Hillary Clinton

Read the latest news about former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton on Newser.com

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Sniping Heats Up as Obama Calls Clinton a 'Step Back'

Invokes White House rerun as negative

(Newser) - He claims he didn't snub her at the State of the Union, but Barack Obama was definitely on offense against Hillary Clinton yesterday, arguing that another Clinton in the White House would be a step backward, AP reports. "I know it is tempting, after another presidency by a man...

Clinton-Obama Iciness Has a Little History
Clinton-Obama Iciness Has
a Little History

Clinton-Obama Iciness Has a Little History

Hillary's been snubbing Barack for a while now, Dowd writes

(Newser) - Contrary to his claims, Barack Obama did indeed snub his presidential rival Monday, writes the New York Times' Maureen Dowd—who’s not surprised, given the long, untold tale of Clinton coldness to the Illinois senator. It began when friendly Obama, fresh from revealing he might run, was “brushed...

John Edwards Drops White House Bid
John Edwards Drops White
House Bid

John Edwards Drops White House Bid

Departing hopeful: Dems 'will be strong, we will be unified'

(Newser) - John Edwards ended his presidential bid today in front of a Habitat for Humanity site in New Orleans. Edwards reiterated his confidence that "a proud progressive will occupy the White House" in 2008, but “It’s time for me to step aside so that history can blaze its...

Obama Hopes Kansas Roots Will Yield Votes

Red state's blue governor greets hopeful with endorsement

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been hitting the pavement in staunchly Republican Kansas, the Los Angeles Times reports, returning to the town where his maternal grandparents lived during the Great Depression. The Democratic presidential candidate also picked up an endorsement yesterday from Democratic governor Kathleen Sebelius—something that might help the Illinois...

Hispanics Key to Both Fla. Wins
Hispanics Key to Both Fla. Wins

Hispanics Key to Both Fla. Wins

Seniors also tip scales for McCain, Clinton

(Newser) - The Hispanic vote clinched the Florida victories of both John McCain and Hillary Clinton, the Miami Herald reports. McCain's POW experience especially resonated with Cuban-Americans, and Hispanic voters' fondness for Bill Clinton boosted Hillary, who won among Hispanics by a 2-1 margin over Obama. The strong presence of retirees also...

Clinton's Numbers Spell Trouble
Clinton's Numbers Spell Trouble

Clinton's Numbers Spell Trouble

Hillary's Florida win bares problematic voting patterns, say the Nation

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton took half the Democratic vote in Florida's primary but the numbers should still give her as much to worry about as to celebrate, writes the Nation. She took only a quarter of the black vote and came behind John Edwards in some rural counties—an ominous sign ahead...

Clinton Wins Fla.; No Delegates
Clinton Wins Fla.; No Delegates

Clinton Wins Fla.; No Delegates

No Dems campaigned after DNC punished state

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primary in Florida tonight, but she'll have no delegates to show for it, the AP reports. None of the Democrats campaigned here because the national party stripped the state of convention delegates—a punishment for moving up its primary without permission. Still, 1.5 million...

Clinton Plans Fla. Visit, Denies She's Campaigning

Obama camp snipes at 'cute' evasion of DNC sanctions

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton will make her first official campaign appearance in Florida tonight just as primary voting ends, honoring the letter if not the spirit of the Democrats' pledge not to campaign in states that leapfrogged Super Tuesday without party permission. Barack Obama's campaign called the projected winner's timing "too...

Three Biggest Myths of Election 2008
Three Biggest Myths of Election 2008

Three Biggest Myths of Election 2008

German observer deconstructs issues obsessing candidates

(Newser) - The riveting US election is beholden to three big story lines, each of which is a myth, writes Der Spiegel’s Gabor Steingart: Washington is broken, lobbyists have too much influence, and partisanship is evil. Candidates keep rehearsing those popular lines—and insisting they have the best bead on change—...

Obama Snubs Clinton at State of the Union

Dem political theater overshadows Bush's lame-duck address

(Newser) - Forget President Bush's last hurrah, it was Barack Obama’s snub of Hillary Clinton that had the press box chattering last night, reports the Chicago Tribune. After greeting seemingly the entire room, including the Supreme Court and the Joint Chiefs, Obama was standing by his seat next to Ted Kennedy...

