Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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Wallop Iran Where It Hurts: Oil Revenues
Wallop Iran
Where It Hurts:
Oil Revenues

Wallop Iran Where It Hurts: Oil Revenues

Two 'green' revolutions could bring down regime: Friedman

(Newser) - Pundits and politicians are wasting their time telling Barack Obama what he should be saying about the growing "green revolution" in Iran, writes Thomas L. Friedman. The country's reformers and protesters don't need American encouragement; they need a weakened theocracy—which will only happen when oil prices go into...

Council Asks Ayatollah to Extend Iran Election Probe

(Newser) - The top body investigating the results of the recent election is asking Iran’s supreme leader to give it more time to clear up any and all “ambiguities,” Reuters reports. “We are urging you to allow us to extend the deadline to receive further complaints five more...

Iran 'Retires' Soccer Players Over Protest

Banned for life for wristbands showing Mousavi support

(Newser) - Iran has barred four of its national soccer players from the field for life after they wore green wristbands during a match last week in apparent support of opposition presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, an Iranian pro-government newspaper said. Six players wore the bands; most took them off at halftime,...

Vote Stands, Declares Iran Council

(Newser) - Iran's official Guardian Council has declared absolutely that the nation's controversial presidential election will stand, reports CNN. "If a major breach occurs in an election, the Guardian Council may annul the votes," said a spokesman. "Fortunately, we found no witness of major fraud or breach in the...

Iran Finds Fraud But Calls Election Clean Enough

(Newser) - An eerie silence descended on Tehran early today as Iranian officials admitted to discrepancies in the controversial presidential election, but still declared it legal. More votes were cast in 50 cities than the number of registered voters, officials concluded. But authorities said the discrepancy, which affects some 3 million votes,...

Iran Releases 4 Family Members of Former Prez

(Newser) - Iran is calm but tense today as police freed four family members of a former president and important Iranian cleric, the Los Angeles Times reports. But the oldest daughter of Hashemi Rafsanjani, a key backer of challenger Mir-Hossein Mousavi, was not released by authorities in Tehran. Five members of Rafsanjani's...

In Choosing Sides, Ayatollah Loses Authority

Ayatollah Khamenei's aura dims as Iranians take to the streets

(Newser) - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has lost some of the sacrosanct aura of his office by entering the political fray, writes Roger Cohen in the New York Times. Having warned on Friday of "bloodshed and chaos," Iran's supreme leader ended up with both. By aligning himself with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,...

At Least 13 Dead in Iran Crackdown
 At Least 13 Dead 
 in Iran Crackdown 

At Least 13 Dead in Iran Crackdown

(Newser) - A violent and chaotic day in Iran left dozens of protesters injured, with reports ranging from 13 to 19 deaths, reports the New York Times. The government's feared militia, the Basij, cracked down with water cannons, electric rounds, and live bullets against thousands of protesters in Tehran. The developments came...

Obama to Iran Leaders: Stop 'Unjust' Actions

(Newser) - President Barack Obama today challenged Iran's government to halt a "violent and unjust" crackdown on dissenters, using his bluntest language yet to condemn Tehran's postelection response. Obama has sought a measured reaction to avoid being drawn in as a meddler in Iranian affairs. His comments have grown more pointed...

Mousavi: I'm 'Ready for Martyrdom'
 Mousavi: I'm 'Ready 
 for Martyrdom' 

Mousavi: I'm 'Ready for Martyrdom'

Iranian opposition leader calls for election 'annulment'

(Newser) - As thousands of Iranian dissidents defied the decree of the supreme leader to end their demonstrations, the symbolic face of the protests told supporters in Tehran today that he is "ready for martyrdom,” the New York Times reports. Mir Hossein Mousavi urged protesters to stage a general strike...

Silver: How Do You Rig 11M Votes? Easily
Silver: How Do You Rig
11M Votes? Easily

Silver: How Do You Rig 11M Votes? Easily

Ayatollah's argument against the possibility of vote fraud doesn't hold water

(Newser) - Nate Silver has a bone to pick with the ayatollah. In his attempt yesterday to quash claims of voter fraud, Ali Khamenei asserted that President Ahmadinejad had won by 11 million votes. "How can one rig 11 million votes?" he asked. That's faulty logic, cries Silver on

Obama Boxes Himself In to False Choice on Iran
Obama Boxes Himself In
to False Choice on Iran

Obama Boxes Himself In to False Choice on Iran

(Newser) - President Obama talks a lot about "false choices," and he's usually just blowing smoke rhetorically, but now he's got one regarding Iran, writes Fred Barnes in the Weekly Standard. “The president thinks he’s stuck with a dilemma,” Barnes writes: “Either support the democratic forces”...

Iran Braces for Showdown Today

(Newser) - Iran's government threatened harsh action today if opposition supporters take to the streets again to demand a new election in open defiance of the country's supreme leader. Web sites run by supporters of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi called for street protests, but the candidate himself issued no public statement....

Street Protests Cool, But Iran Opposition Takes to Rooftops

Mousavi supporters chant from rooftops, but opposition's next step is unclear

(Newser) - Calls of “Allahu Akbar” punctuated Tehran’s evening quiet as some residents took to their rooftops to protest Ayatollah Khamenei’s support of what they see as fraudulent election results, MSNBC reports. Despite the rooftop protests—a tactic used in the 1979 revolution—outright street demonstrations from supporters of...

Obama's Right: Pragmatism Is Only Way
Obama's Right:
Is Only Way

Obama's Right: Pragmatism Is Only Way

It may anger neocons, but he should keep his hands clean: Stephens

(Newser) - Barack Obama and his team clearly want to support the Iranian opposition, writes Philip Stephens, and Republicans such as John McCain have hammered the president for not condemning an election viewed as a sham. But for the Financial Times columnist, Obama is striking a shrewd balance between idealism and real-world...

Ayatollah Calls for Calm, Denies Ballot Fraud

'Zionists' and BBC are exploiting protests, Khamenei says

(Newser) - The supreme leader of Iran called for "peace and tranquility" in his first public speech since the contested presidential election, Al Jazeera reports. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei defended the legitimacy of the vote and told protesters to stop, notes the New York Times. "Street challenge is not acceptable,"...

Ayatollah Tells Mousavi to Stand By Him Tomorrow

(Newser) - Iran's supreme leader has ordered presidential challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi to stand by his side at morning prayers tomorrow in a show of national unity, the Times of London reports. It's not clear if Mousavi will do so, or what consequences he'll face if he defies Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's demand....

Mousavi Joins Rally to Mourn Protest Deaths

Opposition candidate vows not to retreat at latest Iran gathering

(Newser) - Opposition presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi joined tens of thousands of Iranians in Tehran today to mourn those killed during post-election protests. Mousavi also vowed not to compromise on his demand for a fresh election when he and two others meet with Iran’s Guardian Council on Saturday to address...

4 Possible Outcomes for Iran
 4 Possible Outcomes for Iran 

4 Possible Outcomes for Iran

Could we see a new revolution—or the next Tiananmen?

(Newser) - Iran’s election aftermath seems to have come as a surprise to its key figures. With protesters showing no sign of relenting, Tony Karon of Time offers four possible conclusions:
  • A repeat of the 1979 revolution. But that’s unlikely, because “an unarmed popular movement can only topple an

Disputed Letter Reports Victory by Mousavi

Possible forgery showing 'actual results' inflames protesters

(Newser) - Among the propaganda coming from all sides in the Iranian election dispute, one letter stands out: a note from the interior minister to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, giving the "true" result of last Friday's vote. The letter acknowledges the Supreme Leader's "order" for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to win but shows...

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