Hillary Clinton

Read the latest news about former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton on Newser.com

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Conservatives Warm to McCain
Conservatives Warm to McCain

Conservatives Warm to McCain

Leaders aren't crazy about his politics, but they like his chances to win White House

(Newser) - Conservative leaders have a bracing message for voters leery of John McCain: he can win in November. Politico interviews with more than a dozen over this weekend's conservative powow in DC finds them approving of McCain's distance from Bush, which they see winning over voters who want change. “The...

Obama Keeps Rolling in Maine
Obama Keeps Rolling in Maine

Obama Keeps Rolling in Maine

Voter turnout high in caucuses despite bitter cold and 8 inches of snow

(Newser) - Barack Obama continued his weekend sweep by winning the Maine caucuses today, MSNBC projects. Glacial temperatures and 8 inches of snow didn't stop lineups from forming across the state, where one Obama backer called him "a once-in-a-generation leader." Obama currently leads Hillary Clinton by 57% to 42% with...

Bush, Too, Says Obama Lacks Experience

GOP starts attack on hopeful's 'thin record'; Obama strikes back

(Newser) - President George Bush reacted to Barack Obama's roll at the polls yesterday by blasting the Dem hopeful on Fox this morning. “I certainly don't know what he believes in,” Bush said. “The only foreign policy thing I remember he said was he's going to attack Pakistan and...

Clinton Manager Calls It Quits
Clinton Manager Calls It Quits

Clinton Manager Calls It Quits

Campaign chief mum on motive after Obama sweeps 4 races; will remain as adviser

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's campaign manager quit today, reports ABC News, giving no explanation in an email to staffers other than the campaign "has required enormous sacrifices from all of us and our families." Patti Solis Doyle will stay on as a senior adviser, but passes the torch to Maggie...

New Kid Works Old Clinton Mojo
New Kid Works Old Clinton Mojo

New Kid Works Old Clinton Mojo

Former first daughter works overtime to strengthen women, youth vote

(Newser) - Chelsea Clinton is the hottest ticket on her mom's campaign, but it's taken her a while to come into her own. Just last December, the media-shy Stanford grad waved meekly beside Hillary at an Iowa rally. And while she's still not giving interviews, the former first daughter isn't shy about...

Super Delegate Situation a Tangled Thicket

796 insiders must walk line between public's wish, party allegiances

(Newser) - Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have long been courting superdelegates—the 796 Democratic insiders whose votes are becoming ever more critical to their party's nomination—but the situation is rife with potential pitfalls, explains the Washington Post. The idea that the votes of everyday Democrats may not end up...

Blue-Collar Voters Not Sold on Obama

College grads prefer him by 20%; working class goes for Clinton

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s camp has spotted Hillary Clinton’s edge among working class voters, the Chicago Tribune reports. A recent Obama campaign memo said he expects to lose in states where collars are more blue than white. And numbers support the Dem divide: Workers picked Hillary over Obama by 60%...

Dems Look for an Edge in 3 State Votes Today

Clinton, Obama compete in Washington, Louisiana, Nebraska

(Newser) - It's not quite Super Tuesday, but Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will be competing for votes in three states today. More than 150 delegates are at stake in Louisiana's primary and in caucuses in Washington state, Nebraska, and the Virgin Islands. Both candidates are also campaigning aggressively in Maine, which...

Clinton: No Nomination, No Tax Returns

Obama campaign blasts Hillary as not 'fully vetted'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign said yesterday that it will not release the Democratic candidate’s tax returns unless she wins the party’s nod, the Swamp reports. Obama’s campaign attacked Clinton for the move. "Why should Democratic voters have to wait until after the primary campaign is over...

Dems in Florida, Michigan Could Get a Re-Vote

With Obama and Clinton in a virtual tie, the party is considering a do-over

(Newser) - Michigan and Florida Democrats—stripped of delegates to the national convention when the states moved their primaries ahead of Super Tuesday—could get another shot at helping select the candidate, the Wall Street Journal reports. With Hillary Clinton and Obama in a dead heat, pressure is mounting on the states...

