Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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Pro-Government Protesters Threaten Mousavi

Ahmadinejad also tells 'Mr. Obama' to butt out

(Newser) - Thousands of pro-government Iranians coalesced today at rallies organized by the regime in Tehran and elsewhere, chanting “Death to America” and calling for the head of Mir-Hossein Mousavi. Meanwhile, the opposition leader laid his nephew to rest, killed over the weekend as anti-government protesters clashed with security forces. Today’...

Video Shows Protester Run Over by Iran Cop

Ahmadinejad blames America, Zionists for protests

(Newser) - Police vehicles can be seen speeding toward groups of Iranian activists and running at least one of them over in a shocking video believed to have been taken during protests last weekend. A person lies crumpled in the road at the end of the video as activists scream, and it's...

Reports: Iran Fires on Protesters, Kills 4

Strife in Tehran is most heated since June protests

(Newser) - Iranian security forces opened fire on anti-government protesters in the capital today, killing at least four people and injuring two others in the fiercest clashes in months, opposition websites and witnesses said. Authorities had warned of a harsh crackdown should opposition supporters hold rallies coinciding with today's religious observances marking...

With Iran in Turmoil, Obama Can't Squander Another Year
With Iran in Turmoil, Obama Can't Squander Another Year
Charles Krauthammer

With Iran in Turmoil, Obama Can't Squander Another Year

Ticking nuclear clock won't allow many more missed chances

(Newser) - By not throwing his support to Iran’s struggling opposition movement, President Obama should be looking back with regret on “a year of spectacularly squandered opportunity,” Charles Krauthammer writes. Citing Obama’s “scandalous silence,” and his “relentless engagement with the murderous regime” of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,...

Ahmadinejad Backtracks on Vow to Help Free Hikers
Ahmadinejad Backtracks
on Vow to Help Free Hikers

Ahmadinejad Backtracks on Vow to Help Free Hikers

Iranian prez tells Diane Sawyer, 'I am not the judge to judge about it'

(Newser) - The three American hikers being held in Iran probably shouldn’t count on that helping hand Mahmoud Ahmadinejad promised them. In an interview airing tonight on ABC , Diane Sawyer asked Ahmadinejad if he was still going to do his best to free the hikers, as he promised. “Yes,”...

Regime Change in Iran Could Easily Backfire

The current crew is limited by its own incompetence

(Newser) - Iran’s current government leaves much to be desired, but would the installation of a less ideological, more democratic government actually be desirable for the US and its allies? Maybe not, writes Stephen Walt . For example, Mir Mousavi, Ahmadinejad’s jilted rival in the last “election,” agrees with...

Iran Tells US: Give Us Our Scientist Back

Nuclear researcher is missing, and Tehran says he was abducted

(Newser) - Iran today accused the US and Saudi Arabia of kidnapping a prominent nuclear scientist. Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Shahram Amir disappeared while visiting Saudi Arabia on a religious pilgrimage in June. "The Americans did abduct him," he said. "Therefore we expect the American government to return...

Defiant Iran Scoffs at Sanctions
Defiant Iran Scoffs at Sanctions

Defiant Iran Scoffs at Sanctions

'Any finger which is about to pull the trigger will be cut off'

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said it was pointless for the international community to impose sanctions against Iran. The president remained defiant as ever in the face of a global consensus against the nation's nuclear program, and said threats of isolating the country were "ridiculous." Iran is fully capable of making...

Iran OKs Plans for 10 Nuke Plants

Tehran thumbs nose at UN demands to cease program

(Newser) - The Iranian government approved a plan today to build 10 industrial scale uranium enrichment facilities, a dramatic expansion of the program in defiance of UN demands it halt enrichment. The decision comes only days after the UN nuclear watchdog agency censured Iran over its program and demanded it halt the...

Neda's Boyfriend: 'This Movement Will Never Die'
Neda's Boyfriend: 'This Movement Will Never Die'
Iran Protest

Neda's Boyfriend: 'This Movement Will Never Die'

In hiding after fleeing Iran, says the movement is still strong

(Newser) - "I still cannot believe it. I think I will see Neda again," the boyfriend of the iconic slain Iranian protester tells the Guardian in his first interview since fleeing the country. "Now I have left Iran, I can cry out," says Caspian Makan, who was tossed...

