John McCain

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No Clear Favorite for Military Families in Election

Veteran McCain has support, but wars' toll pushes many toward Obama

(Newser) - Members of the US military and their families are looking to the November election to address the hardships of military life, but opinions vary as to which candidate will serve them best, the Boston Globe reports. John McCain’s vows to honor service—and promise of higher pay—have clear...

Dems Win Registration Wars
 Dems Win Registration Wars 

Dems Win Registration Wars

New swing-state voters look like Obama backers; independents add numbers, too

(Newser) - With voter registration closing in many states today, it appears Barack Obama has largely succeeded in his attempt to make over the electorate, the Washington Post reports. Some 4 million new voters have registered across a dozen battleground states, with new Democrats greatly outnumbering new Republicans. In Florida, Obama has...

'Bullet' Mixes Rove-Style Bile, Gambling for Stretch Run

Steve Schmidt, brought aboard in July, has made daring part of McCain campaign

(Newser) - While pundits might disagree about results, there’s no doubt John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin and his move to suspend his campaign over the bailout are huge gambles that can be traced to strategist Steve Schmidt, the Los Angeles Times reports. Nicknamed “Bullet” by strategist Karl Rove,...

McCain Health Plan Would Shrink Medicare, Medicaid

Cuts would help fund tax credits for buying care on open market

(Newser) - John McCain’s health care plan, based on tax credits, would be funded by cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, which analysts say could amount to some $1.3 trillion over a decade. The move would allow McCain to uphold his pledge of a “budget neutral” health strategy, the Wall ...

Mac Still Taking Weekends Off
Mac Still Taking Weekends Off

Mac Still Taking Weekends Off

But with 29 days to go, neither candidate is exactly galloping to the finish line

(Newser) - There are 29 scant days until Nov. 4, but you might not know there was a tight race for the White House given the leisurely schedules both candidates have been keeping—especially John McCain, reports Politico. McCain and Barack Obama have each been averaging barely more than one campaign event...

Town Hall Gives Mac Preferred Platform
 Town Hall Gives Mac 
 Preferred Platform 

Town Hall Gives Mac Preferred Platform

Campaign sees tomorrow's encounter as chance to reroute opinion

(Newser) - Tomorrow’s debate will be the one town-hall-style encounter John McCain gets with Barack Obama, and analysts believe it will be crucial to keeping the presidential race from slipping away, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Republican has a reputation for excelling in the town-hall format, which brings out his...

In '08, It's the Issues, Stupid
 In '08, It's the Issues, Stupid 

In '08, It's the Issues, Stupid

For once, 'superficialities' won't win this election

(Newser) - Despite the accepted wisdom that “superficialities” win American elections, “substance is in this year,” writes Michael Tomasky in the Guardian. Just look at the public response to the debates and the financial crisis: Without zingers or folksy winks, Barack Obama and Joe Biden won the debates in...

Palin Advises McCain: 'Take the Gloves Off'
Palin Advises McCain: 'Take the Gloves Off'

Palin Advises McCain: 'Take the Gloves Off'

Running mate tells Kristol she found debate 'liberating'

(Newser) - John McCain faces Barack Obama in their second debate tomorrow night, and the Arizona senator's running mate has some advice: "Take the gloves off." In an interview with New York Times columnist William Kristol, Sarah Palin says that she found it "liberating" to be able...

Remember Keating 5? Obama Would Like to Remind You

Video shows Mac's ties to scandal 'similar' to current financial crisis

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign is releasing a video attack on John McCain’s role in the “Keating Five” scandal in the savings-and-loan crisis of the late ’80s and early ’90s, Politico reports. The video will appear online today amid what the Obama camp calls “guilt-by-association” tactics...

Palin Pumps Up Funding for Both Sides

Candidate inspires conservatives, scares liberals

(Newser) - Political action groups have spent far less on ads during this presidential election than they did in 2004, but Sarah Palin’s entry into the race has begun to push that number up, reports the Wall Street Journal. Groups like Planned Parenthood have seen an uptick in donations from “...

