John McCain

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Time Travel: Google Shows You the Web in 2001

Site boasted of indexing 1.3B pages (it's 8B now) ... and YouTube wasn't yet one

(Newser) - To honor its 10th birthday, Google put up a search engine that reflects the web in 2001, TechCrunch reports. Other than the Yahoo-esque exclamation point in Google’s logo, the search engine has not changed that much since—but searches show the web, and the world, have:
  • "iPod" brings

McCain Gets Testy in Des Moines
McCain Gets Testy in
Des Moines

McCain Gets Testy in Des Moines

Chides newspaper editors for questions on Palin, truth of ads

(Newser) - John McCain showed his combative side in a videotaped interview with the Des Moines Register yesterday, taking umbrage at questions about whether Sarah Palin might be inexperienced and whether some of his campaign ads might have stretched the truth. “I have always had 100%, absolute truth, and that's been...

New Voters Back Obama —if They Turn Out

Poll finds newly registered not motivated

(Newser) - Newly registered voters could be a potent force in the presidential election, and heavily favor Barack Obama over John McCain, 61% to 30%, a new NBC/Wall Street Journal/MySpace poll finds. But getting them to vote may be a challenge, reports the Wall Street Journal. Most are young adults, and just...

Chicago Bar Hangs Nude Palin Portrait

Painting of armed Alaska gov. baring all a Windy City hit

(Newser) - Perhaps the most revealing depiction of Sarah Palin is the one hanging at a Chicago tavern: A naked, smiling, high-heeled Palin holds a shotgun in front of an Alaskan landscape in a portrait displayed at the North Side bar, the Tribune reports. The owner's husband, who is crushing on Alaska's...

McCain Accuses Couric of 'Gotcha!' Journalism
McCain Accuses Couric
of 'Gotcha!' Journalism

McCain Accuses Couric of 'Gotcha!' Journalism

Maybe shielding Palin from the media was a bad idea

(Newser) - John McCain and Sarah Palin sat down for a joint interview with Katie Couric last night, and it was hard to avoid the impression that McCain was chaperoning his running mate “to keep her out of trouble” writes Time TV critic James Poniewozik. McCain accused Couric of “gotcha...

In His Encore, Brokaw Again a Heavy-Hitter for NBC

Russert's fill-in has played diplomat between NBC, McCain

(Newser) - NBC is preparing for a post-Brokaw Meet the Press, but replacing the elder statesman won’t be easy, the New York Times reports. Brokaw has exceeded expectations as a fill-in for Tim Russert, keeping NBC’s Sunday show atop the ratings. Less publicly, he’s been a crucial diplomat between...

Her Star Falling, Palin Crams for Debate

GOP running mate seeks relaunch after disastrous interview

(Newser) - Things don't look good for Sarah Palin: her popularity is slipping, conservative columnists are turning on her, and in two days she faces Joe Biden in a debate she is widely expected to lose. After her roundly derided interview with Katie Couric, Palin has been awake into the wee hours...

What Makes Him Different Makes Him Scary
What Makes Him Different Makes Him Scary

What Makes Him Different Makes Him Scary

Obama must overcome the stereotypes that come with his heritage, and success

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s revolutionary candidacy is in trouble, and the very things that make him a breath of fresh air are to blame, James Carroll writes in the Boston Globe. “Race, gender, and class define American identity, but Obama, just by being who he is, directly challenges the core...

Limbaugh May Hold Key to McCain's Fate
Limbaugh May Hold Key to McCain's Fate

Limbaugh May Hold Key to McCain's Fate

Blowhard's influence extends well beyond conservative base

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh may be John McCain’s best friend in the fight against Barack Obama, writes Zev Chafets in the LA Times. Vociferously anti-McCain during primary season, Limbaugh is now on board and can't be underestimated. "A lot of Limbaugh's critics dismiss him as a buffoon or a fanatic,...

DC Trip Nets Mac Little More Than Muddled Campaign

Getting back on track may be hard after confusing few days

(Newser) - John McCain's insistence on rushing to Washington to involve himself in the bailout process left his campaign reeling, gave critics new ammunition, and widened Barack Obama's poll margins, Bob Drogin reports in the Los Angeles Times. The Arizona senator, who didn't help draft the plan and also skipped voting on...

