John McCain

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1,200 National Guard Troops Heading to Mexico Border

Obama trying to woo GOP on immigration reform

(Newser) - President Obama is trying to prove to skeptical Republicans that he's willing to get tough on border security. In exchange, he wants their help passing immigration reform this year. In a visit to Capitol Hill today, Obama told GOP lawmakers that he will deploy 1,200 National Guard troops to...

David Byrne Sues Charlie Crist for $1M Over Song Use

Use of Talking Heads song 'Road to Nowhere' at issue

(Newser) - David Byrne has sued Charlie Crist for $1 million, saying the Florida governor used the Talking Heads song "Road to Nowhere" in an ad without permission. Crist, who was then running in the Republican Senate primary, used the song in an attack ad targeting Marco Rubio. "I was...

McCain: 'Complete the Danged Fence'
 McCain: 'Complete 
 the Danged Fence' 

McCain: 'Complete the Danged Fence'

'Senator, you're one of us,' sheriff declares

(Newser) - John McCain is a border hawk, you got that? He's “one of us.” And to make that absolutely clear, he's released this new ad in which he stoically declares his plan to “complete the danged fence.” You can expect that to be his new catchphrase, because...

Meghan McCain: I Hate the Hate

It's turning her off to politics

(Newser) - American political hate-mongering has reached such a fervor that for the "first time" in her life Meghan McCain is finding herself "disillusioned with the political process—something I swore would never happen to me," she writes in the Daily Beast . She's angry, too, about political decisions, but...

Betty White + SNL = Ratings Bonanza

Octogenarian's hosting stint tops Ben Affleck's November 2008 effort

(Newser) - With Betty White hosting , Saturday Night Live drew its best ratings of the season and the largest audience since Nov. 1, 2008, when John McCain appeared with the Tina Fey version of then-running mate Sarah Palin. The broadcast thrashed not just its time-slot competitors but also every primetime show, reports...

Cinco de Mayo Ad Slaps McCain

McCain, Norton blasted to engage '08 Dem voters

(Newser) - A snarky new radio ad that skewers John McCain for supporting the Arizona immigration law hits the airwaves in Tucson today as part of a campaign to reengage Democratic voters. In the ad, which targets University of Arizona students, Arizona state troopers bust a Cinco de Mayo frat party. "...

McCain Tests Wings as Border Hawk
 Tests Wings 
 as Border Hawk 


McCain Tests Wings as Border Hawk

....But will the latest reincarnation win votes?

(Newser) - Locked in a death struggle with immigration uber-hawk JD Hayworth, McCain has become a kind of born-again illegal immigration foe, loudly supporting enhanced border security, and Arizona's tough new illegal immigration law, the Washington Times reports. “We do have an obligation to secure our borders so that our citizens...

Dear Arizona Leaders: You Screwed Up
Dear Arizona Leaders: You Screwed Up

Dear Arizona Leaders: You Screwed Up

Republic lambastes Brewer, McCain, Kyl for immigration fiasco

(Newser) - Newspaper decline or not, today's Arizona Republic would have had the paper boys of yore shouting "Extra! Extra!": In a virtually unheard-of front-page editorial, the paper calls out by name almost every state leader for "pandering to public fear" on immigration policy and "allowing the debate...

Meghan McCain Differs With Dad, Hates Arizona Law

Count Out Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, too

(Newser) - John McCain may think Arizona cops can enforce the immigration law without racial profiling, as he told CBS today, but daughter Meghan isn't so sure. Like her dad, she blames the federal government for not securing the border, but unlike him, she says this law is the wrong remedy. "...

Senate Berates 'Unethical' Goldman

As Code Pink protesters yell 'these guys are crooks'

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs took its lumps on Capitol Hill today, with the Senate investigations subcommittee berating it for taking positions against the securities it was selling. After a brief protest from Code Pink, chairman Carl Levin began the hearing by saying Goldman had treated its customers "not as valuable customers...

