
Stories 781 - 800 | << Prev   Next >>

Google to Help Congress Become More Efficient?

Tech giant honcho Eric Schmidt met with GOP transition head

(Newser) - Google’s CEO made a stop at the House Republican transition office days after the election—but not to talk politics. In a discussion centered around upping Congressional efficiency, Eric Schmidt spoke with GOP transition head Greg Walden, explaining how Google could help Congress by making it possible to edit...

Palin Posts Advice to GOP Freshmen on Facebook

First order of business: Defund health care reform

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is out with an open letter of advice to Republican freshmen on Facebook . "The task before you is daunting because so much damage has been done in the last two years, but I believe you have the chance to achieve great things," she writes. A sampling:...

No. of Feds Making Over $150K Soars

GOP to attack government pay in lame-duck Congress

(Newser) - The number of federal government employees making at least $150,000 a year is 10 times what it was five years ago, and it has doubled since President Obama’s inauguration, says a study by USA Today . House GOP members are hoping to pounce on the issue as the lame-duck...

Hoyer, Clyburn Jockey to Be Pelosi's Right Hand

Deal will probably preempt secret ballot

(Newser) - The sound and fury of the midterm elections may be over, but the end of electoral voting brings about a round of behind-the-scenes jockeying for power. Reps. James Clyburn and Steny Hoyer are both plausible candidates for leading the Democratic minority in the house, but given that Nancy Pelosi will...

Pelosi: GOP Had to Stop Me 'Because I'm Effective'

EJ Dionne: She deserves to stay in a leadership position

(Newser) - EJ Dionne thinks Nancy Pelosi is "one of the most effective speakers in history," and he's got no problem with her keeping a leadership role. "Yes, there are valid political reasons for House Democrats to change leaders," he writes in the Washington Post . "But there's...

4 Rules for the Next Speaker
 4 Rules for 
 the Next 
John Boehner

4 Rules for the Next Speaker

John Boehner wants more transparency, less 'arrogance'

(Newser) - On Tuesday, Americans reminded Washington: “Government leaders are servants of the people; the people are not servants of their government,” writes John Boehner in the Wall Street Journal . After complaining about the culture of secrecy and "arrogance" in the current government, the next Speaker of the House...

GOP Beats Incumbents in Virginia, Florida

 GOP Will 
 Take Over 
the house

GOP Will Take Over House

Perriello loses in Virginia, Grayson in Florida

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi's reign as House speaker will soon be over. Republicans will easily take control of the House of Representatives by night's end, say both CNN and NBC . The GOP entered the evening needing to gain 39 seats, and they'll likely end up with about 60, a development that will...

How Dems Could Keep the House
 How Dems Could 
 Keep the House 
nate silver

How Dems Could Keep the House

Polling inaccuracies might surprise us today

(Newser) - We keep hearing doom and gloom for the Democrats, and there’s a good chance that’s accurate, writes Nate Silver in the New York Times . But thanks to a few potential polling flaws, things could turn out differently; the Dems might even hang onto the House. Here’s why:...

Morgan Freeman's 'Voice' Hijacked for GOP Ad

N. Carolina congressional candidate drops spot after blast by livid actor

(Newser) - Campaign officials for a North Carolina congressional candidate have finally conceded the voice on a radio and TV spot really isn't Morgan Freeman's, even though they insisted yesterday it was. The confession came after a furious Freeman slammed the campaign for hijacking his endorsement of Republican candidate BJ Lawson, who's...

No Way to Predict Size of GOP Gains
 No Way to 
 Predict Size of 
 GOP Gains 
nate silver

No Way to Predict Size of GOP Gains

'Strange election' offers wide range of outcomes, says Nate Silver

(Newser) - Polls are showing a huge range of possible results for tomorrow, with generic ballots suggesting anything from a 15-point Republican lead to a 3-point Democratic lead. “The fact is that there’s not really any way to say who’s right,” writes FiveThirtyEight polling guru Nate Silver in...

