Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama to Give Gays Parents Right to Family Leave

Will be able to take time off to care for sick kids

(Newser) - President Obama intends to give gay workers the explicit right to take family and medical leave to care for a partner’s sick child—even if they have no legal relationship with that child. The Labor Department will issue a formal opinion tomorrow saying that the 1993 law that grants...

BP Fought Back Against Obama Demands

Balked at picking up tab for White House drilling moratorium

(Newser) - BP didn’t just roll over in the face of Barack Obama’s (ahem) “shakedown.” At the negotiating table, the oil giant managed to shoot down some of the White House’s requests, the Wall Street Journal reports—for example, it refused to pay to restore the Gulf...

Steele Zings Obama for Golfing While Gulf Burns

Compares him to Tony Hayward, tells him to ditch concerts, too

(Newser) - Michael Steele would like Obama to give up golf—among other things—for as long as the Gulf is a mess. "Until this problem is fixed, no more golf outings, no more baseball games, no more Beatle concerts, Mr. President," he said. But Steele didn't drop it there....

Support for Health Care Bill Hits New High

 Support for Health Care 
 Bill Hits New High 
Poll time

Support for Health Care Bill Hits New High

More now support plan than oppose it

(Newser) - The patient is alive and kicking. A new Associated Press-GfK poll finds public support for President Obama's new health care law has risen to its highest point. The nation remains divided, with 45% in favor and 42% opposed to the president's signature domestic accomplishment, but the shift is significant—last...

71% Say Obama Hasn't Been Tough Enough on BP
 71% Say Obama Hasn't 
 Been Tough Enough on BP 
Poll Shows Pessimism

71% Say Obama Hasn't Been Tough Enough on BP

And BP should pay up, even if it bankrupts them

(Newser) - The public is overwhelmingly pessimistic, and angry, about the Deepwater Horizon spill. According to a new USA Today/Gallup poll , 80% of Americans expect the spill to hurt the US economy and drive up the cost of gas. Half predict that some beaches will never be the same, and even more...

Obama Will Use Gulf Spill to Push Energy Bill

Public hungry for action, aides conclude

(Newser) - Barack Obama will call for a clean energy bill in his Oval Office address on the oil spill tomorrow, as part of a renewed push for the once all-but-abandoned legislation. The White House believes that the spill has whetted the public’s appetite for energy reform, top aides tell Politico...

'Hope' Artist No Longer an Obama Fan
 'Hope' Artist No Longer 
 an Obama Fan 
in case you missed it

'Hope' Artist No Longer an Obama Fan

The prez isn't really living up to Shepard Fairey's expectations

(Newser) - How quickly things change. Shepard Fairey, creator of the iconic Barack Obama ‘Hope’ poster, is no longer feeling quite so smitten with the prez, the New York Post reports. “Washington is too intertwined with corporate America,” Fairey said at a recent show opening. “I had a...

Now Obama Wants to Meet With Him

White House Summons BP execs to Wednesday sit-down

(Newser) - Looks like the president has changed his mind: The top federal official overseeing the Gulf oil spill has invited British Petroleum executives to meet with Barack Obama next week. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen issued the invitation in a letter today to BP's chairman, Carl-Henric Svanberg. The letter requests that...

Stewart to Obama: 'The Ass Is Kicking You'

Obama gets the dreaded Bush Laugh

(Newser) - Here’s how you know the honeymoon is officially over between the Daily Show and Barack Obama: Last night, Jon Stewart gave Obama the Bush laugh. Mocking Obama’s “whose ass to kick” line, Stewart scrunched up his face and said, “We’re gonna find that oil leak...

Obama Weighing 'Whose Ass to Kick'

 Obama Weighing 
 'Whose Ass to Kick' 
AND he'd fire BP CEO

Obama Weighing 'Whose Ass to Kick'

He'll make company pay 'if it's the last thing I do'

(Newser) - President Obama offered an impassioned defense of his administration’s handling of the oil spill today, promising to make sure BP paid for the disaster “if it’s the last thing I do.” In an interview on the Today Show , Obama said he would have already fired Tony...