Iranian Police Clash With Protesters

Tear gas, beatings mark 30th anniversary of US Embassy takeover

(Newser) - Iranian security forces beat anti-government protesters with batons and fired tear gas today on the sidelines of state-sanctioned rallies in Tehran to mark the 30th anniversary of the US Embassy takeover. While pro-government demonstrators chanted "death to America" outside the former embassy, opposition marchers nearby cried "death to...

Iran Won't Let Uranium Go Abroad After All
Iran Won't Let Uranium Go Abroad After All

Iran Won't Let Uranium Go Abroad After All

Despite cooperation pledge, Tehran nixes key piece of deal

(Newser) - Iran looks to be backtracking on a key piece of the deal struck in multi-party talks last week over its nuclear program, deciding it doesn’t want most of its uranium sent abroad for reprocessing. “The key issue is that Iran does not agree to export its lightly enriched...

Ahmadinejad Backs Nuke Deal—in Some Form

But Iran won't retreat 'even an iota' on right to program

(Newser) - Iran will not give up its nuclear program but is ready to cooperate with the West, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech today. It's Western powers that have moved, he said in a speech on state television, “from confrontation to interaction” with Iran on the nuclear issue so that...

Iran Bomber Kills 26, 5 Elite Guards

Ahmadinejad accuses US of involvement

(Newser) - A suicide bomber killed five senior commanders of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard and at least 26 others in a southeastern area that has been at the center of a simmering Sunni insurgency, the official IRNA news agency reports. The commanders were on their way to a meeting with local tribal...

Iran May Be Ready for Nuke Deal
 Iran May Be 
 Ready for 
 Nuke Deal 

Iran May Be Ready for Nuke Deal

Nation may have reached its goal

(Newser) - Iran has likely taken its nuclear program as far as it wants to and the nation may be willing to make a deal with the US and its allies this month, analysts say. The country has developed the capability to create and deliver a nuclear weapon without actually making it,...

Ahmadinejad Is Not Jewish
 Ahmadinejad Is Not Jewish 

Ahmadinejad Is Not Jewish

Iranian president's family is about as Muslim as can be

(Newser) - The bombshell claim that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's family is Jewish is false. The assertion was based on the fact that the family changed its last name from Sabourjian shortly before the Iranian leader's birth, and the "fact" that Sabourjian means "weaver of the sabour," which the Telegraph said...

UN Report: Iran Able to Make Nuclear Bomb

Nation has sufficient data, says 'tentative' IAEA conclusion

(Newser) - Iran may be closer to making a nuclear weapon than thought: A controversial report by the UN nuclear agency concludes that Tehran has "sufficient information to be able to design and produce" such a device. What's more, Iran has gone beyond just acquiring information from rogue experts and has...

Ahmadinejad: Obama Made 'Big Mistake' Over Nukes

Tehran didn't hide new facility, he insists

(Newser) - Iran's president hit back today at President Obama's accusation that his country had sought to hide construction of a new nuclear site, arguing that Tehran reported the facility to the UN even earlier than required. "The US president made a big and historic mistake," said Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "...

Ahmadinejad Is ... Jewish?
 Ahmadinejad Is ... Jewish? 

Ahmadinejad Is ... Jewish?

His family changed names after his birth

(Newser) - Holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may be hiding Jewish roots. A close look at his identity card—which he held up to the media during Iran's presidential campaign—reveals that his family changed its name from Sabourjian shortly after his birth, the Telegraph reports. That's a Jewish name meaning cloth weaver—...

This Looks Like a Job for the Neocons

Time for America to start flexing its muscles instead of making deals

(Newser) - Neoconservatives are making a comeback and it's about time, writes Bret Stephens. They're back "because Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Il, and Vladimir Putin never went away," Stephens writes in the Wall Street Journal, and because the world wants America to use its strength to stop Iran and North...

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