Hillary Clinton

Read the latest news about former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton on Newser.com

Stories 2161 - 2180 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Delegate Lead Dicey for Clinton

Unlikely to catch up, she'll push for Fla., Mich. delegates

(Newser) - Barack Obama has taken a lead of more than 100 delegates in the race for the Democratic nomination, leaving Hillary Clinton with a deficit she's not likely to make up unless she wins Texas and Ohio with a landslide, the New York Times reports. With dwindling options, aides say she'll...

Bill's Critics Wrong About His Legacy
Bill's Critics Wrong About His Legacy

Bill's Critics Wrong About His Legacy

Hillary lures poorer voters because of his progressive policies

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s hold on poorer Democratic voters can be attributed to “unquestionable” leftward progress on the economy during her husband’s presidency, David Greenberg writes in Slate. Her campaign may downplay the first Clinton years, but that era produced a progressive budget that included “the most significant...

Clinton Funders Might Resort to Outside Ads

Legal issues unclear; meanwhile, McCain nabs top Bush-backer

(Newser) - Concerned about Hillary’s wallet, some big Clinton funders may resort to running ads on her behalf through independent organizations, the Wall Street Journal reports. Several, including Esprit founder Susie Tompkins Buell, are exploring the move, which would require them to sever ties with the campaign. Even if they did,...

Hillary Finds Herself in Rudy's Spot

Will Ohio, Texas voters hold out against Obama-mentum?

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s nomination bid suddenly resembles the plan that failed Rudy Giuliani: Like Hizzoner’s Florida firewall, Clinton must hope voters in Texas and Ohio are unaffected by a month of good news for Barack Obama. Clinton still leads polls in the big states that vote March 4, and...

Hillary's Not a True Test of Gender Bias
Hillary's Not a True Test of Gender Bias

Hillary's Not a True Test of Gender Bias

Dowd: Maybe you want a woman president —but not this woman

(Newser) - Barack Obama's sweep of eight primaries in the past four days has put Hillary Clinton on the ropes, and New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wonders if women will once again come to her aid as they did in New Hampshire. But the "national seminar on gender and race"...

The Playbook for a Comeback
The Playbook for a Comeback

The Playbook for a Comeback

Strategists outline how they'd take back momentum for Clinton's campaign

(Newser) - Can she get back on her feet before she’s counted out? The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza asked Democratic strategists how Hillary Clinton could regain momentum in her faltering campaign. The four-point play:
  • Follow Bill’s “It’s the economy, stupid” lead: Put out a "white paper"

McCain '08: Difficult But Doable
McCain '08: Difficult But Doable

McCain '08: Difficult But Doable

Conservative pundit outlines path to White House for Arizona senator

(Newser) - A few months ago a Democratic victory in the presidential election seemed assured—but then again, Rudy Giuliani seemed unstoppable too. As John McCain solidifies his claim to the GOP nomination, Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes details how the Arizona senator can win the White House. He needs to seduce...

Hillary-Leaning Super Delegates May Cut, Run
Hillary-Leaning Super Delegates May Cut, Run

Hillary-Leaning Super Delegates May Cut, Run

Party loyalty to Clintons is already strained, IOUs collected

(Newser) - The Clinton campaign is fraught with worries after eight straight Barack Obama victories, and as Hillary loses momentum she may also be bleeding superdelegates, writes the AP's Ron Fournier. Even the most devoted Clinton allies aren't likely to stick around long if it looks like the Good Ship Hillary is...

Obama Has the Big Mo— But Can He Be Stopped?

His campaign is claiming a lock on the nomination, but don't count Hillary out yet

(Newser) - With a week of sweeping victories, culminating yesterday in Potomac wins that show him cutting into the heart of Hillary Clinton's base, newly crowned front-runner Barack Obama now has a strong case that the Dems should coalesce around his candidacy, Adam Nagourney writes in the New York Times. He now...

In Sweep, Obama Breaks Into Hillary's Base

Wins among women, whites, Latinos in Virginia

(Newser) - With his wins yesterday in the three Potomac primaries, Barack Obama made stunning inroads into Hillary Clinton's base of support, the Washington Post reports. Obama won a majority of white voters in Virginia and Maryland, and also captured the support of 54% of Latinos, a traditional Clinton stronghold. He dominated...

