Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>

White House Metal Detector Set Off by ... Obama

The culprit? The president's cell phone

(Newser) - A metal detector leading into the White House was activated today by the president himself. President Obama was returning home from a holiday gathering across Pennsylvania Avenue when he decided to chat with the security guards at the Northwest Gate, reports USA Today . They showed him how a typical White...

Senate GOP Blocks Obama CFPB Nominee

Richard Cordray won't head consumer protection bureau

(Newser) - As expected, Senate Republicans today blocked President Obama's choice to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau he created. Few questioned Richard Cordray's credentials for the job, notes the AP , which reports that the former Ohio attorney general fell victim to a "particularly nasty partisan fight." Only...

Finally, the Obama We Elected
 Finally, the Obama We Elected 
Robert Reich

Finally, the Obama We Elected

Last night's speech was incredibly important, Robert Reich writes

(Newser) - The speech President Obama gave last night in Osawatomie, Kansas, was the "most important economic speech of his presidency," writes former labor secretary Robert Reich. "Here, finally, is the Barack Obama many of us thought we had elected in 2008," one who actually fights Big Money...

Perry Smacks Obama's Push for Gay Rights Abroad

It's not in US interests, or worth the money

(Newser) - Rick Perry was quick to jump on President Obama's decision yesterday to use foreign aid to fight for gay rights , calling it "not in America's interests," ABC News reports. "Just when you thought Barack Obama couldn’t get any more out of touch with America’...

Obama's Payroll Tax Cut Weapons: Clock, Calculator

See how much time we have left, how much money you could owe

(Newser) - President Obama is pushing hard for the extension of the payroll tax cut, and has two weapons to aid him in his quest: a doomsday clock and a calculator. The countdown clock has been set up in the White House press room and appears, conveniently, behind the podium. The video...

Romney, Obama Battle for the 1%

And Newt Gingrich fights for money from anyone

(Newser) - Fundraising is the name of the game right now, and the Washington Post and New York Times today take a look at how the big-name contenders are faring.
  • The Post checks in on the battle for the richest of the rich, and it's a Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama

Obama to GOP: Keep Your Word on Taxes

President chides Republicans on payroll taxes

(Newser) - President Obama continued his onslaught on congressional Republicans today, saying that Congress needs to extend a payroll tax cut in light of an economic recovery that's "still fragile" and middle class families who need the money. In a statement given from the White House this afternoon, Obama urged...

Obama Offers Pakistan Prez 'Condolences' After Strike

Stops short of issuing formal apology

(Newser) - In a phone conversation eight days after NATO airstrikes killed two dozen Pakistani soldiers, President Obama today offered "condolences" for the deaths to Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari, the White House says. Diplomats had encouraged the president to apologize in an effort to soothe strained US-Pakistan relations, but...

Bradley Manning Wants Obama, Clinton as Witnesses

Preliminary hearing begins Dec. 16

(Newser) - Bradley Manning's preliminary hearing is set to begin Dec. 16, and if the US Army private has his way, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will be among the witnesses. The president and the secretary of state were included on a 20-page list of defense witnesses in a request made...

Obama's New Catchphrase: 'Change Is'

President emphasizes his achievements with new rhetorical device

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a new pet rhetorical device designed to highlight his accomplishments and kindle memories of his 2008 campaign. The magic words: “Change is…” Obama trotted out the phrase a dozen times in a speech in New York Wednesday, the Huffington Post reports, with lines like, "...

Obama Won't Apologize for Pakistan Strike

Balks against State Dept., says US has apologized enough

(Newser) - President Obama has decided against issuing a formal apology to Pakistan over a NATO airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, even as the State Department insists he must do so to salvage relations with Pakistan, officials tell the New York Times . The administration is instead backing the Defense Department, which...

Is &#39;Lying&#39; Romney Ad OK?
 Is 'Lying' Romney Ad OK? 

Is 'Lying' Romney Ad OK?

Arianna Huffington, Michael Gerson disagree

(Newser) - The media has largely ignored Mitt Romney’s first TV ad , and Arianna Huffington is outraged. The ad includes a wildly out-of-context 2008 clip of President Obama saying, “If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.” It fails to mention that Obama was quoting...

20-Year-Old Barack Obama "Black History" Video Goes Viral

 20-Year-Old Obama 
 Video Goes 
in case you missed it

20-Year-Old Obama Video Goes Viral

Then-Harvard Law student hosted 'Black History Minute' on TBS

(Newser) - Want to revisit the Barack Obama you once knew and loved... oh, 20 years ago? Yes, it's a ways back, but it's still fascinating to see the 29-year-old Harvard Law Review editor giving a short spiel on TBS. He had longer hair and, you guessed it, not a...

Obama: Keep Hope Alive on Thanksgiving

Weekly address thanks troops, nation

(Newser) - President Obama’s weekly address is a Thanksgiving message for hard times. “I know that for many of you, this Thanksgiving is more difficult than most,” he says in the White House video. “But no matter how tough things are right now, we still give thanks for...

Next Dogfight for Congress: Payroll Taxes

And this time, the outcome could cost you about $1K

(Newser) - Now that the super committee lies in ruins, Congress has another scramble on its hands—what to do about the current payroll tax holiday, which is up Dec. 31, and unemployment benefits, which expire for 2 million people soon after. Failing to extend either could put a serious dent in...

Alleged Obama Shooter Made Audition Tape for Oprah

Oscar Ortega-Hernandez: I'm the 'modern-day Jesus Christ'

(Newser) - Glimpses into the disturbed minds of accused assassins do not usually come in the form of audition tapes made for Oprah Winfrey. But alleged White House shooter Oscar Ortega-Hernandez bared his soul in just such a tape, Fox 5 DC reports. Wearing a black suit and a rosary, Ortega-Hernandez begs...

VIDEO: President Obama Takes on Big Tobacco, Congratulates Those Trying to Quit in Great American Smokeout Message
 Calls Out 
 Big Tobacco 

Great American Smokeout

Obama Calls Out Big Tobacco

President congratulates those trying to quit

(Newser) - President Obama congratulated those who are making plans to quit smoking today as part of the Great American Smokeout, wryly acknowledging that “quitting smoking is hard—believe me, I know.” He also slammed Big Tobacco for attempting to block new cigarette warning labels “because they don’...

President Obama Announces Increased Military Presence in Australia, Insists US Does Not Fear China
 Obama: US Not Afraid of China 

Obama: US Not Afraid of China

President announces increased military presence in Australia

(Newser) - The US and Australia announced a new security agreement today, seen by many as a response to China’s growing power, but President Obama insisted that “the notion that we fear China is mistaken.” Under the agreement, the US military presence will be expanded, with about 250 Marines...

Obama to Get Crocodile Insurance

A gift from the fine people of Australia

(Newser) - Barack Obama will soon be free to wrestle alligators with peace of mind: Should tragedy befall him, Michelle and the girls will be provided for, by way of a $51,000 insurance payout. The new insurance policy—which covers crocodile attacks—will be presented to him tomorrow on his visit...

I Want 20% Less Spending on Swag: Obama

 I Want 20% Less 
 Spending on 
 Swag: Obama 
'we can't wait' campaign

I Want 20% Less Spending on Swag: Obama

Tasks federal agencies with trimming the fat in four other areas, too

(Newser) - If you happen to be sipping from a promotional coffee cup bestowed on you by a federal agency, hang on to it: You might not be getting a new one anytime soon. As part of his "We Can't Wait" campaign, President Obama will today announce his latest effort:...

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