
Stories 1461 - 1480 | << Prev   Next >>

Reid Pressured Blago on Senate Pick

(Newser) - Harry Reid called Rod Blagojevich after the election, but before the governor’s arrest, to discourage him from appointing unelectable candidates to Barack Obama’s Senate seat, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The Senate majority leader sought to put the kibosh on Reps. Jesse Jackson Jr. and Danny Davis, along with...

Franken, Coleman Agree to Count 900 Rejected Ballots

But court case could keep race on for months

(Newser) - The battling campaigns in the Minnesota Senate race have agreed to count some 900 incorrectly rejected ballots, an unexpectedly high proportion of the 1,350 reviewed by county officials. The system required both campaigns to agree on every ballot, which made such a figure seem unlikely, Talking Points Memo reports....

Obama to Meet With Congress on Economy

First talks with congressional leaders since election will cover stimulus plan

(Newser) - Barack Obama's Hawaiian holiday is over, and he's now preparing to meet with congressional leaders Monday to discuss jump-starting America's economy, reports Reuters. Aides say the meetings—the president-elect's first with Congress since winning the election—will cover Obama's proposed stimulus package and a range of other issues.

Obama to Market Stimulus Plan

Republicans hoping to delay bill may filibuster

(Newser) - The incoming Obama administration plans to launch a nationwide political push for a quick passage of his $775 billion economic stimulus plan, the Los Angeles Times reports. Says adviser David Axelrod: “There shouldn't be endless debate about it.” Republicans acknowledge that they can’t stop his plan, but...

Bloomberg: Um, Lay Off Caroline, You Know?

Hizzoner empathizes with Kennedy's speech issues

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy’s speech has been, um, you know, attacked mercilessly in recent days, but Michael Bloomberg says that’s because Kennedy is unfairly scrutinized more than other, you know, candidates. “Caroline Kennedy isn’t just your average person, so people may be a little more critical,” the...

Blago Names Burris; Senate Dems Say 'No Way'

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich announced today that former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris will fill Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat, the Chicago Tribune reports. Blagojevich said Burris was a man of "unquestioned integrity" and asked that people not allow "the allegations against me to taint this good and honest...

Israeli Navy Rebuffs Gaza-Bound Relief Boat

Congresswoman aboard says collision was deliberate

(Newser) - An Israeli warship collided with a boat of activists defying a blockade to deliver medical supplies to war-torn Gaza today, the Journal-Constitution reports. Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney, who was aboard, says the "peaceful mission was thwarted by Israel's aggressiveness." An Israeli spokesman denied that the ramming was...

Caroline's Like, Um, No Word Whiz
 Like, Um, No 
 Word Whiz 

Caroline's Like, Um, No Word Whiz

Interview stumbles raise flags about Kennedy's political speaking skills

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy needs to, you know, work on her speaking skills if she is to have a future in politics, experts tell the New York Daily News. In a recent half-hour interview with the News, Kennedy said "you know" over 200 times. Other interviews also contained scores of "...

House Movers Shuffle 182 Offices Over Recess

Congress buzzes with activity even without lawmakers

(Newser) - Congress may be on Christmas recess, but movers are working overtime to shuffle the contents of 182 House offices to new digs for the new session beginning Jan. 6. Returning members of Congress are trading up to bigger offices, better views, or more convenient locations, CQ reports. New members of...

Emanuel Will Leave Congress Friday

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel’s transformation from Congressman to White House chief of staff is almost complete, the Chicago Tribune reports. Emanuel sent a letter to Gov. Rod Blagojevich today stating his intention to resign his seat on Friday. Blagojevich has no power to appoint Emanuel’s successor; rather, he has 5...

Paterson Should Say No to Caroline, Dynasties
Paterson Should Say No to Caroline, Dynasties

Paterson Should Say No to Caroline, Dynasties

(Newser) - Should Gov. David Paterson give Caroline Kennedy a chance to serve New York in the Senate? No! “Dynasties suck,” reasons Alex Pareene of Gawker, and we should take the opportunity to quash this one. Although it’s not fair, Caroline has become the left’s Sarah Palin, and...

Jeb Bush Leans Toward Senate Run in Florida

Ex-governor getting strong support

(Newser) - All signs are pointing toward a Jeb Bush run for the Senate in Florida, Politico reports. Nothing’s settled, say those close to him, but the former governor has been working the phones since Sen. Mel Martinez announced he wouldn’t run again in 2010. "Everything indicates that he's...

No Hope for Detroit Until We End Rip-Off Financing

The indebted consumer can't afford cars

(Newser) - Congress' plan to bail out Detroit ignores one fundamental problem: Americans owe so much on their current cars—often more than the vehicles are worth—that they can't buy new ones, writes Stephanie Mencimer in Mother Jones. Detroit—along with the "great scourge of the American consumer market: the...

8 States Poised to Lose House Seats: Census

Sun Belt boom may be ending

(Newser) - After a generation, the Sun Belt’s population boom may be ending, new Census data suggest. Over the year ending July 1, more people left Florida than moved there for the first time in some 30 years; after 23 years in the top four fastest-growing states, Nevada fell to eighth...

Emanuel Still Gets Paycheck From Congress

No salary (yet) for White House gig; he hasn't resigned as rep

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel has started his new job as Barack Obama’s White House chief of staff, but his paycheck is still coming from Congress, the Hill reports. Emanuel is not getting a salary from Obama’s transition team. He hasn’t resigned the House seat to which he was just...

Obama Widens Goals, Now Wants 3M Jobs

Recovery plans grow as advisers predict 9% unemployment

(Newser) - Barack Obama is expanding his plans to reverse the nation’s financial crisis and will seek to create 3 million jobs in the next two years, up from the goal of 2.5 million he proposed last month, the New York Times reports. The new figure follows a meeting in...

Detroit's Not the Only Place That Needs 'Restructuring'

DC should streamline many useless layers

(Newser) - Lawmakers want to restructure Detroit’s auto industry—but Congress could use a little makeover, too, writes Philip K. Howard in the Wall Street Journal. He offers a prescription to streamline the government as one would a corporation:
  • Dump “legacy obligations.” Like Detroit, Congress must ditch old promises

South Ensuring Detroit Won't Rise Again

States woo Northern economy with lower wages, 'inhumane standards'

(Newser) - It's no coincidence that Dixie senators derailed the Big Three bailout, since the South—with anti-union laws, low wages, and modest taxes—has built a counter-Detroit that will ensure that neither the Motor City or the South will rise again, Michael Lind writes in Salon. The same tactics were used...

Congress Gets a Raise
 Congress Gets a Raise 

Congress Gets a Raise

Watchdog groups slam lawmakers' automatic pay raise amid economic chaos

(Newser) - The flatlining economy hasn't stopped Congress from getting a pay raise, the Hill reports. Lawmakers will get an extra $4,700 a year starting in January, amounting to a total of $2.5 million. The 2.8% automatic raise is only half as large as the cost of living adjustment...

Mukasey Steps Off Madoff Case

Rogue financier, meanwhile, placed under house arrest

(Newser) - Attorney General Michael Mukasey is recusing himself from the Bernard Madoff investigation because his son is representing an employee involved with the fraud case, Bloomberg reports. Mukasey also graduated from an Orthodox Jewish school where Madoff’s wife has taught and which placed $6 million in the fraudulent scheme. A...

Stories 1461 - 1480 | << Prev   Next >>