Hillary Clinton

Read the latest news about former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton on Newser.com

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Obama Proves Appeal Across Racial Lines
Obama Proves Appeal Across Racial Lines

Obama Proves Appeal Across Racial Lines

Black backing, broad support and failed Clinton attacks win race

(Newser) - The Clintons threw their worst at Obama during the past week in South Carolina, hoping they'd rattled him, but in fact he emerged from this test of mettle with new strength, Patrick Healy writes in the New York Times. Obama's landslide rested on a high turnout of black voters, but...

Obama Wins SC in a Rout
Obama Wins SC in a Rout

Obama Wins SC in a Rout

He cruises on strong biracial support; Clinton finishes second over Edwards

(Newser) - Barack Obama scored a resounding triumph in the South Carolina primary last night, with massive support from black voters and stronger-than-expected backing from whites. Obama got 55% of the vote, more than doubling Hillary Clinton (27%) and tripling the state's native son, John Edwards (18%). Election officials said a record...

Don't Worry, Hill, This School Loves You

Virginia college known for picking winners calls her the nominee

(Newser) - It may not have been her night in South Carolina, but Hillary Clinton can take solace from the results out of a small liberal arts college in Virginia whose students pick political winners with uncanny accuracy. Washington and Lee University's mock convention pegged Clinton as the eventual nominee, WDBJ7 reports....

Clinton U-Turns on Michigan, Florida Ban

Says delegates should count after all; most would be hers

(Newser) - The Dems punished Michigan and Florida for slating their primaries early, but yesterday Hillary Clinton said she wants their delegates to count after all, Reuters reports. As the only Dem on last week's Michigan ballot and the front-runner in Tuesday's Florida's primary, she would reap nearly all 350 delegates at...

Race Takes Center Stage in SC
Race Takes Center Stage in SC 

Race Takes Center Stage in SC

Racist call to State newspaper shines light on primary's racial angle

(Newser) - As South Carolina hits the polls today, one word looms large: race. This is, after all, the first primary state with a notable black population, which pollsters say will help boost Barack Obama to a double-digit victory. It’s also home to a newspaper that got an angry phone call...

World Is Riveted to US Race
World Is Riveted to US Race

World Is Riveted to US Race

Workings of US democracy capture global attention

(Newser) - They may not have any say in its outcome, but people all over the world are giving the race for the White House an almost unprecedented level of attention, reports the New York Times, with a special focus on the Democratic contest.  Many hope a new president will bring...

SC Expects Record Turnout
SC Expects Record Turnout

SC Expects Record Turnout

Intense race may make Dems more competitive in general election here

(Newser) - Democratic officials are expecting record voter turnout for today’s South Carolina primary because of sunny skies and appealing candidates, the State says. But make no mistake: Dems don’t expect to win the Palmetto State come November. No Democrat has won a Southern state since Bill Clinton in 1996,...

Obama Needs Big SC Win
Obama Needs Big SC Win

Obama Needs Big SC Win

South Carolina's primary tests Obama's cachet among African-American voters

(Newser) - With a double-digit lead over Hillary Clinton going into today's South Carolina primary, and Clinton having turned her attention to Super Tuesday states, Barack Obama can’t just win today, he must dominate, reports the Wall Street Journal. In a state where some 50% of registered Democrats are African-American, anything...

GOP Hopefuls Can Agree on Something
GOP Hopefuls Can Agree on Something

GOP Hopefuls Can Agree on Something

Pundits see Clintons uniting Republicans, splintering Democrats

(Newser) - A Hillary Clinton presidency is the only thing that makes fractious Republicans “forget their differences and join hands in common purpose,” ex-Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson writes in the Washington Post. It’s not her policies but the specter of a partisan past that means the senator is “...

Key Black Leaders Back Clinton in SC

Clyburn stays out of it as 2 prominent women urge looking past race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton won endorsements today from two influential black women in South Carolina, who both asked African Americans to look past their enthusiasm for Barack Obama, the AP reports. Clinton has concentrated on wooing white voters there, but today she visited historically black Benedict College, where dean Stacey Franklin Jones...