Obama Ordered to Return Illegal Donations

Newsweek report prompts GOP to request federal inquiry

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s record-breaking $485-million war chest includes a number of small, illegal donations that federal officials have ordered the campaign to return, reports Newsweek. The GOP has requested a federal investigation into Obama’s campaign finances, the Washington Post writes. Roughly half of Obama's funds have been raised through...

3 Early Crashes Sparked Navy Fears About McCain

'Clown around' flight hit wires that triggered balckout in Spain.

(Newser) - Three aircraft crashes involving Navy flyer John McCain early in his career led Navy administrators to question his skills and judgment, reports the Los Angeles Times. In the most troubling incident, McCain was "clowning" around in a Skyraider over Spain in 1961 and flew into electrical wires, causing a...

Young Voters Favor Obama 2-1

Obama's influence may last a lifetime

(Newser) - Barack Obama faces an easy victory—at least among voters under 30. That's the finding of a poll of young voters, who overwhelmingly prefer Obama to John McCain, 61% to 32%, reports USA Today. It's the most dramatic margin within an age group in any presidential election in modern times....

Obama Camp: Palin Terror Slam 'Offensive'

VP nom accuses candidate of 'palling around with terrorists'

(Newser) - The Obama campaign is striking back at Sarah Palin after she accused their candidate of “palling around with terrorists who targeted their own country." The comments are “offensive” and “not surprising,” said Obama’s campaign spokesman, given the McCain campaign’s vow to launch “...

Pundits Zero In on McCain's Slide
 Pundits Zero In 
 on McCain's Slide 

Pundits Zero In on McCain's Slide

GOP candidate once sat on board of far-right group linked to "anti-Semites"

(Newser) - With the election campaign in its last month, the Sunday talk shows turned to John McCain’s substantial slide in the polls, Politico reports. The highlights:
  • Vice-presidential debate moderator and soon-to-be author Gwen Ifill suggested on Meet the Press that hype over her alleged pro-Obama bias came from a twitchy

Leave Washington Alone!
 Leave Washington Alone! 

Leave Washington Alone!

DC is unfair target of attacks, 'good place in which to live'

(Newser) - Politicians can make a career out of promising to “change,” “clean up,” “reform,” and “shake up” Washington. And while the District may not completely be a shining city on a hill, it’s doing just fine, thank you, Leonard Downie writes in a...

Dire Economy Boosts Obama in Swing States

GOP has hard time making case to worried voters for 4 more years

(Newser) - As voters turn green over the shaky economy, the electoral map is turning blue, according to a New York Times tally. Barack Obama is hitting hard in nine states that George Bush took in 2004 and weren’t expected to be tossups this close to November—forcing John McCain to...

Obama Gets Tough in Sharp New Ads
Obama Gets Tough in Sharp New Ads

Obama Gets Tough in Sharp New Ads

Camp launching preemptive counter-assault

(Newser) - Barack Obama is getting his political jujitsu on, reports Politico, launching a preemptive strike against John McCain’s upcoming attack ads with an aggressive message of his own: McCain is erratic and out of touch. The McCain camp plans to run ads next week tying Obama to a convicted money...

They Can Still Overcome a 6-Point Gap

(Newser) - John McCain and Sarah Palin are up against a 6-point political headwind these days, but that's no reason for them to give up, writes William Kristol in the Weekly Standard. Past tickets have overcome late deficits—Ford-Dole made up 20 points in 1976, though in a losing bid—and McCain's...

Mac's Road to 270 Electoral Votes Looks Hard

Democrats close gap in battleground states as GOP options narrow.

(Newser) - John McCain's path to Pennsylvania Avenue is forcing him to go through states where he is either tied or losing in the polls, the Boston Globe reports. Not only did he pull out of Michigan, McCain is struggling in eight states President Bush won that hold 101 electoral votes. “...

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