Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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Israeli Prez Follows Obama in Appeal to Iranians

Praises Shah

(Newser) - Following President Obama's video message to Iran, Shimon Peres issued an audio address today, urging Iranians to reject the rule of their “oppressive and fanatical regime” and “reclaim their worthy place among the nations of the enlightened world.” The Israeli president's message, delivered partly in Farsi, was...

Iran Welcomes Obama Overture
Iran Welcomes
Obama Overture

Iran Welcomes Obama Overture

That is, if US admits 'previous mistakes' and gives up sanctions, support for Israel

(Newser) - The Iranian government gave a muted welcome to Barack Obama's surprise video appeal for better relations, but said the US must "realize its previous mistakes," drop sanctions, and end its support for Israel. An aide to president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Iran would "not show its back"...

Reformist Withdraws From Iran Election

Ex-president aims to unite reform vote behind political ally

(Newser) - Iran’s reformist ex-president will drop out of June’s presidential election to make more room for a fellow reformist, the New York Times reports. Mohammad Khatami "does not want to compete with Mir-Hossein Mousavi,” a political analyst said. Mousavi, a former PM, joined the race last week....

Former Iranian PM to Run for President

Moderate Mousavi emerges to challenge Ahmadinejad

(Newser) - Mir Hossein Mousavi, the last prime minister before Iran purged the position, will challenge Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and two other moderate reformers in this summer’s presidential election, he announced today. The run will be the reputed moderate’s first major foray since his post was eliminated in 1989, AFP reports....

Bye, Bye, Petro-Czars
 Bye, Bye, Petro-Czars 

Bye, Bye, Petro-Czars

The power of petro-czars has slumped as oil prices have fallen

(Newser) - There is one silver lining to the global recession: The economic and political fortunes of America’s oil-rich antagonists have been tarnished, Rana Foroohar writes in Newsweek. Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez have all been humbled by the falling price of...

Iran to US: We're Ready for Talks With 'Respect'

Ahmadinejad responds to US calls for change

(Newser) - As the Obama administration tries to overcome years of bad blood with Iran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today said his country is ready for talks “based on mutual respect and in a fair atmosphere,” the New York Times reports. “The new US administration has said that it wants...

Ex-Iranian President Khatami Will Challenge Ahmadinejad

In previous terms, advocated change, international communication

(Newser) - Former president Mohammad Khatami will challenge his successor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in Iran’s upcoming elections, the Washington Post reports. The bid would set up “a full-fledged confrontation between totalitarians and reformists,” says a former Khatami official. Khatami, who served from 1997-2005, tried and failed to expand personal freedom...

Iran Launches First Satellite

Says it will be used for research, telecom

(Newser) - Iran last night sent its first domestically built satellite into orbit, the BBC reports, timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of its revolution. The program's aims are peaceful, said state TV, with the satellite intended for research and telecommunications. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said it was meant to promote...

Now, Obama Awaits Overture From Iran
 Now, Obama Awaits 
 Overture From Iran 

Now, Obama Awaits Overture From Iran

(Newser) - While Barack Obama is not backing away from his campaign pledge to meet Iran without preconditions, the new administration is hoping Tehran will take the first step toward détente, Politico reports. “If countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from...

Netanyahu Calls 'Fanatical' Iran World's Biggest Danger

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be making overtures to Iran, but Benjamin Netanyahu wants none of it. The front-runner in the race to become Israel's next prime minister said the global economic crisis pales in comparison with the threat of a nuclear Iran and its "pre-medieval view of the world,"...

US Drafts Letter to Iran to Mend Ties

Development could lead to direct talks between old enemies

(Newser) - Barack Obama is moving his efforts to improve relations with Iran beyond mere speech-making, the Guardian reports. The State Department is drafting a letter to Iranian leaders to assure them the US is not looking to overthrow the curent regime, just change its behavior. The letter—a response to a...

For Iran, Change Means Having to Say You're Sorry

Ahmadinejad demands Obama apologize for American 'crimes'

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has responded to President Obama's offers of a new start for US-Iranian diplomacy with a demand—that the US "apologize to the Iranian people and try to repair their past crimes." The Iranian president delivered a tirade against the United States at a rally today, condemning...

Iranian Suicide Bombers Want Govt's OK to Attack Israel

Iranian groups say 10,000 have signed up

(Newser) - Hardline Iranian student groups have asked the government to authorize volunteers to carry out suicide bombings in Israel in response to the Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government has not responded to the call. Five student groups and a conservative clerical group launched a registration drive on...

Ahmadinejad: Jesus Is On Our Side
Jesus Is On
Our Side

Ahmadinejad: Jesus Is On Our Side

British TV will air Christmas address from Iran's leader

(Newser) - Iran's ever-controversial president will deliver a Christmas address on British television tomorrow in which he will argue that if Jesus were alive today, he would "fight against the tyrannical policies of prevailing global economic and political systems, as he did in his lifetime." Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's address is billed...

Moderate Tehran Mayor Eyes Presidential Bid

Ex-hardliner unites lefties, righties fed up with Ahmadinejad

(Newser) - Tehran's mayor appears to be mounting a presidential bid in Iran as political winds shift against President Ahmadinejad, the Boston Globe reports. Liberals and conservatives are allying for the first time, and Mayor Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, 47, has attended their meetings. Whoever wins in June will be "hugely consequential,...

Stone Shooting Chavez Flick
 Stone Shooting Chavez Flick 

Stone Shooting Chavez Flick

Director sticking with politics for follow-up to W

(Newser) - Controversial filmmaker Oliver Stone is following up his Bush biopic with a documentary on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and the new wave of Latin American leftism, Variety reports. Stone, who joined Chavez earlier this year in an effort to broker a deal to free hostages held by Colombian rebels, has...

Iran's Former Prez Mulls Run Against Ahmadinejad

Moderate Khatami, battered by conservatives, still has large following

(Newser) - Mohammad Khatami is considering a run to reclaim the Iranian presidency, the Economist reports. Frustrated with successor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s financial mismanagement and controversial rhetoric, moderate Iranians have swamped Khatami with entreaties to run. Although Khatami ultimately failed to deliver reform, his 1997-2005 tenure is remembered fondly for relaxed restrictions...

Iran Boosts Uranium Stockpile
 Iran Boosts Uranium Stockpile 

Iran Boosts Uranium Stockpile

UN reports finds country may already have enough for bomb

(Newser) - Iran is rapidly moving forward with its nuclear program and may already have enriched enough uranium to take the next step toward building a nuclear bomb, the Financial Times reports. The uranium will need more enrichment to reach weapons-grade levels, say UN experts, who believe the country will wait until...

Want to Stop Iran, President Obama? Cut Its Gas Supply

Limited refining capacity is chink in Tehran's armor—and opportunity for US

(Newser) - Could Barack Obama petro-blackmail Iran on its nuclear ambitions? Former State Department official Orde Kittrie thinks so. Despite abundant crude oil, limited refining capacity forces Iran to import 40% of its gasoline, Kittrie explains in the Wall Street Journal. And though none of its main suppliers are based in the...

Iran Toughens Stance on Obama
 Iran Toughens Stance 
 on Obama 

Iran Toughens Stance on Obama

Offer to talk merely signals shift from 'hard conflict to a soft attack,' commander says

(Newser) - Facing a US president-elect willing to negotiate, just as they’ve asked for, Iran’s leaders have adopted a more hostile tone toward Barack Obama, the Washington Post reports. “People who put on a mask of friendship, but with the objective of betrayal, and who enter from the angle...

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