Key Dems May Have Had Enough
Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Tired of Clintons' grip on party, many leaders defecting to Obama

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton loses Democratic stalwarts like Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and now Ted Kennedy, the New Republic looks at Democratic power brokers who have had enough of the Clinton brand and many who dismiss the former first couple as power-hungry and legacy-obsessed. Although it’s not obvious outside Washington,...

Edwards' New Plan: Outlast 'Celebrity Candidates'

Hopeful lays out new strategy and boasts of January funding increase

(Newser) - John Edwards may be running third among Dem hopefuls, but he vowed to stay in the race today with a new long-term strategy, the Chicago Tribune reports. He plans to roll online donations into ad campaigns in Super Tuesday states and a dozen others—including "red" ones—until the...

Feminist Group Slams Kennedy for Obama Pick

Endorsement is 'the ultimate betrayal' of women, advocate says

(Newser) - Feminists denounced Ted Kennedy today for endorsing Barack Obama, calling it "the ultimate betrayal," the Times Union reports. The National Organization for Women's New York chapter released a statement that Kennedy has "joined the list of progressive white men who can't or won't handle the prospect of...

Kids Line Up Behind Obama
Kids Line Up Behind Obama

Kids Line Up Behind Obama

Young voters reject old-timey partisan bickering

(Newser) - With "youth vote" challenging "change" as the buzzword of the 2008 elections, Barack Obama is drawing hordes of young people tired of what one campaign worker calls “the old partisan fights and bickering,” reports Voice of America. John Edwards also appeals to the young, but the...

Clinton Still Leads in the Big States

Decisive edge over Obama in 8 of the 10 most important Super Tuesday races

(Newser) - Barack Obama's landslide win in South Carolina gave the Illinois senator a hefty boost in the lead-up to Super Tuesday, but the big states are voting on Feb. 5, and Clinton holds the lead in most of them. The sheer diversity will prevent candidates from doing the whistle-stop campaigning that's...

Hillary to Sideline Attack Dog Bill
Hillary to Sideline Attack Dog Bill

Hillary to Sideline Attack Dog Bill

Ex-prez may have done irreparable harm

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton reels from her blowout defeat in South Carolina, Democrats worry that her husband's attacks on Barack Obama may have done irreparable harm to her candidacy—and her aides are preparing to push Bill toward the wings. Step 1 will be returning Bill Clinton to the sunnier presence...

GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain
GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain

GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain

'Billary' could mean Dems' demise, writes Frank Rich

(Newser) - Despite a crippled GOP, the Dems could still lose the White House in '08, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times: All they need is for Clinton to face McCain. 'Billary' alone would provide "two fat targets" to unite Republican rage. Plus a vetting of donors to Bill's...

Ted Kennedy to Endorse Obama
Ted Kennedy to Endorse Obama

Ted Kennedy to Endorse Obama

Critical nod a new blow to Clinton ahead of Super Duper Tuesday

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy, the heir to his slain brothers' Camelot ideal, will endorse Barack Obama's bid for the Oval Office tomorrow, the Boston Globe reports, ending his year-long seat on the fence and giving the candidate's surging chances a second Kennedy boost in a day. The Democratic godfather's coveted nod is...

Edwards Can't Steal Spotlight
Edwards Can't Steal Spotlight

Edwards Can't Steal Spotlight

Can't match Obama, Clinton's celebrity

(Newser) - The nation is enraptured with the prospect of a female or black president, and John Edwards' loss in his home state yesterday underscores his inability to nab the spotlight from his celebrity rivals. "He is the most gifted athlete on the field, but there's just not room," one...

UK Tories Give Hillary a Hand
UK Tories Give Hillary a Hand

UK Tories Give Hillary a Hand

Britain's right aligns itself with America's left

(Newser) - Since David Cameron became leader in 2005, Britain's Conservative Party has moved steadily to the political center on issues from climate change to gay rights. That shift has alienated the Tories from their American cousins, the Republicans, and in an election year the division has become especially acute. As the...

Stories 2241 - 2260 | << Prev   Next >>