Primary Foe Makes McCain Look Like the Smart Choice
Primary Foe Makes McCain Look Like the Smart Choice
Michael Gerson

Primary Foe Makes McCain Look Like the Smart Choice

Even tea partiers shouldn't vote for toxic JD Hayworth

(Newser) - Tea Party activists don't like John McCain, but they'd better vote for him, because tea partier primary opponent JD Hayworth is “toxic,” writes Michael Gerson in the Washington Post . Hayworth's main claim to fame is his crusade against Mexican immigration—and not just the illegal kind. He pledged...

McCain Ad Mocks Hayworth Over Birthers, Vampires

Spoof spot casts rival as right-wing loony

(Newser) - JD Hayworth is a "birther" who believes Dracula is real and thinks gay marriage will lead to weddings between men and horses, according to a spoof ad from John McCain's Senate campaign. The web video—possibly the funniest of the midterm election season so far—seeks to portray McCain's...

John McCain Is Congress's Twitter King

Arizona senator's following 46 times greater than nearest rival

(Newser) - John McCain is leading the charge of tweeting lawmakers, with 46 times more Twitter followers—a cool 1.7 million —than his nearest competitor, Missouri Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill. McCain’s popularity also illustrates Republicans’ quick embrace of the social network; twice as many of them tweet, compared to...

Virginia Is for Lovers (of Revisionist History)

States seems content to forget the facts, Collins says

(Newser) - Virginia might not be so much for lovers as for haters, writes Gail Collins—or at least crazy revisionists of history. Gov. Bob McDonnell's celebration of "Confederate History Month," which failed to acknowledge the existence of slavery in its "love affair with all things Confederate," is...

McCain Has Sold His Soul: Jon Stewart
 McCain Has Sold 
 His Soul: Jon Stewart 

McCain Has Sold His Soul: Jon Stewart

Disavowing 'maverick' rep like Giuliani pleading 9./11 ignorance

(Newser) - Jon Stewart is flabbergasted at John McCain’s recent assertion that “I never considered myself a maverick.” The Comedy Central host doesn’t “even f---ing need to” toss to a montage showing how often McCain has claimed the maverick label. Despite all of the Arizona senator’s...

In Primary Battle, McCain Rejects 'Maverick' Label

Senator must choose between moderation and partisanship

(Newser) - For the first time since 1982, John McCain must fight to retain his US Senate seat. But the challenge is less about the viability of rival JD Hayworth—McCain has much more money and influence—than about which John McCain will prevail. Will it be the storied "maverick" who...

McCain Tries to Be Hip, Lands on Gay Porn Site
 McCain Tries to Be Hip, 
 Lands on Gay Porn Site 

McCain Tries to Be Hip, Lands on Gay Porn Site

Probably not his intent.

(Newser) - John McCain may be longing for the not-so-distant days when he'd barely heard of the Internets , reports TMZ . Arizona's senior senator innocently enough tweeted a photo of himself and his iPhone, only to have the pic wind up on a website devoted to guys, their iPhones, and oftentimes, er, their...

Surprise Edge for McCain Over Rival

Hayworth polls well with far right; not GOP, independents, Dems

(Newser) - John McCain faces a challenge from the right in the Arizona primary, but a new Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll finds him in a remarkably strong position. Rival JD Hayworth excites far-right conservatives, but his favorability/unfavorability spread with Republicans overall is slightly weaker, at 61% to 16%, than McCain's 76% to...

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
health care reform

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'

Health care reform law opposition becomes Republican litmus test

(Newser) - The push to repeal health care reform has become a rallying cry for GOP candidates pushing for big congressional victories this year and eager to show their willingness to take on the Democratic agenda. In Florida, Gov. Charlie Crist and conservative upstart Marco Rubio agreed on little else in a...

Sarah Palin Stumps for McCain

Tea Party hero lends support to former running mate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin spoke at a rally for John McCain today in Tucson, the first time the two have stumped together since the 2008 presidential campaign. McCain is in a tight primary fight with JD Hayworth, who is attempting to paint the senator as insufficiently conservative. Palin delivered some much-needed Tea...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>