Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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Clerics Invite Opposition to Talk
 Clerics Invite Opposition to Talk 
Iran election dispute

Clerics Invite Opposition to Talk

(Newser) - Iran’s Guardian Council has invited all three opposition candidates to a meeting to air their grievances Saturday, the New York Times reports. But the opposition is likely to view that olive branch warily; it has already turned down the council’s offer for a partial recount. Protesters say they...

As Iran Unrest Goes On, Watch the Clerics
As Iran Unrest Goes On, Watch the Clerics

As Iran Unrest Goes On, Watch the Clerics

Mullahs far from Tehran may step in to end election dispute

(Newser) - As protesters continue to express anger and defy arrest, the endgame of Iran's disputed election may take place not in Tehran, but in the holy city of Qom—where the country's powerful clerics have so far kept silent. Except for a few prominent reformists, Iran's mullahs have refused to take...

Mousavi Plans 'Day of Mourning' as Protests Spread
 Mousavi Plans 
 'Day of Mourning' 
 as Protests Spread 
iran election dispute

Mousavi Plans 'Day of Mourning' as Protests Spread

Demonstrations may be largest yet; violence reaches across country

(Newser) - The Iranian regime is resorting to more extreme measures against supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi and other reformers, reports the Times of London, as the opposition planned yet another massive rally against alleged electoral fraud. Despite dozens of high-profile arrests and raids on universities, thousands are expected to join Mousavi...

Iran Accuses US of Meddling
 Iran Accuses US of Meddling  

Iran Accuses US of Meddling

(Newser) - As protesters clogged the streets of Tehran for a fifth consecutive day, the Iranian government accused the US of “intolerable” meddling, reports the Wall Street Journal. The government summoned the Swiss ambassador, who represents American interests in the country, to complain about “interventionist” statements made by US officials,...

Iran: Foreign Media Speaks for 'Hooligans'

Journalists 'damaging the Islamic republic'

(Newser) - Iran has slammed foreign journalists for sparking unrest in the country as the “mouthpieces” of “hooligans,” CNN reports. The foreign ministry said “hundreds” of foreigners had been allowed into Iran in “a sign of the total transparency in the trends of the elections,” but...

Iran Soccer Team Quietly Backs Mousavi

Green armbands send clear message in football-mad country

(Newser) - Iranian national soccer team players donned green wristbands and armbands on the field in Seoul today, a move many back home took as a sign of solidarity with Mir Hossein Mousavi, CNN reports. Green is the opposition candidate’s campaign color. Spectators at the match waved signs that said "...

Mousavi's Iran Might Not Be Much Different
Mousavi's Iran Might Not Be Much Different

Mousavi's Iran Might Not Be Much Different

Ex-PM has conservative record; change likely tough under ayatollah

(Newser) - Observers have heralded the candidacy of Mir Hossein Mousavi as a step toward a more moderate Iran—but in fact, Mousavi’s record shows support for some "controversial policies" in Iran, the Wall Street Journal reports. As prime minister in the 1980s, Mousavi was a social conservative, and he...

Iran Blocks Foreign Press as Thousands Protest

Government cracks down on communications, arrests reformists

(Newser) - Supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are planning more rallies today, despite an appeal for calm by the country's supreme religious leader. Iran has banned international journalists from the protests after Monday's violence at a Mousavi demonstration, where seven people died. But state television, which showed rallies in...

Top Ayatollah Appeals for Calm in Iran

(Newser) - Iran's supreme leader addressed the nation on TV tonight to criticize anti-government protesters and appeal for calm, the Guardian reports. Those stirring up trouble are simply “tension seekers,” said Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Rival protests again filled the streets of Tehran, though no more deaths were reported. Khamenei has...

Ahmadinejad Boxes Out Rival Rally

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad supporters rallied in Tehran today, shouting slogans like, “Death to America!” and “Khamenei is our leader!” while Mir Hossein Mousavi’s supporters held a low-key march elsewhere in the city, the LA Times reports. The opposition had called for a...

