
Stories 761 - 780 | << Prev   Next >>

Bid to Repeal 'Don't Ask' Fails in Senate
Repeal of 'Don't Ask'
Fails in Senate
breaking news

Repeal of 'Don't Ask' Fails in Senate

Democrats can't get needed 60 votes to open debate

(Newser) - Republicans blocked a last-ditch effort in the Senate today to lift the military's ban on openly gay troops, rejecting another project pushed vigorously by President Obama. The 57-40 vote fell three short of the 60 needed to overcome procedural hurdles to repeal "don't ask, don't tell." (Update: Two...

Schumer Turns Attack Dog for Dems
 Schumer Turns 
 Attack Dog 
 for Dems 

Schumer Turns Attack Dog for Dems

No more 'throwing up our hands,' says NY sen.

(Newser) - Sen. Charles Schumer has been quiet the past few years, with the onetime attack dog turning to bipartisan dealmaking. Now he’s among the Democratic Senate leadership—and as Congress wages war over taxes, he’s resumed his old role as a firebrand, writes Manu Raju for Politico . Over the...

Rangel's Censure Is a Joke
 Rangel's Censure Is a Joke 
OPINION roundup

Rangel's Censure Is a Joke

Post columnists question the fairness

(Newser) - If his House censure is still stinging, Charlie Rangel would do well to pick up today's Washington Post. Columnists Dana Milbank and David Broder don't exactly make the case he's innocent (not even Rangel does that), but they lend sympathetic voices:
  • Milbank: He belittles the House ethics panel, calling it

Congress Makes Commercials Quieter

Though it'll take 2 years to hear the benefits

(Newser) - Congress began turning down the volume on TV commercials today, approving a bill that requires advertisers to keep their spots close to that of the program they interrupt. The bill, awaiting the president's signature, gives the FCC a year to figure out the logistics of establishing new standards and another...

Romney: START Must Be Stopped

 Romney: START 
 Must Be Stopped 

Romney: START Must Be Stopped

Mitt Romney: Obama's rushing a dangerous treaty

(Newser) - President Obama is trying to rush the New START treaty through Congress—but it’s far too important not to explore thoroughly before a decision is made, writes Mitt Romney in the Boston Globe . The president has already gotten Congress to speed through his stimulus package and health care reform....

Obama, GOP Hold Hushed Tax-Cut Talks

President calls for speedy renewal of jobless benefits

(Newser) - Could the president and GOP lawmakers be inching toward compromise ? Working against the clock, Obama and congressional Republicans have been holding behind-the-scenes talks about extending tax cuts—due to expire at year’s end—and renewing expired emergency jobless benefits, and they're making slow and steady progress on the...

House Censures Charles Rangel

Nancy Pelosi formally reads the resolution after vote

(Newser) - After all that, it was a over in a few minutes: The House voted 333-79 to censure Charlie Rangel today for a host of ethics violations, after which he had to stand and listen to Nancy Pelosi read the formal rebuke, reports Politico . It's only the 23rd time the House...

House Votes to Scrap Tax Cuts for Wealthy

But bill has no chance in the Senate

(Newser) - Call it a symbolic gesture or call it chicken crap , but the House has officially staked its position on the Bush tax cuts. It voted today 234-188 to keep them in place for the middle class but let them expire for the wealthy, reports the Hill . The latter is defined...

Boehner: Democrats' Tax Bill Is 'Chicken Crap'

Says House vote is a political stunt

(Newser) - John Boehner's line about the Democrats' pending House vote on the Bush tax cuts is getting plenty of attention for the Speaker-to-be, notes Politico : “I’m trying to catch my breath so I don’t refer to this maneuver going on today as chicken crap, all right?” he told...

Senate Screw Up Derails Food Safety Bill

House set to send the bill back

(Newser) - House Democrats plan to spike the food safety bill their Senate counterparts trumpeted about passing yesterday , arguing that the upper chamber has stepped on its constitutional authority to create new taxes. The Senate bill includes a set of fees that are classified as revenue raisers, which are technically considered taxes,...