They're Off&mdash;and Raspy
They're Off—and Raspy

They're Off—and Raspy

Nonstop race takes toll on candidates' vocal cords

(Newser) - Listen to the candidates in this year's grueling presidential race and you'll discover one of the first casualties of political war: vocal cords. With a dozen or so speaking engagements every day, the candidates are hoarse, raspy, and desperate for fixes. John McCain swears by pre-debate olive oil, the Wall ...

Edwards Gains on Clinton in SC
Edwards Gains on Clinton in SC

Edwards Gains on Clinton in SC

In new polls, Obama maintains lead as runners-up move into statistical tie

(Newser) - South Carolina may yet smile on native son John Edwards, polls taken since Monday's debate indicate. A Zogby poll released yesterday and a Clemson University Palmetto Poll out today show the ex-senator in a statistical tie with Hillary Clinton—both well behind Barack Obama, reports The State. Common to every...

New York Times Endorses Clinton, McCain

Gray Lady lauds 'easy' choices as it skewers Giuliani

(Newser) - In an ornery pair of editorials, the New York Times has endorsed Hillary Clinton and John McCain for their parties' presidential primaries. The paper's editorial board calls itself "hugely impressed" with the New York senator's credentials and says "she is capable of uniting and leading." The Times ...

Clintons, Obama Play Nice
Clintons, Obama Play Nice

Clintons, Obama Play Nice

South Carolina attack ads pulled after nasty week

(Newser) - Hostilities in the Clinton-Obama feud appear to have ceased for now, reports the Washington Post.  Attack ads were pulled from South Carolina local radio, starting with one from Hillary Clinton's campaign calling Barack Obama a closet Republican and a Ronald Reagan fan. The Obama response ad, saying Hillary will...

Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash
Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash

Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash

Many rank-and-filers are rethinking the Clintons

(Newser) - Hillary and Bill Clinton are facing backlash for their aggressive tone toward Barack Obama, as the former First Couple stands accused of conduct unbecoming of party leaders. As the Clinton campaign harps on discredited charges, the Washington Post writes, many neutral Democrats worry the harshness might hurt in the general...

The Executive vs. The Visionary
The Executive vs. The Visionary

The Executive vs. The Visionary

Democratic race offers a competing views of the presidency

(Newser) - The choice between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama boils down to two fundamentally different views of the presidency, writes the New Yorker's George Packer—the political pragmatism of Clinton or the inspiration of Obama. Clinton embraces nuts-and-bolts governance and scoffs at political naivety. Obama has a far more visionary view,...

Bill Accuses Obama of 'Hit Job'
Bill Accuses Obama of  'Hit Job'

Bill Accuses Obama of 'Hit Job'

Confronts CNN reporter on race claims

(Newser) - The bitter rivalry between the Clintons and Barack Obama took a toxic new turn yesterday as Bill Clinton, defending himself against accusations of injecting race into the campaign in South Carolina, accused Obama of "putting out a hit job" on him. During questioning by a CNN reporter, the former...

Poll: Clinton Still Ahead but Obama Support Surging

GOP field still wide open, Rudy's numbers slipping

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is still in first place among Democratic presidential hopefuls nationwide, despite a substantial 12% leap in support for Barack Obama since early December, finds  the latest Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll. Clinton leads Obama 42% to 33%, with John Edwards trailing at 11%. Asked to pick between Clinton and...

Anti-Hillary Group Boasts, Umm...a Creative Name

Fiesty GOP strategist fuels ugly partisan rift

(Newser) - A group by any other name wouldn’t sound as nasty: Citizens United Not Timid, an anti-Hillary group, has just filed for “527” status with the IRS. But it’s raising eyebrows not for its message but for its less-than-subtle acronym, reports Talking Points Memo. Not so coincidentally, Roger...

NY State of Mind? Rudy Has Florida Headache

Poll shows onetime leader third in state

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani’s campaign continues to crumble in Florida, the Miami Herald reports. The GOP challenger has slipped to third in a new poll among likely Florida voters, putting him in a tie with virtual no-show Mike Huckabee. Despite weeks of vigorous campaigning in the state, Giuliani “has virtually...

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