Hillary Clinton

Read the latest news about former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton on Newser.com

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Dems Do Their Math on Feb. 5 Primary States

Candidates pay heed to delegates, not just overall state wins

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is all but ceding Saturday's South Carolina primary to Barack Obama, just one variation of the political calculus Democratic presidential candidates are using ahead of Super Tuesday primaries February 5, the Washington Post reports. Clinton will spotlight states with personal history—Arkansas and New York—and two with...

Sketchy Donor Could Sully Obama's Image

Chicago businessman Rezko, headed for trial, bundled $200K to Dem

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s relationship with a longtime contributor facing federal fraud charges could mar the candidate’s image as a politician unfettered by special interests. On Monday, Hillary Clinton slammed Obama with the allegation that he represented Antoin Rezko, a “slum landlord.” While that was an exaggeration, Rezko’...

The Dream Ticket, Despite Odds
The Dream Ticket, Despite Odds

The Dream Ticket, Despite Odds

Conventional wisdom says no, but Clinton-Obama might be perfect

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom has reservations about a Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama ticket, Peter Ross Range writes in Der Spiegel, but the pairing might just be perfect enough to overcome them. The two Democratic contenders are not geographical or ideological complements, they’ve “hit bottom in personal terms” and they’d be...

Edwards Appearance Gets Hairy
Edwards Appearance Gets Hairy

Edwards Appearance Gets Hairy

David Letterman asks: 'Has it ever been messed up?'

(Newser) - David Letterman started it, when he couldn't resist giving John Edwards' perfectly coifed hair an exploratory  tousle. Letterman did get permission, asking “Could I just mess your hair up a little bit? Has it ever been messed up?" Edwards was game. “You want to? Go ahead,” the...

Obama Grabs Double-Digit Lead in SC
Obama Grabs Double-Digit Lead in SC

Obama Grabs Double-Digit Lead in SC

Barack out in front 42% to 25%; race a key factor in contest

(Newser) - Presidential hopeful Barack Obama holds a 42% to 25% lead over Hillary Clinton in the upcoming South Carolina primary, finds a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released today. Race looks to be a key factor, with African-Americans, who made up just over half the poll sample, favoring Obama over Clinton 65% to 16%....

'Likable, Schmikable'... Right?
'Likable, Schmikable'... Right?

'Likable, Schmikable'... Right?

What are voters responding to in evaluating a candidate's likability?

(Newser) - “Likable, schmikable. Isn't the nation at war?” asks the Chicago Tribune's Julia Keller. Yet America's love for likable candidates (think George W. Bush) took center stage at a recent debate when Barack Obama defended Hillary Clinton's likability. Some candidates have won without it, but it gives voters "a...

Hillary Keeps Jabbing as Obama Parries

Edwards plays 'grown up'; Obama gets key SC endorsement

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton kept the verbal battle alive today by reiterating that Barack Obama a "frustrated" former "slumlord" who “clearly came last night looking for a fight,” the Chicago Tribune reports. Obama retaliated from the high road, vowing a "different kind of politics" and saying that...

$20M Payday May Await Bill Clinton
$20M Payday May Await
Bill Clinton

$20M Payday May Await Bill Clinton

Ex-prez will cut ties to Ron Burkle's company, ruler of Dubai

(Newser) - Hoping to insulate his wife’s presidential campaign from potential conflicts of interest, Bill Clinton is negotiating to untangle himself from a business relationship with billionaire Ron Burkle that includes a potentially sensitive link to Dubai, the Wall Street Journal reports. In the process, Clinton could earn a $20 million...

Obama Parries 2 Clintons in Harsh, Personal Debate

Debate turns ugly as Barack decries tag-team

(Newser) - Last night's acrimonious Democratic presidential debate saw Barack Obama confront an increasingly aggressive Hillary Clinton, reports the Washington Post, but the Illinois senator was really countering two Clintons at once. Over the past two weeks Bill has led the charge against Obama's credibility and record, most notoriously with his "...

Dem Debaters Get Feisty
Dem Debaters Get Feisty

Dem Debaters Get Feisty

Policy talk devolves into bickering between Clinton, Obama

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama drowned out policy talk in a South Carolina presidential debate tonight as they bickered over Ronald Reagan and what Obama called Clinton's "corporate" past, CNN reports. On economic policy, they wrangled over Senate votes as much as subprime bailout plans. “This kind of...

