John McCain

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McCain to Redouble Attacks
 McCain to Redouble Attacks

McCain to Redouble Attacks

New ad campaign, to debut after debate, will attempt to shift focus from the economy

(Newser) - John McCain’s struggling campaign, hobbled by the economic crisis, will go back on the attack, the Washington Post reports. Insiders said targets would include Obama’s association with convicted developer Tony Rezko. Ads criticizing the Democratic candidate’s record on taxes have already run.

Palin Begs Mac to Give Mich. Another Try

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says Michigan can still be won. After learning today about John McCain's move to stop campaigning in the state, she "fired off a quick e-mail and said, 'Oh come on, do we have to?'" she told Fox News. She added that McCain's pullout was "not a...

Perky, Populist Palin Saves McCain Again
Perky, Populist Palin Saves McCain Again

Perky, Populist Palin Saves McCain Again

Noonan: She's a little transparent but still very effective

(Newser) - Sarah Palin starred in her own political "infomercial" last night and once again revived John McCain's flagging campaign, writes Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal. Palin looked "not petrified but peppy," her style far more suited to a debate than a cerebral interview. Biden seemed to...

Obama's Cool Will Win the White House
Obama's Cool Will Win the White House

Obama's Cool Will Win the White House

Krauthammer: He's calm and collected as McCain rolls the dice

(Newser) - Barack Obama has kept his cool while his rival hurls frantic Hail Mary passes—and that will be what wins him this election, Charles Krauthammer writes in the Washington Post. John McCain tempted fate one time too many with his campaign-suspension stunt, Krauthammer argues, leaving his rival—who did not...

Palin Survives, But the Ticket Still Struggles
Palin Survives,
But the Ticket
Still Struggles

Palin Survives, But the Ticket Still Struggles

Proving herself hampered her ability to attack Obama

(Newser) - Sarah Palin acquitted herself at last night's debate with her charm and a show of basic coherency, writes Adam Nagourney in the New York Times. Her face-off with Joe Biden didn't prove to be a point of no return for the faltering McCain campaign, but neither was it the decisive...

Sarah 6-Pack All But 'Popped Open a Cold One'
Sarah 6-Pack All But
'Popped Open a Cold One'

Sarah 6-Pack All But 'Popped Open a Cold One'

Ready to lead with 'unnerving mix of cutesy platitudes'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin worked her perky just-plain-folks act to the nauseating end in yesterday's debate, Dana Milbank grumbles in the Washington Post. It promised to be "long night" when Palin, "wearing a glittery flag pin, blew a kiss to the audience." But Palin "had no problem meeting...

McCain Pulls Out of Michigan

Move points to problems winning over Dem states

(Newser) - The McCain campaign is giving up on Michigan, the Detroit News reports. The Republican is pulling all ads, mail, and staff there to focus on more competitive states, a move that points to the difficulty the GOP faces in winning blue states. Michigan—which holds 17 electoral votes—was seen...

The Vice Presidency Must Go
 The Vice Presidency Must Go 

The Vice Presidency Must Go

Founding fathers created institution in very different context

(Newser) - Few countries have vice presidents, and the US shouldn’t either, Bruce Ackerman writes in the LA Times. The founding fathers established the office as a consolation prize, the Yale law and political science professor explains, and it's morphed into a ticket-balancing slot. "This isn't a question on which...

McCain Changes Tune on Moderator Pick

Choice of Ifill, like Obama's poll bump, shows 'life isn't fair'

(Newser) - Lamenting that "life isn't fair," John McCain said today he’s less than happy with the selection of Gwen Ifill to host tonight's VP debate. “I wish they had picked a moderator that isn’t writing a book favorable to Barack Obama,” McCain said on Fox ...

Mac Chilly to Obama's Senate Greeting

GOP nominee rewards Dem's advance with cursory handshake

(Newser) - Last night's bailout vote featured a moment of campaign drama on the Senate floor, the New York Times notes. Barack Obama, who arrived in the chamber at 5pm, crossed the aisle to greet John McCain when he arrived about three hours later. Their handshake lasted barely a second, as McCain...

