warfare
Charles Krauthammer

Desperate Obama Resorts to Class Warfare

His policies have failed, so he's blaming the rich: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - President Obama's big speech in Kansas this week makes clear that he's going to resort to class warfare to try to win re-election, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . With the economy in shambles, Obama is sticking to his simplistic stick-it-to-the-rich theme ("the breathtaking greed of...

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