Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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Iran Claims to Test New Missile
 Iran Claims to Test New Missile 

Iran Claims to Test New Missile

Sejil has the capability to reach Israel, Tehran says

(Newser) - The Iranian government said today it test-fired a new model of missile capable of reaching Israel or US bases in the Middle East, although it insisted its intentions were peaceful, the Times of London reports. Tehran released photos of a test of what it said were Sejil missiles, which it...

Iran Impeaches Minister for Fake Oxford Degree

Key Ahmadinejad ally misspelled words on 'honorary doctorate'

(Newser) - It turns out lying on your resume is frowned upon in Tehran, too. Iran’s parliament gave Interior Minister Ali Kordan the boot today, for posing as an honorary Oxford law graduate, the Daily Telegraph reports. Kordan’s bogus diploma is riddled with typos and misspellings, declaring Kordan “intitled”...

Iran Faces Its Nightmare: Falling Oil
Iran Faces Its Nightmare:
Falling Oil

Iran Faces Its Nightmare: Falling Oil

Suddenly negotiating is starting to look pretty smart, says Friedman

(Newser) - Barack Obama's promise to negotiate with Iran once seemed like a dubious idea to Thomas Friedman—pre-conditions or not, the US had no leverage. But everything's changed now that the price of oil is at $57 and falling, writes the New York Times columnist. Once the mullahs went on a...

Iranian Prez's Illness Nothing Serious, MP Says

Rumors to contrary are just political 'ploy'

(Newser) - The irrepressible Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is suffering from exhaustion, but it won’t keep him down for long, an MP told an Iranian news agency. Rumors that the Iranian president is very sick are “psychological warfare,” “an old ploy” designed to undermine him among fundamentalists before next June’...

Iran Cannot Be Allowed to Go Nuclear
Iran Cannot Be Allowed to Go Nuclear

Iran Cannot Be Allowed to Go Nuclear

Next president must prevent proliferation, no matter the cost

(Newser) - The US must prevent Iran from going nuclear, even if it means military intervention, write Daniel Coats and Charles Robb, heads of a bipartisan think tank on the issue. “An Islamic Republic of Iran with nuclear weapons capability would be strategically untenable,” they argue. Even if Iran doesn’...

Bush Made Pact With This Man: Arab Sources
Bush Made Pact With This Man:  Arab Sources

Bush Made Pact With This Man: Arab Sources

Iranian collusion may be behind the success of the surge in Iraq

(Newser) - Secret cooperation between Iran and the Bush administration may be behind the success of the Iraq surge, which has played heavily in "John McCain’s rise from the ashes," writes Salameh Nematt in the Daily Beast. Arab intelligence sources say such a “Grand Bargain” has been reached...

Iran Leader: 'American Empire' Coming to an End

Ahmadinejad, speaking at UN, vows to resists 'bullying powers'

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today that the days of America asserting its influence over the world are numbered, Reuters reports. At the UN, Ahmadinejad blamed a "few bullying powers" for the world's troubles and for trying to rein in his nation's peaceful nuclear ambitions. Ahmadinejad, who earlier made...

Iran Prez: Pentagon Triggered Wall Street Mess

Cost of interventions is bringing down the world, he claims

(Newser) - American intervention abroad is the root cause of today's financial crisis, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told the Los Angeles Times yesterday. "The US government has made a series of mistakes," he said. "The imposition on the US economy of heavy military engagement and involvement around the world...

Iran's President Has No Problem With Israelis...

...but Ahmadinejad adds that Israel is illegitimate

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday that he harbors no hostility to Israelis themselves even as he refuses to recognize Israel as a legitimate state, the New York Times reports. "We have no problem with people and nations,” said the Iranian president, whose comments caused at least some analysts to...

Clinton Cancels Event After Palin Invited, Too

Hillary calls off appearance at Jewish rally outside UN

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has canceled an appearance at a New York rally next week after organizers blindsided her by also inviting Sarah Palin. Several American Jewish groups are planning a major demonstration outside the United Nations on Sept. 22 to protest against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Clinton aides were furious that...

