
Stories 1441 - 1460 | << Prev   Next >>

$800B Stimulus Too Much for GOP, Too Little for Dems

Adding to already-enormous debt worries Republicans; excess of caution has other side jumpy

(Newser) - The GOP responded today to Barack Obama’s calls for immediate action on the economy, cautioning that too bold a move could have dire consequences, the Hill reports. “Let’s not use the obvious need as a way to make the problem worse,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch...

DTV Date Switch Gains Momentum in DC

Fund to aid consumers' conversion has run dry; June 1 may be alternative

(Newser) - Pressure from an influential consumer group and a change in attitudes on Capitol Hill may push back the mandated switch to digital television, Broadcasting & Cable reports. A letter from the Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports, to key lawmakers and the Bush and Obama administrations urges them to reconsider...

As Hearings Begin, Daschle Wary of Clinton Miscues

Obama health chief to push early, at grassroots, with congressional input

(Newser) - Tom Daschle, Barack Obama’s health-care honcho, saw the 1993 Clinton-care debacle up close; his strategy for passing reform this time around is basically Anything But Clinton, reports Politico. The Clinton push, Daschle thinks, came too far into the first term, and was too exclusive, presenting Congress a completed proposal...

401(k) Decay Spurs Calls for Change
401(k) Decay Spurs Calls
for Change

401(k) Decay Spurs Calls for Change

Critics question if plans are robust enough to survive tough times

(Newser) - Americans depending on 401(k) plans for their retirement have taken a hammering as the stock market plunged during the past year, prompting critics to question the shortcomings of the system, reports the Wall Street Journal. Some 50 million American have 401(k)s, and Congress is weighing a revamp. "It's so...

79% Support Obama Stimulus Plan, Poll Says

And public places more confidence in him than in Congress

(Newser) - Most Americans favor Barack Obama's pricey antidotes for the economy, and they like him better than his pals in the legislative branch, Politico reports. A recent poll says 79% back Obama's fiscal plans, which include a $775 billion injection into infrastructure and alternative energy. The president-elect's favorable rating sits high...

A Rocky Start to 2009 for Harry Reid

In interview, Senate majority leader admits he had other plans

(Newser) - With a strengthened majority and a Democrat in the White House, Harry Reid expected a fast start off the blocks for the 111th Congress. But the Senate majority leader has found himself, these first days of 2009, stumbling over the handling of the Roland Burris appointment and struggling to respond...

Porn Kings Want Federal Bailout

$5B sought to 'rejuvenate sexual appetite'

(Newser) - Recession depression has hampered America's sex drive, claim Larry Flynt (of Hustler fame) and Joe Francis (Girls Gone Wild). The adult-entertainment kings want a federal bailout for slumping DVD sales, down 22% in the past year. Placing themselves alongside Detroit’s automakers in national importance, the duo says Congress should...

Jack Kemp Treated for Cancer
 Jack Kemp Treated for Cancer 

Jack Kemp Treated for Cancer

Docs can't say what afflicts former NFL star, GOP lawmaker, 73

(Newser) - Jack Kemp, the former NFL star and Republican congressman, is in treatment for cancer, the Buffalo News reports. A spokeswoman said the type of cancer is “undetermined,” but that tests are under way to identify it. Kemp, 73, served 18 years as a representative from New York before...

US 2009 Deficit at Least $1.2T
 US 2009 Deficit at Least $1.2T 

US 2009 Deficit at Least $1.2T

(Newser) - This fiscal year, which started in October, will see the US running a budget deficit of at least $1.2 trillion, the largest ever, the Washington Post reports. That number could swell to $1.6 trillion if Barack Obama’s massive $800 billion stimulus plan is approved by Congress. The...

Presumptuous? Caroline Is Aiming Low
Caroline Is Aiming Low

Presumptuous? Caroline Is Aiming Low

Senate would be lucky to have her 'smart, cultivated' voice: Dowd

(Newser) - When John F Kennedy Jr founded George magazine, many upbraided him for not trading more valuably on his clan’s mystique. But when sister Caroline aims for a Senate seat, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times, she’s “blasted by a howl of ‘How dare she?’...

