Barack Obama

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Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>

Media Moguls: Obama's Scaring Big Business

Sun Valley conference a pessimistic affair

(Newser) - The Sun Valley summit of media titans last week was a dour affair, with the CEOs lamenting the poor state of the economy—and how little faith they have in the Obama administration to fix it. In on- and off-the-record conversations with the moguls, Peter Lauria of the Daily Beast...

Obama's Approval Hits New Low
 Obama's Approval 
 Hits New Low 

Obama's Approval Hits New Low

But Congress, as ever, is even worse

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating dips to a new low in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll . Just 43% approve of the job the president is doing, while 54% disapprove—including one-third of Democrats. Obama’s supporters aren’t very enthusiastic, either: Twice as many people gave him a strongly...

Gun Rights Gain Under Obama
 Gun Rights Gain Under Obama 

Gun Rights Gain Under Obama

Fear of backlash keeps Dems timid on 2nd amendment

(Newser) - Gun-rights advocates who feared that the Obama presidency would mean the end of the Second Amendment have instead found the political climate surprisingly friendly, the Washington Independent reports. The Supreme Court and state legislatures alike have awarded victories to pro-gun forces, and federal lawmakers are wary of rocking the boat....

Limbaugh Takes Racial Swipe at Obama, Oprah

If president were white he'd be 'a tour guide in Honolulu'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh has taken on his most powerful opponent yet. No, not the president: Oprah. Limbaugh went on a reverse-racism rant on his Tuesday show, declaring that both Oprah and President Obama were only successful because they were black. “Somebody asked me over the weekend, why does somebody earn...

Obama and Netanyahu Reject Rumors of Rift

Both leaders say relations are strong between the two nations

(Newser) - President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu both dismissed the notion of a rift between Israel and the White House, the Hill reports. Obama took a reporter to task for suggesting such a thing, inviting the reporter to look at "every public statement" to find an example of distance between the...

US Files Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law

It says civil rights abuses could result

(Newser) - The Obama administration filed suit today against Arizona’s controversial new immigration law. The Justice Department is challenging the law's constitutionality, arguing that state laws can’t trump federal ones when it comes to immigration, thanks to the "preemption" doctrine, notes the Washington Post .

Obama 15th-Best President, Scholars Say

George W. Bush, meanwhile, finishes not quite last

(Newser) - Two years in, Barack Obama looks like a pretty good president to the nation’s top presidential scholars. The 44th president came in 15th on the all-time list, two spots behind Bill Clinton and three ahead of Ronald Reagan, in a Siena College Research Institute Poll, the New York Daily ...

Obama Gets Subpeona From Gay Protesters

They say they were just following (his) orders

(Newser) - Gay soldiers arrested for chaining themselves to the White House fence in April to protest Don't Ask, Don't Tell have issued a subpoena to Barack Obama to testify in their trial. Charged with some minor civil disobedience offenses, the soldiers are arguing that they were just following orders—in this...

Barack Obama Is a Woman
 Barack Obama Is a Woman 
Kathleen Parker

Barack Obama Is a Woman

He's paying the price for his talk-it-out mentality

(Newser) - If Bill Clinton was our first black president, “then Barack Obama may be our first woman president,” writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post . He's not exactly girlie, but he's “suffering from a rhetorical-testosterone deficit.” Much as Toni Morrison wrote that Clinton “displays almost every...

'Senator Oprah' Sounded Good to Blago

Then-gov considered media titan to succeed Obama as senator

(Newser) - As Rod Blagojevich considered possible successors to Barack Obama as US senator from Illinois, he came up with one name "no one can assail": Oprah Winfrey. As the former governor's corruption trial dragged on today in Chicago, prosecutors played a tape from December 2008—after Obama confidant Valerie Jarrett...

Palin Slams Obama for Selling Out Israel

Accuses him of 'bowing and kowtowing and apologizing'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin attacked Barack Obama’s foreign policy yesterday, declaring, in a speech before a crowd of talk radio fans in Norfolk, that the president had sold out Israel in the wake of the Gaza aid flotilla attack. “Do they think, really, that we’re getting anything in return...

Stewart Blasts Obama's Afghan Strategy

'We don't have the momentum, and we're staying the course'

(Newser) - Jon Stewart landed yet another sardonic blow on Barack Obama yesterday in a brief segment on Gen. Petraeus, aka the "Buddha of Fallujah," and the Afghan War. After playing a clip in which Obama said Petraeus "will allow us to maintain our momentum," Stewart unloaded no...

McChrystal Was Doomed From 1st Words of 'Runaway'
McChrystal Was Doomed From 1st Words of 'Runaway'
Inside Obama's Warroom

McChrystal Was Doomed From 1st Words of 'Runaway'

Obama thought keeping general would undermine civilian command

(Newser) - One paragraph into “the Runaway General,” Barack Obama was pretty sure he’d fire Stanley McChrystal. An hour after the president got the Rolling Stone article, aides were summoned to discuss the possibility. “There was a basic meeting of the minds,” Rahm Emanuel tells the New ...

McChrystal Out; Petraeus Will Replace Him

Obama accepts resignation with 'regret'

(Newser) - President Obama has accepted Stanley McChrystal's resignation, replacing him with David Petraeus, Obama announced today in a brief statement outside the White House. Obama said he had "considerable regret" about the decision, reports the AP , and stressed that he wasn't sacking McChrystal "out of any sense of personal...

McChrystal Leaves White House Before Strategy Meeting

No word on his fate after 30-minute meeting with Obama

(Newser) - Stanley McChrystal left the White House after a 30-minute meeting with President Obama today—and didn’t return for the big strategy session that followed. There’s still no word on the general’s fate, or on how the meeting went— MSNBC says there’s “an almost complete lockdown...

Jeb Bush: 'Childish' Obama Picking on George

He thinks president is 'Hubert Humphrey on steroids'

(Newser) - Ex-presidents are supposed to remain above the fray, so it’s up to Jeb Bush to defend his brother’s administration from the Obama White House—and he’s eager to do it, ripping Obama in an interview with the New York Times today. “He apparently likes to act...

Obama Asks Congress for $600M Border Security Boost

Calls funds for staffing, fence repairs an 'emergency'

(Newser) - With Arizona's controversial new anti-illegal-immigrant law being blamed on weak federal enforcement, Barack Obama has formally asked Nancy Pelosi for $600 million to beef up security along the US/Mexico border. The president says the request will address “urgent and essential needs” and should be considered an emergency. The money...

McChrystal's Real Crime: Trying Too Hard in Afghanistan

General wants to win the war at any cost

(Newser) - Yes, Gen. Stanley McChrystal should lose his job, but not because he bruised Barack Obama’s ego. “The press is turning a story about policy into a story about penises,” writes Peter Beinart on the Daily Beast . Beneath the “fairly mild” cracks McChrystal makes in that Rolling ...

Gibbs: Obama's 'Angry,' May Fire McChrystal

War effort 'bigger than any one man,' press secretary says

(Newser) - There’s a distinct possibility Barack Obama will show Stanley McChrystal the door, Robert Gibbs told reporters today. “He was angry,” Gibbs said, calling the gravity of McChrystal’s comments “profound.” He repeatedly refused to offer the general a vote of confidence, the Washington Post notes....

Obama to Insurers: Don't You Dare Jack Premiums

Parts of health care reform kick in

(Newser) - With parts of the health care reform law about to go into effect, President Obama has called executives from 13 leading insurers to Washington for a stern lecture about rate gouging. Obama is afraid the insurers will use the law as an excuse to jack up premiums. “Our message...

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>