Ahmadinejad Says Israel to Be 'Removed Soon'

Iranian president's comments meant to reassure hardliners

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Israel “a germ of corruption” to be “removed soon” in comments on his presidential website today, the AP reports. While the outburst is nothing new for the Iranian leader, the posts were probably meant to reassure hawks enraged by the vice president’s comments last...

Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights
Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights

Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights

President rejects deadline for halting uranium enrichment

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected an informal deadline from the UN Security Council to halt its uranium enrichment program, the AP reports. In talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Ahmadinejad refused to cede "a single iota of its nuclear rights" despite threats of more sanctions. Tehran maintains its nuclear program is...

Klein to Jewish 'Extremists': Stop Bullying Me
Klein to Jewish 'Extremists': Stop Bullying Me

Klein to Jewish 'Extremists': Stop Bullying Me

Columnist punches back against Commentary campaign

(Newser) - The Jewish right-wing "extremists" at Commentary can call Joe Klein anti-Semitic and intellectually unstable all they want, the columnist writes, and they can even call for Time to fire him, but he’s not going stop telling what he calls the “palpable” truth that's "unspoken in polite...

Ahmadinejad Upbeat Despite Sanction Threats

Deadlocked nuke talks a 'step forward,' insists Iranian prez

(Newser) - After nuclear talks in Geneva ended in a deadlock yesterday, major powers gave Iran a two-week deadline to halt uranium enrichment or face tougher EU and UN sanctions, Reuters reports. But Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today presented an upbeat analysis of the discussions. "Any negotiation that takes place is...

US Closer to Establishing Diplomatic Outpost in Iran

Interest section, to be announced next month, first presence since 1979

(Newser) - The Bush administration is moving forward with plans to establish a US interest section—precursor to a formal embassy—in Iran, the Guardian reports. An announcement will come in the next month about the office, which will put US diplomats in Iran for the first time since the hostage crisis...

In Break With Policy, US to Join Iran Nuke Talks

Move hailed as breakthrough in Iranian relations

(Newser) - In a break with long-standing policy, a top US envoy will join European Union talks with Iran concerning its nuclear program, reports the Washington Post. Undersecretary of State William Burns will join the EU's foreign policy chief and Iran's nuclear negotiator in Geneva this weekend. Burns will hold out the...

Iran Tests Missile in Gulf in 'Warning' to US

Nine weapons fired into strategic waterway as alert to 'enemies'

(Newser) - Iran demonstrated its military might today by firing nine long- and medium-range missiles in the Strait of Hormuz, which 40% of the world's oil passes through. Reports on Iranian television said that one of the weapons fired was the Shahab-3 missile, which has a range of 1,250 miles....

Lefties Livid Over Obama's Right Moves
 Lefties Livid
 Over Obama's
 Right Moves 

Lefties Livid Over Obama's Right Moves

'Element of distrust' as Dem tunes policy platform more toward center

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s general-election shift to the center is in full effect on issues from spy powers to taxes, and the liberal left is getting a little steamed, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Democrat's support for cutting corporate taxes, an undivided Israeli Jerusalem and—perhaps most importantly to left...

Preconditions or Not, Iran Doesn't Want to Talk to Us

US misunderstanding of split personality hinders any progress

(Newser) - Barack Obama can berate President Bush for refusing to "sit down with" Iran, and John McCain can beat up Obama for proposing to do just that, but the fact is that every administration in the past 30 years has tried talking to Iran—without preconditions—and been rejected. Including...

Iran's New Speaker May Pose Challenge to Ahmadinejad

Larijani, with ear of top ayatollah, seen as more pragmatic than president

(Newser) - Iranian lawmakers seemingly made their displeasure with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad known today, selecting rival Ali Larijani as speaker of parliament. Larijani ran against Ahmadinejad in 2005, and the two have often clashed since, the Los Angeles Times reports. As Iran’s top nuclear negotiator, Larijani was often frustrated by the...

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