Obama Drug Use Minimal: Old Friends

Candor about teenage 'bad decisions' may have been overstated

(Newser) - In his memoir Barack Obama makes a rare admission—for a politician—of  “some bad decisions” as a teenager, of indulging in drinking and drugs before political activism led him out of apathy. But friends remember an already-focused Obama: an eloquent, poised young intellectual, active against South African apartheid...

Potomac Leaders Differ on Dem Picks

DC mayor, Virginia gov. like Obama; Maryland chief backs Clinton

(Newser) - The three chief executives in Tuesday’s Potomac Primary don't agree on a candidate—it's two for Obama, one for Clinton—but all have strong ties with their candidate of choice, the Washington Post reports. And all three endorsed early:
  • Virginia's Tim Kaine was the first governor outside Illinois to

MSNBC Anchor Apologizes for 'Pimped Out' Jab at Clinton

Shuster suspended over Chelsea remark

(Newser) - MNSBC suspended anchor David Shuster today after he drew fire from Hillary Clinton's camp for saying former first daughter Chelsea was being “pimped out in some weird sort of way” by her mother’s campaign. Shuster apologized on air earlier tonight, though he at first stood by the comments,...

Bill Admits He Is Unlike 'Any Other Spouse'

Playing offense for Hillary was inapt, ex-prez says

(Newser) - Bill Clinton said yesterday he took the wrong approach in defending his wife before the South Carolina primary. “The mistake that I made is to think that I was a spouse like any other spouse," he said in an interview with a TV reporter in Maine. "I...

Obama Agrees to Debates in Ohio and Texas

Yields to half of Clinton's challenge; would rather do rallies

(Newser) - Yielding to pressure from the Clinton camp, Barack Obama accepted two of  four proposed debates in advance of the March 4th primaries yesterday, one in Ohio and one in Texas. Obama is favored in the eight contests to be held between now and March 4, but he trails in Texas...

Obama Stronger Rival Against McCain: Poll

More independents would back Barack than Hillary in McCain match

(Newser) - Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama would have a better chance than Hillary Clinton of beating John McCain in a general election, according to a new Time magazine poll. Obama outdid McCain 48% to 41% in a theoretical match-up, while Clinton and McCain tied at 46% each. Pollsters chalk up the...

Hollywood, Tech, Latino Titans Won Calif. for Clinton

Director Reiner among key pieces of Hillary's defeat of Obama

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton won the California primary on the strength of deep relationships with the state’s entertainment, Silicon Valley, and Hispanic communities, reports the Washington Post. Four figures that fought to tip the scales her way:
  • Filmmaker Rob Reiner worked full-time for Hillary, holding a $500,000 fundraiser for her

Dems Encircle Vital Virginia
Dems Encircle Vital Virginia

Dems Encircle Vital Virginia

Clinton pushing hard in state thought to favor Obama

(Newser) - Forget Yorktown and Manassas: Virginia will weigh in on a new war Tuesday, as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton make the state the next key Democratic battleground. Watchers had thought Obama would sweep the so-called Potomac Primary—in Virginia, Maryland, and DC—but Clinton is looking for a crucial stand...

Team Obama Prepares for Stalemate
Team Obama Prepares for Stalemate

Team Obama Prepares for Stalemate

Leaked memo forecasts dead heat with Clinton for nom

(Newser) - Barack Obama's campaign is preparing for a deadlocked contest with Hillary Clinton and forecasting a virtual tie in the race for Democratic delegates, according to an internal memo. Bloomberg reports Obama's advisers envision him winning 19 of 27 remaining primaries but giving Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to Clinton. That scenario...

After Potomac Primary, March 4 Looms Large

DC, Md. and Va. vote Tuesday, then a bit of a breather for candidates

(Newser) - With Feb. 5 gone and the Democratic race still undecided, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are looking to Tuesday's so-called Potomac Primary, then another big day March 4. Three states vote Saturday, but Tuesday offers bigger prizes in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Obama is the odds-on favorite in heavily black...

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