Bush Gambles Left US Broke; McCain's Could Kill Us

Palin choice shows Mac is just as willing to roll dice—but now's not the time for that

(Newser) - With Wall Street unraveling, Roger Cohen writes in the New York Times, we should remember who taught America all about incautious betting: President Bush, “the first person to reprice risk on the basis it no longer existed.” The Iraq war was a gamble with US lives and money,...

What Happens If One Kicks Before Election Day?
What Happens If One Kicks Before Election Day?

What Happens If One Kicks Before Election Day?

Plans for window before Jan. 20 also diverge

(Newser) - With the VP hopefuls girding for tonight's debate, it's natural to wonder what would become of their respective tickets should either presidential candidate die or otherwise become incapacitated before Nov. 4. Each party has its own protocol, explains Nina Shen Rastogi, writing for Slate, but in neither case does the...

Dowd Dumped From Straight Talk Express

Times scribe banned after Palin diss; stranded in Pittsburgh

(Newser) - Straight talk not only got New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd banned from the McCain-Palin campaign planes, reports the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, it got her marooned in Pittsburgh. After writing a scathing satire of Sarah Palin's candidacy—harsh but hardly unprecedented for the gleefully snarky writer—a stunned Dowd was left...

Moderator of VP Debate Mired in Bias Brouhaha

Ifill's book on black politics has been reported for months

(Newser) - When the two presidential campaigns agreed that Gwen Ifill would moderate tonight's VP debate, it was already known that she was writing a book on contemporary black politics. But yesterday the right wing blogosphere erupted with claims that Ifill is biased toward the Democrats and should pull out. As the...

McCain, Obama Bury Hatchet to Back Bailout

Partisan bickering shelved for crucial Senate vote

(Newser) - The partisan rancor of earlier this week was put on hold as John McCain and Barack Obama went back to their day jobs to vote in favor of the bailout bill, reports the Washington Post. The senators struck remarkably similar tones on the campaign trail earlier in the day, calling...

Poll: Obama Outflanking McCain in Key States

Economic worries give Obama the edge in 5 battleground states

(Newser) - Vital swing states are swinging in Barack Obama's direction,  the latest CNN poll finds. The candidate has opened up leads over John McCain in Florida, Nevada and Missouri, while widening his margins in Virginia and Minnesota. The boost has come largely from moderates impressed by Obama's debate performance and...

Bailout Bumble Sinks Mac in T-Shirt Race

DC hawker plans to ditch GOP altogether if Palin whiffs in tomorrow's debate

(Newser) - Souvenir vendors in Washington may have more vested in tomorrow’s debate than most, John Crewdson reports in the Swamp blog. If Sarah Palin doesn’t hold her own, one says he’ll return all his McCain gear to wholesalers. Sales for the maverick’s T-shirts have “tanked” since...

Mired in 3rd Place, Couric Rallies

(Newser) - After 2 years of stories about bad ratings and an uncertain future, Katie Couric is in the news for a positive reason, the AP reports—her work. Her CBS Evening News interviews with Sarah Palin, Joe Biden, and John McCain have brought the broadcast unprecedented buzz even though, as the...

Candidates Return to Capital to Back Bailout

McCain, Obama stress urgent need for financial intervention

(Newser) - The presidential candidates took a break from stumping today to visit Washington, DC, and support the Senate's financial bailout plan, the New York Times reports. Barack Obama repeated his pro-bailout argument on the Senate floor, saying that "the worldwide economy could be plunged into a very, very deep hole....

Senate Version of Bailout Grows Sweeter, Fatter

(Newser) - The Senate version of the bailout bill has ballooned to more than 400 pages as legislators flesh out details in hopes of gaining passage as soon as tonight, Politico reports. The marquee measure boosts FDIC coverage of individual accounts from $100,000 to $250,000, with numerous lower-profile provisions intended...

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