Obama Puts Kid to Sleep at Commencement
 Obama Puts Kid to Sleep 
 at Commencement 

Obama Puts Kid to Sleep at Commencement

Kalamazoo Central student dozes through reward for winning video

(Newser) - Barack Obama yesterday presented Kalamazoo Central High School's class of 2010 with their reward for winning his "Race to the Top" video competition: a commencement address from him. Thousands of students submitted inspiring videos about their schools; you can see Kalamazoo's over at the Huffington Post . Or cut to...

Whoomp! That's Not Obama in 1993 Rap Video
Whoomp! That's Not Obama in 1993 Rap Video  
spoiler alert

Whoomp! That's Not Obama in 1993 Rap Video

Extra in 17-year-old video does resemble future president

(Newser) - You're about to have Tag Team's hit single, "Whoomp! (There It Is)," stuck in your head, and it's all because of a false alarm turned Internet meme. An extra who appears at 1:01 of the Atlanta rap group's 1993 video bears a striking resemblance to President Obama—...

Obama, Arizona Governor Have 'Cordial' Meeting

Jan Brewer goes to the White House

(Newser) - Arizona Governor Jan Brewer says she and the president had "agreed to work together" to improve communication in the wake of the passage of a controversial state immigration law, the Hill reports. Brewer characterized her meeting with Barack Obama at the White House as "cordial" and said federal...

Protesters Await Arizona Gov at White House

Immigration activists also accuse Obama of 'halfhearted leadership'

(Newser) - Protesters will be gathered outside the White House today as Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer meets with President Obama, raging against the "discriminatory Arizona law" combating illegal immigration and "President Obama's halfhearted leadership on immigration reform." Of course, Brewer and Obama are hardly allies on the issue—the...

White House: Romanoff Asked Us for a Job

And it was months before he considered Senate race

(Newser) - The White House today beat back allegations of shady backroom dealings with Colorado Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff, saying that yes, administration officials talked with him about a job, but only because he'd applied for one. In the administration's version, Romanoff applied for a job at the US Agency for International...

McCartney Sings 'Michelle' to Michelle

Beatle is awarded Gershwin Prize at White House lovefest

(Newser) - Paul McCartney was honored last night with the Gershwin Prize for Popular Song, and his evening at the White House was filled with reverent tributes, raucous performances, and a bit of humor. “After the last eight years, it's good to have a president that knows what a library is,...

Olbermann's New Signoff Takes Aim at Obama

 New Signoff 
 Takes Aim 
 at Obama 
bush finally off the hook

Olbermann's New Signoff Takes Aim at Obama

Counting the days since 'Mission Accomplished' no more

(Newser) - George W. Bush is officially off the hook. Since February 2006, Keith Olbermann has taken a shot at the former president at the end of nearly every show, using the same Iraq-themed line: "That’s Countdown, for this, the 2,576th day since the previous president declared "Mission...

Please, Let 'Overblown' Sestak Story Go Away

It's a fairy tale, but it's just politics as usual

(Newser) - The story from the White House is that Bill Clinton, on Rahm Emanuel's behest, offered Joe Sestak an “unpaid advisory position” to drop out of the race against Arlen Specter. It's an obvious lie—come on, would Sestak even consider dropping out for so little?—and Joe Klein of...

Sestak Offer: Crime or Small Potatoes?

 Sestak Offer: 
 Crime or Small 
Opinion roundup

Sestak Offer: Crime or Small Potatoes?

Pundits divided on alleged job offer

(Newser) - Republicans are eager to make a fuss about the job Joe Sestak says he was offered by the Obama administration, with Darrel Issa calling it an “ impeachable offense .” So is it a big deal? Here's what pundits are saying:
  • Sure the allegations are disturbing, but impeachment-worthy? Please. “

Obama Fires Head of Minerals Management Service

Elizabeth Birnbaum's head rolls thanks to BP oil spill

(Newser) - Democratic sources say the Obama administration has fired the head of the US Minerals Management Service in response to blistering criticism over lax oversight of offshore drilling. President Obama will announce the firing later today, the sources say. Elizabeth "Liz" Birnbaum had run the service in the Interior Department...

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>