Mac's Big Guns Turn to Polishing Palin

Honchos, candidate huddle at Ariz. ranch to prepare for Thurs. debate with Biden

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will be coached by the best people John McCain’s campaign has to offer in preparation for her debate Thursday with Joe Biden, the Wall Street Journal reports. Campaign manager Rick Davis and strategist Steve Schmidt are headed with Palin today to McCain’s Arizona ranch as the...

Bailout Shows Nominees' Divergent Styles
Bailout Shows Nominees' Divergent Styles

Bailout Shows Nominees' Divergent Styles

Obama plays it cool while McCain takes big gambles

(Newser) - Last week's tumultuous negotiations over the federal bailout presented the two presidential candidates in their classic modes: John McCain the impulsive firebrand, Barack Obama the even-keel analyzer. Yet while Obama won praise from Democrats for his level-headed response, many Republicans worried about McCain's behavior, especially his insistence that SEC chairman...

Obama Wins Debate Bump
 Obama Wins 
 Debate Bump 

Obama Wins Debate Bump

Poll: Democrat more presidential, honest

(Newser) - Barack Obama slightly increased his lead over John McCain after last week’s debate and bad economic news, according to a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll. The Democratic candidate is up 49% to McCain's 44%, a 1% gain from last week. The results indicated less confidence among Americans that McCain...

Stumping McCain and Obama May Skip Bailout Vote

Both might be stumping in key states

(Newser) - Despite the heated campaign debate about the US financial crisis—and John McCain's emergency "suspension" of his campaign until a deal on the rescue package was struck last week—both John McCain and Barack Obama may skip the vote on the bailout, reports Politico. Neither camp has committed to...

Pre-Election Wedding 'Fantastic': McCain Insider

McCain insiders hope wedding will boost faltering run

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign may have another surprise up its sleeve: the pre-election wedding of Sarah Palin's pregnant daughter, Bristol. Rumors are swirling in campaign circles about the 17-year-old and 18-year-old Levi Johnston tying the knot, the London Times reports. A wedding “would be fantastic" for the campaign, a McCain...

If Roe Goes, States May Ban Cross-Border Abortions

Right states prepped to label abortion a criminal act

(Newser) - If John McCain wins and puts conservatives on the Supreme Court, not only could Roe v. Wade go down—states may prohibit women from crossing state lines for abortions, Linda Hirshman writes in the Washington Post. Past rulings and Constitutional interpretations don't clearly support such laws, but times have changed...

Mac Runs Hot, Obama Cool
Mac Runs Hot, Obama Cool

Mac Runs Hot, Obama Cool

Voters compare gambler mentality v. calm thinker as they react to crises

(Newser) - Crises like the Georgian conflict and the credit crunch have revealed how differently Barack Obama and John McCain would rule. McCain’s fitting moniker is Mr. Hot, write John Meacham and Evan Thomas in Newsweek. By suspending his campaign, gambling on Sarah Palin, and see-sawing on the economy, McCain shows...

Candidates Spar Over Bailout Credit
 Spar Over 
 Bailout Credit 

Candidates Spar Over Bailout Credit

Obama strategist calls claim "little bit of fiction"

(Newser) - Both Barack Obama and John McCain claimed credit on the Sunday talk shows for ushering through the bipartisan bailout plan, Politico reports. The highlights:
  • “What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all the parties to the table, including the House Republicans,” GOP strategist Steve

McCain's 'Suspension' Just a Cover
 Just a Cover 

McCain's 'Suspension' Just a Cover

Sinking candidate needed to distract the public

(Newser) - John McCain’s “suspension” of his campaign was nothing more than a political ruse to bolster flagging poll numbers, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times. McCain didn’t acknowledge the financial turmoil until polls showed Barack Obama opening a wide lead. With damaging stories circulating in the...

Casinos Staked Fortunes on Friendly Gambler Mac

Industry blossomed with help from legislation by life-time gamer

(Newser) - Life-time gambler John McCain is behind more casino legislation than any other lawmaker, and has helped Indian gambling become a $26 billion industry, reports the New York Times. Though the Arizona senator has called lobbyists “birds of prey,” he has enjoyed close links to casino lobbyists. He once...

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