Rudy Trails McCain in NY: Poll
Rudy Trails McCain in NY: Poll

Rudy Trails McCain in NY: Poll

Clinton enjoys African-American support in home state

(Newser) - Onetime favorite Rudy Giuliani lags John McCain in his home state, two polls out today report, in another blow to the ex-New York mayor's sputtering campaign. In a Siena College poll, 36% of New York Republicans support McCain, to Giuliani's 24%, while a WNBC poll put the split at 34%...

Top Dems Tell Bill to Chill
Top Dems Tell Bill to Chill

Top Dems Tell Bill to Chill

Clinton's anti-Obama tactics inappropriate, say party leaders

(Newser) - Top Democrats are telling Bill Clinton to tone down his anti-Obama rhetoric, Newsweek reports. He draws crowds, money, and support for his wife, but Democratic leaders like Ted Kennedy and Rahm Emanuel have confronted Clinton about his down-and-dirty approach. They see it as unpresidential, not beneficial to the party, and...

Obama: The Gloves Come Off
Obama: The Gloves Come Off

Obama: The Gloves Come Off

Putting up his dukes with the Clintons

(Newser) - Barack Obama is ratcheting up the aggression in his campaign, lashing Bill and Hillary Clinton both for “unbelievable falsehoods” about his stance on Iraq and his praise for Ronald Reagan. The new tone was evident in appearances yesterday and in an interview aired this morning on "Good Morning...

Obama Visits MLK's Church
Obama Visits MLK's Church

Obama Visits MLK's Church

Senator speaks of 'empathy deficit' as Clinton campaigns in Harlem

(Newser) - On the eve of Martin Luther King, Jr. day, Barack Obama visited the civil rights leader’s old church and repeated his mantra of unity, the Chicago Tribune reports. “If enough Americans were awakened to the injustice,” Obama said, “if they joined together, then perhaps that wall...

No More Mr., Mrs. Nice Dems
No More Mr., Mrs. Nice Dems

No More Mr., Mrs. Nice Dems

Staid debate aside, Nevada's dogfight sets the stage for a nasty campaign

(Newser) - Despite measured tones at Tuesday’s debate, the Nevada race was a dirty one for the leading Dems, Politico reports. The mudslinging began when Hillary Clinton said the Culinary Workers Union was scaring its members into supporting Barack Obama. The Illinois senator, for his part, did not prevent a union-backed...

Hispanic, Black Nevadans Split Over Dems

Latinos went for Hillary, blacks backed Barack

(Newser) - White women and Hispanics may have helped Hillary Clinton to her victory in Nevada, but black voters overwhelmingly picked Barack Obama, a trend that may have big repercussions in upcoming primaries, says Politico. Minority groups traditionally side with the establishment candidate, which makes Obama's 83% support by African Americans in...

Obama Camp: Who Won Nevada? You Do the Math

Obama claims victory in delegate race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the Nevada caucuses with 51% to Barack Obama's 45%, but Obama campaign representatives say their candidate won one more national delegate, the Washington Post reports. The Clinton disputes that calculation, insisting that delegates to the national Democratic convention won't even be determined until...

Women, Latinos Key to Hill's Win
Women, Latinos Key to Hill's Win

Women, Latinos Key to Hill's Win

She beats Obama in Nevada, but he earns more delegates

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton won the Nevada caucuses today on the strength of women and Latino voters, claiming her second straight primary victory, CNN reports. With 98% of returns in, Clinton led 51% to 45% over Barack Obama. Despite losing the state's popular vote, Obama earned more delegates than Clinton, 13 to...

Nev. Union Bullied Voters, Clinton Claims

Workers' rep calls it 'ludicrous'; Obama wants formal complaint

(Newser) - Bill Clinton said today he personally witnessed reps from the pro-Obama Culinary Workers union threaten members who vowed to vote for Hillary in the Nevada caucuses. Workers who weren't pro-Obama would have their schedules changed to keep them from voting, Clinton claimed. “This is ludicrous,” the union’s...

Edwards' Biggest Role to Come
Edwards' Biggest Role to Come

Edwards' Biggest Role to Come

(Newser) - John Edwards may be a longshot to win the Democratic nomination, but he could wind up anointing the eventual candidate, and not just as a spoiler. Democratic delegates are divvied up proportionally in each state, Politico explains, so Edwards could wind up with a tidy clump of delegates if he...

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