Ahmadinejad Foes Gang Up on Websites

'Hacktivists' overload president's blog, other government outlets

(Newser) - As protests continue on the streets of Tehran, hackers in and outside of Iran are mounting an assault on the establishment's main websites, reports ZDNet. The sites of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and several news agencies were crippled yesterday after activists flooded them with traffic. The campaign appears to...

Ayatollah Authority Undercut by Flip-Flop
Ayatollah Authority 
 Undercut by Flip-Flop 

Ayatollah Authority Undercut by Flip-Flop

Protests are weakening Khamenei's grip on Iranian regime

(Newser) - The about-face done by Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei—first blessing the victory of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Friday's election then opening an inquiry into vote fraud yesterday—was a rare misstep for the shadowy, usually cautious ayatollah, the New York Times reports, and may have done substantial damage to his reputation,...

Iran's Guardian Council Vows Recount as 7 Die in Protests

Guardian Council makes U-turn as state radio confirms deaths

(Newser) - The most powerful body in Iran declared it will allow a recount in last Friday's controversial presidential election, the BBC reports. The announcement follows three days of massive protests in Tehran, in which seven people were killed. State radio claims the deaths came as protesters attacked a military post after...

Twitter Delays Downtime to Aid Iran Protesters

Maintenance reskedded to accommodate information flow

(Newser) - Twitter has pushed back work that would have taken the site offline to avoid disrupting the flow of information from Iran, Computer World reports. The site, which has proven to be a vital link between Iranian protesters and the rest of the world, will now be offline 2 to 3...

Fear, Not Fraud, May Have Won Iranian Election

(Newser) - A pre-election poll of Iranian voters favoring Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been held up as proof that the election was fair. Not so, writes Nate Silver on The poll, conducted by Terror Free Tomorrow, found that 33.8% of respondents intended to vote for Ahmadinejad, versus 13.6% for...

1 Dead After Shots Fired at Tehran Protest

(Newser) - Shots were fired at a huge street protest in Tehran today, the BBC reports, not long after opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi addressed the gathering in spite of a ban by the Iranian government; an AP photographer says one protester was killed, and that the shots came from a compound...

Iran Protesters Launch Twitter Revolution

(Newser) - Erupting protests over Iranian elections may be the first political upheaval tweeted from beginning to end, as demonstrators keep up a running account of what's happening, reports CNN. "My friend saying more than 100 students arrested. Bastards just attacked us for no reason. I lost count of how much...

CNN Fiddled While Tehran Burned
CNN Fiddled While Tehran Burned

CNN Fiddled While Tehran Burned

Twitter users blast network's paltry coverage during riots

(Newser) - Twitter has already become a go-to place for breaking news, but the micro-blogging site assumed the role of media watchdog over the weekend, reports the New York Times. As riots protesting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s victory began to heat up in Tehran—and CNN aired a Larry King repeat about American ...

Ayatollah Orders Ballot Probe
 Ayatollah Orders Ballot Probe 

Ayatollah Orders Ballot Probe

Khamenei accedes to Mousavi's request for vote fraud investigation

(Newser) - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered a probe into Iran's allegedly rigged presidential election, reports CNN. The country's supreme leader has already endorsed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's supposed victory as "a divine miracle," but Khamenei today requested that a clerical body investigate Mir Hossein Mousavi's claims of widespread fraud. The ayatollah's...

Mousavi Cancels Tehran Rally, Cops Teargas Students

Iran crackdown hardens as Tehran riots continue

(Newser) - Mir Hossein Mousavi called off a major rally in Tehran today after the supposedly defeated presidential candidate was told that militias with live rounds would be standing guard, reports the BBC. Heated clashes are continuing between the police and Mousavi supporters disputing the declared election results. Security forces reportedly fired...

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