Tax Cut Showdown: Dems' Two Options

Must win centrists as Bush cuts expire

(Newser) - When it comes to tax cuts, the Democrats’ options are few. Politically speaking, it’s too late to force the expiration of Bush cuts on those earning more than $250,000. But Dems have two notable choices, writes David Leonhardt in the New York Times : one, to let the Bush...

Senate GOP to Dems: We'll Block All Bills
Senate GOP to Dems: We'll Block All Bills

Senate GOP to Dems: We'll Block All Bills

All 42 say they won't budge til tax cuts, gov't funding addressed

(Newser) - All 42 Senate Republicans have signed a letter pledging to block all legislation during the lame-duck session until the Senate addresses the Bush-era tax cuts and funding the government—the latter of which must pass in order to prevent a shutdown of the government, MSNBC reports. This could spell disaster...

GOP: Time for Democrats to Work With Us Now
GOP: Time for Democrats
to Work With Us Now
boehner and mcconnell

GOP: Time for Democrats to Work With Us Now

John Boehner, Mitch McConnell lament 2 years of 'misplaced priorities'

(Newser) - Further evidence that today's summit-that-isn't-quite-a-summit between Republicans and Democrats won't yield many kumbayas: Mitch McConnell and John Boehner stake out their position on working with Democrats in a Washington Post op-ed and say they're happy to do so—provided President Obama and company are willing to "move away from...

New Lawmakers to Slumber on Hill

Office will double as bedroom for some frugal freshmen

(Newser) - As they start their lives in Washington, the 94 incoming members of the House of Representatives need places to live—and about 15% are considering simply using their offices. The move puts their disdain for Washington, and for spending, on display. “It's the ultimate I'm-not-a-professional-politician statement,” write Michael...

Pentagon: Hurry Up on DADT
 Pentagon: Hurry Up on DADT 

Pentagon: Hurry Up on DADT

Better for Congress, not courts, to repeal it: Gates

(Newser) - Top military brass are calling on Congress to quickly repeal "Don’t Ask Don’t Tell"—before the courts overturn the policy, potentially ordering changes that military leaders consider too fast or poorly thought-out. “If this law is going to change, it's better to be changed by...

Ethics Panel Recommends Censure for Charlie Rangel

Short of expulsion, that's as bad as it gets

(Newser) - Brutal day for a tearful Charlie Rangel: The House ethics committee took the rare step of recommending that he get the most serious punishment short of expulsion—censure, reports AP . The matter now goes to the full House. Rangel's appeal for a "drop of fairness or mercy" didn't sway...

Democrats Block Attempt to Kill NPR Funding

Eric Cantor says Republicans will try again next year

(Newser) - House Republicans today failed in their attempt to strip funding from National Public Radio over the Juan Williams scandal , the Hill reports. But Eric Cantor suggested the battle isn't over: "If the Democrat majority wants to continue to ignore the will of the people that’s their prerogative, but...

Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner Win House Posts

She'll be minority leader, he'll be speaker

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi won the position of House minority leader today, but her uphill battle to retain a leadership role revealed a fierce split within the Democratic party, Politico reports. The vote (150-43) was far from unanimous, with the opposition holding Pelosi responsible for Democrats' crushing defeat in the midterms. "...

Locavores Say Food Safety Bill Could Hurt Small Farms

Michael Pollen, Eric Schlosser want protections

(Newser) - A major food safety bill cleared a Senate hurdle today, but it's getting friction from a group you might not expect: locavores. They want small family farms to be exempt from the sweeping new regulations and are pushing for an amendment to that effect from Montana Democrat Jon Tester. Two...

Rangel Guilty on 11 of 13 Counts

Full ethics panel now takes up the matter

(Newser) - In a not-so-shocking development, Charlie Rangel's odd defense gambit of walking out of the room claiming he can't afford to pay his attorneys hasn't saved him. A House ethics subcommittee found him guilty on 11 of 13 counts today, reports the Hill . It now goes to the full panel, with...

Stories 761 - 780 | << Prev   Next >>