Reid: I Won't Be Obama Rubber Stamp

Senate majority leader vows Congress won't just be Obama's rubber stamp

(Newser) - The 111th Congress is going to be a lot more than just a rubber stamp for Barack Obama's policies, Harry Reid tells the Hill. The Senate majority leader says Democrats must take care to avoid over-reaching. "If Obama steps over the bounds, I will tell him," the Democrat...

Biden: Handling of Panetta a 'Mistake'

(Newser) - Joe Biden defended the pick of Leon Panetta to head the CIA but offered an apology of sorts for the way it was handled, Politico reports. “I think it was just a mistake,” Biden said of not informing top Democrats of the choice, which led to a chiding...

Jeb Bush Rules Out Senate Run in 2010

(Newser) - Jeb Bush put an end to feverish political speculation today and announced that he will not seek Mel Martinez’s Florida Senate seat in 2010, the Chicago Tribune reports. The former Florida governor was widely reported to be considering a run—even his father had publicly encouraged the idea. “...

Burris Arrives at Senate, Not Allowed to Take Oath

Franken also not seated

(Newser) - Roland Burris strode briskly past the cameras through the rain into the Capitol today, demanding to be seated as Illinois’ Senator but was denied entry, CNN reports. The secretary of the Senate rejected his credentials, preventing him from taking the floor or the oath of office. It was "improperly...

Obama Plugs Stimulus Plan on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - Barack Obama plunged into rare pre-inaugural crisis talks with congressional leaders today, declaring the national economy was "bad and getting worse" and embracing tax cuts expected to reach $300 billion, the AP reports. He predicted lawmakers would approve a mammoth revitalization package within 2 weeks of his taking office....

Coleman Loses Recount, Will Challenge Election
Coleman Loses Recount,
Will Challenge Election

Coleman Loses Recount, Will Challenge Election

Board certifies results for Franken hours after court rejects Republican's attempt to count more ballots

(Newser) - Minnesota’s Canvassing Board today certified Democrat Al Franken’s victory in the US Senate race, hours after the state’s top court rejected Republican Norm Coleman’s plea to count 654 previously rejected ballots, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. The defeat leaves Coleman just one option. “Today’s...

Burris Heads to Washington as Tensions Soar

Blago appointee to meet with Reid and Durbin Wednesday

(Newser) - Roland Burris heads to Washington today to claim Barack Obama’s old Senate seat, which he says is rightfully his, though he tells USA Today that he won't sully his reputation by making a "scene" if he meets opposition. Last night, the former Illinois AG spoke at a prayer...

Obama Visit Is Stimulus for White House-Congress Ties

Obama sees economic talks as first step to healing wounds of Clinton, Bush years

(Newser) - President-elect Obama’s visit to Capitol Hill today is as much about an economic stimulus package as it is about stimulating the White House-Congress relationship neglected by Bill Clinton and George W Bush, writes Manu Raju in Politico. A bipartisan, inclusive approach should earn Obama points with lawmakers—but if...

Pelosi Happy to Let Obama Carry Dems' Flag

A Democratic president will offer speaker support, raise challenges

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi is thrilled to work with “a president whose vision I respect and whose agenda I will help stamp” after 2 years of butting heads with Republicans, she tells the New York Times. The speaker of the House doesn’t mind ceding her role as the face of...

SEC Probed Madoff 8 Times, Came Up Empty

Congress questions watchdog's ability to keep up with fraud

(Newser) - Congress begins a probe today into why federal regulators who examined Bernie Madoff's investments eight times in 16 years failed to sniff out his decades-long $50 billion Ponzi scheme. Among those in the hot seat is Barack Obama's appointee for SEC chair. Mary Schapiro was involved in several of the...

Stories 1441 - 1460 | << Prev   Next >>