Obama Sweeps, Takes Lead in Delegates
Obama Sweeps, Takes
Lead in Delegates

Obama Sweeps, Takes Lead in Delegates

He has now won eight straight contests over Clinton

(Newser) - Barack Obama swept the Potomac primaries tonight with easy victories over Hillary Clinton in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC, NBC reports. Obama has now won eight consecutive contests to capture an elusive commodity in this year's race—momentum. He also has an unambiguous lead in delegates for the first time—...

Clinton Team Loses Another Top Staffer

Deputy manager resigns days after campaign chief

(Newser) - With the Clinton campaign struggling to right itself amid a string of losses, another top-ranking staffer has resigned, the Washington Post reports. Mike Henry, the campaign's deputy manager, stepped down just days after campaign chief Patti Solis Doyle did the same. Henry said he quit to allow new chief Maggie...

Pundits Ponder Democrats' Next Move
Pundits Ponder Democrats'
Next Move

Pundits Ponder Democrats' Next Move

Second thoughts abound as potential end game looms

(Newser) - It’s primary day in Maryland, Virginia, and DC, and opinions vary on which Democratic hopeful truly holds the lead. Here are four outlooks:
  • Barack Obama is surging past Hillary Clinton in this month's races, but their "long and increasingly bitter struggle" may hurt the party's chances in November,

Va. Offers Democrats 2 Possible VPs
Va. Offers Democrats 2 Possible VPs

Va. Offers Democrats 2 Possible VPs

If 'dream ticket' doesn't materialize, Kaine, Webb are rising stars

(Newser) - Amid talk of an Obama-Clinton or Clinton-Obama dream ticket, Democrats may want to look around before leaving Virginia tonight—the state is home to not one but two viable vice presidential contenders, Politico reports. Obama has already short-listed Gov. Tim Kaine, a campaign co-chair who shares the senator's bipartisan charisma....

Obama Edges McCain in New Poll
Obama Edges McCain in
New Poll

Obama Edges McCain in New Poll

Contest held today would be tight; Clinton ties with GOP leader

(Newser) - It would be close, but Barack Obama would beat John McCain if the presidential election were held today, an AP-Ipsos poll shows. A McCain-Hillary Clinton contest would come out nearly even. The numbers highlight the deep divide between Obama and Clinton supporters, with roughly a third of each saying they'd...

Harsh Reality: Clinton May Lose
Harsh Reality: Clinton May Lose

Harsh Reality: Clinton May Lose

Backers nervous as she heads into must-win situation in Texas and Ohio

(Newser) - With a string of losses swinging momentum away, Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff and supporters are slowly realizing she could actually lose. “She has to win both Ohio and Texas comfortably, or she’s out,” a superdelegate supporting the onetime frontrunner told the New York Times. Other superdelegates...

'Bossy? Aloof?' Index of Hillary Bio Is Way Off

Blogger dissects back pages of book on Dem hopeful

(Newser) - Readers looking for a crash course in everything Hillary can try the index of Carl Bernstein's A Woman in Charge, and find a laundry list of moody traits: "bossiness," "aloofness," "anger, temper and hurt" are only the A's and B's. But New York Times blogger...

Ex-Rivals Vie For Edwards' Backing
Ex-Rivals Vie For Edwards' Backing

Ex-Rivals Vie For Edwards' Backing

Hesitation may indicate problem for Obama: blogger

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are chasing John Edwards' endorsement, and Obama should be worried by their ex-rival's cold feet, Washington Post blogger Dan Balz writes. Edwards may seem a good fit for the change candidate, and the two often teamed up against Clinton on the campaign trail, but "...

Clinton Clings to Lead in Superdelegates

Democrats trade words about process; AP tallies votes

(Newser) - Even after Barack Obama's weekend primary victories, he and Hillary Clinton are neck-and-neck in the delegate race thanks to her lead among superdelegates. By the AP's count, Clinton has won endorsements from 243 of the 796 party officials and insiders who vote at the convention for the candidate of their...

Clinton Battles for Vital Va. Win
Clinton Battles for Vital Va. Win

Clinton Battles for Vital Va. Win

Senator targets strongholds: Latinos, federal workers, rural southwest

(Newser) - Super Tuesday was supposed to decide the Democratic nomination, but tomorrow's Chesapeake primary might be what pushes Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton over the top, reports Politico. And with Obama all but assured victories in DC and Maryland, Clinton is waging a critical battle for Virginia, where her rival holds...

Stories 2161 - 2180 | << Prev   Next >>