We're in Big, Big Trouble
 We're in Big, Big Trouble 
paul krugman

We're in Big, Big Trouble

Krugman: GOP control will be economic 'catastrophe' for America

(Newser) - Paul Krugman doesn't use the word "Armageddon" when predicting what will happen under Republican control of Congress, but he comes pretty close. "This is going to be terrible," he writes in the New York Times . "In fact, future historians will probably look back at the 2010...

Deficit Fights Loom for Lame Duck Congress

Spending bill, Bush tax cut decision will have to be made quickly

(Newser) - The federal deficit has played a huge role in the midterm elections, but it might become an even bigger issue right after them, when a lame duck Congress is forced to make immediate decisions about the expiring Bush tax cuts, and pass an overdue spending bill to keep the government...

YouTube Yanks Grisly Tea Partier's Abortion Ad

Missy Smith had 2 abortions, now candidate wants to outlaw them

(Newser) - A Tea Party campaign ad featuring graphic images of aborted fetuses is so grisly that it's being blocked from YouTube. The 30-second spot for Washington congressional candidate Missy Smith is, however, running two dozen times on various TV stations in the DC area. But the images are so disturbing that...

Bachmann Rules House Wingnuts Index

Steve King, Louie Gohmert not far behind among fringe congressmen

(Newser) - A week after releasing its Senate Wingnut Index , the Daily Beast investigates wingnuttery in the House. Using a “semi-scientific” process to identify the most extreme members on both sides of the spectrum, the site ranks them:
  1. Michele Bachmann (R-MN): From calling the president “anti-American” to warning of tyranny,

Gibbs: Dems Will Prevail Nov. 2
 Gibbs: Dems Will Prevail Nov. 2 

Gibbs: Dems Will Prevail Nov. 2

Says party faithful is getting stoked again

(Newser) - White House mouthpiece Robert Gibbs officially reversed his July assertion that Democrats could lose the House (here's the firestorm that ensued) , today telling Meet the Press that his party's base was waking from its stupor and would retain control of both chambers of Congress. As his boss hit the campaign...

Sizeable Tea Party Caucus On the Way
Tea Party Set to Have Real Pull in Congress

Tea Party Set to Have Real Pull in Congress

But movement may hurt GOP more than it helps

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement looks set to emerge from next month's election with enough members of Congress to be able to advance its agenda, a New York Times analysis finds. Eight Tea-Party backed Senate candidates and 33 House candidates stand a good or better chance of winning and the caucus...

Tea Partier: Get Rid of Public Schools

David Harmer says public schools are "socialism in education."

(Newser) - The Tea Party-backed frontrunner in a California congressional race has some unorthodox views on education: he wants to abolish public schools entirely, Mother Jones reports. In past articles, Republican David Harmer—currently leading in California's 11th Congressional District—writes that "government should exit the business of running and funding...

Congressional Staffers Play Market Using Inside Info

Many place bets on industries their bosses regulate

(Newser) - When Chris Miller doubled his investment in a renewable energy firm in 2008, he might have had an inkling that legislation was coming that would benefit the firm. After all, he’s Harry Reid’s top energy policy adviser. Confronted yesterday, a Reid spokesman said Miller had shown “poor...

Obama Uses 'Pocket Veto' on Foreclosure Bill

Critics say measure would give banks too much leeway

(Newser) - President Obama is refusing to sign a bill that critics say would make it easier for banks to rush foreclosures on homeowners, the Wall Street Journal reports. The bill zipped through both the House and Senate when it was deemed an uncontroversial measure on interstate commerce—it centers on out-of-state...

Ex-Lawmakers to 2010 Candidates: Behave!

130 former legislators calls for civility on Capitol Hill in letter

(Newser) - More than 130 former members of Congress banded together to offer a message to 2010 congressional candidates via letter: Stop the "zero-sum game" partisanship that has paralyzed the legislative branch. So many former lawmakers have never spoken with one voice to all congressional candidates, but they felt prodded by...

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