Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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Defiant Iran Tests 2 Missiles

(Newser) - Defiant over the revelation of its secret nuclear facility, Iran today test-fired two short-range missiles and announced it plans to test a long-range missile tomorrow, state media reports. The missiles tested today have a range of 90 to 100 miles, and experts believe Iran is developing them to carry nuclear...

Iran Will Allow UN Inspectors at Nuke Site
Iran Will Allow UN Inspectors
at Nuke Site

Iran Will Allow UN Inspectors at Nuke Site

But official brags it will 'blind the eyes' of enemies

(Newser) - Some typically mixed messages out of Iran today: The nation's nuclear chief says UN inspectors will be allowed to visit a newly revealed uranium-enrichment facility. Ali Akbar Salehi says he's "astonished" by the controversy, insisting that Iran has done nothing wrong. Meanwhile, an aide to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali...

Netanyahu Blasts UN for Ahmadinejad Speech

'Have you no shame?' cries Israeli PM

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu didn’t hold back today when he took the stage at the United Nations. The Israeli PM went on a tirade, berating the UN for allowing Holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak. “Have you no shame? Have you no decency?” he demanded, after recounting the horrors of...

Iran Offers US Meeting With Nuke Experts

Ahmadinejad says country wants to buy 'medicinal' uranium

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says he’d be willing to let Iran’s nuclear scientists meet with experts from the US and other world powers in an effort to alleviate suspicions about the country’s nuclear program. Iran also intends to attempt to buy uranium from the US during international negotiations next...

Ahmadinejad Rips Israel, US, as Usual, in UN Speech

American, other delegations walk out of Iranian president's speech

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ripped Israel and the US in his speech today before the United Nations General Assembly, even as Iran’s president said his country was ready to work for peace and would shake hands “honestly extended to us.” The US and other delegations walked out—in protest...

Ahmadinejad Says He'll Seek Leniency for US Hikers

Iranian president 'hopeful' trio's case can be resolved

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today he will request leniency for three American hikers who apparently strayed across Iran's border. Ahmadinejad said the Americans broke the law, and "we're not happy that this happened." He added, "What I can ask is that the judiciary expedites the...

Empire State Lighting Thrills Iranian Activists

Tower green during Ahmadinejad visit—for The Wizard of Oz

(Newser) - With Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York to speak at the annual opening of the UN general assembly, opponents of the Iranian regime petitioned to have the Empire State Building bathed in protesters' trademark green. The building's managers said no, but the activists got a lucky break, reports the Wall Street ...

Ahmadinejad: Captured US Hikers Must Be Punished

Iranian president links release of hikers to fate of detained diplomats

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday dashed the hopes of parents of three American hikers who've been detained in Iran for 6 weeks, saying they broke the law when they strayed into Iranian territory from Iraq, and must be punished. The families had urged Ahmadinejad to bring the three with him when he...

Holocaust a Lie, Pretext to Create Israel: Ahmadinejad

It was a pretext used to create a Jewish state, he says

(Newser) - Iran's president repeated his assertion that the Holocaust is a myth today, calling it a "pretext" used to create Israel, the New York Times reports. "It is a lie based on an unprovable and mythical claim," Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told attendees at an anti-Israel rally in Tehran. "...

US Agrees to Iran Talks
 US Agrees to Iran Talks  

US Agrees to Iran Talks

Iran says nukes not on the table, but White House will try anyway

(Newser) - The US has accepted an offer from Iran to hold direct talks on a range of issues, the New York Times reports, despite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's insistence that the country's nuclear enrichment program will not be on the negotiating table. State Department officials say they will still press Iran on the...

Iran Nuclear Talks Stall; Sanctions Loom

Stalemate seen as Ahmadinejad refuses more negotiations

(Newser) - Iran looks set to face another round of international sanctions as nuclear talks have reached an impasse and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refuses to discuss a compromise, reports the Guardian. Mohamed ElBaradei, who heads the UN nuclear watchdog, said today Iran has not suspended enrichment activities and continues to be uncooperative with...

After 3 Decades, Iran Names Female Cabinet Minister

Health appointee heralds achievement of 'long-standing dream'

(Newser) - Iran has named its first female cabinet minister since the dawn of the Islamic Republic in 1979, the Guardian reports. “I think today women reached their long-standing dream of having a woman in the cabinet to pursue their demands,” said new health minister Marzieh Vahid Dastgerdi. “This...

Ahmadinejad Wants Opposition Leaders Tried

(Newser) - Just days after Iran's supreme leader tried to dial down the nation's tensions, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ratcheted them right back up again, reports the Los Angeles Times. In a charged speech today in Tehran, the country's president for the first time called for the prosecution of opposition leaders. He didn't name...

Ahmadinejad Taps Fugitive for Iran Cabinet

Defense pick wanted in '94 blast at Jewish center in Argentina

(Newser) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s pick for Iran’s defense minister is wanted in connection with the 1994 bombing of a Jewish center in Argentina, the Guardian reports. Eight-five were killed and 150 injured in the attack, the worst on a Jewish target outside Israel since World War II; Ahmad Vahidi...

Iran's 'Kennedys': Will They Fight Back?
 Iran's 'Kennedys': 
 Will They Fight Back? 

Iran's 'Kennedys': Will They Fight Back?

(Newser) - Dubbed Iran's "Kennedys," the Larijani brothers have risen to power as counterweights to President Ahmadinejad's hardline politics—but to what end? All five bespectacled and bearded brothers have held important posts, and two of them are now running two of the nation's three government branches. Backed by...

Ahmadinejad Names 3 Women to Cabinet

But female ministers are hardliners, unlikely to please reformers

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today he would nominate three women to join his cabinet, reports the Guardian, attempting to soften his image after the brutal crackdowns following his disputed re-election. The decision is significant in a country where just eight of 290 MPs are female. But the two women whose names...

Worst-Dressed World Leaders
 World Leaders 

Worst-Dressed World Leaders

Time lampoons the decadent, inept or just plain weird fashion decisions of the powerful

(Newser) - Not all world leaders are world fashion leaders. Time pokes fun at the most inept:
  1. Kim Jong-Il. He mainly wears khaki suits that call attention to his paunch and “Kanye West-sized” sunglasses.
  2. Vladimir Putin. Not a bad dresser—when he wears clothes. Unfortunately, he's often snapped shirtless to keep

Ahmadinejad Begins 2nd Term
 Ahmadinejad Begins 2nd Term 

Ahmadinejad Begins 2nd Term

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been sworn in for a second term as president of Iran, one day after the White House finally announced that the US recognized him as the country's elected leader. In his inaugural address, Ahmadinejad took a swipe at the US and European nations that "decided to...

Palin Channels Ahmadinejad
 Palin Channels Ahmadinejad 

Palin Channels Ahmadinejad

Her self-presentation, politics, and biography are like his

(Newser) - Sarah Palin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have their differences—but their images, politics, and even life stories show significant overlap, writes Juan Cole for Salon. Both are former governors of “frontier states,” both drum up support through “wounded nationalism,” and both battle foreign influence. “Above all,...

Ahmadinejad 2nd Term Blessed, Iran TV Airs 'Confessions'

(Newser) - As his adversaries faced a mass court hearing condemned as a show trial, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was formally endorsed today for a second term as president of Iran. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei conducted the ceremony, which Mir Hossein Mousavi and other opposition figures boycotted. The endorsement came after state television screened courtroom...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>