John McCain

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Challenger Says John McCain Is Likely to Die in Office

Kelli Ward calls the senator 'old' and 'weak'

(Newser) - In a morbid and unusually direct line of attack, John McCain's Republican primary opponent in Arizona says the senator probably won't live to see the end of his six-year term if reelected. “I’m a doctor. The life expectancy of the American male is not 86. It’...

Donald Trump Refuses to Endorse Paul Ryan

He also won't be supporting John McCain in his primary election

(Newser) - In what the Washington Post calls an "extraordinary breach of political decorum," Donald Trump isn't endorsing Paul Ryan in his Wisconsin primary battle. Trump tells the Post he's "not quite there yet" when it comes to backing Ryan. Trump may be getting his revenge on...

Day 4 of Attacks From Both Sides in Trump-Khan Feud
Day 4 of Attacks From Both Sides in Trump-Khan Feud
the rundown

Day 4 of Attacks From Both Sides in Trump-Khan Feud

John McCain weighs in, as do Trump's defenders

(Newser) - If the statement from Mike Pence lauding Humayun Khan as an "American hero" was intended to put an end to the controversy over the fallen US Muslim soldier, it hasn't done the trick. Among the developments Monday:
  • John McCain weighed in: "In recent days, Donald Trump disparaged

Rick Perry Fails to Mention Trump While at Podium
 Rick Perry Fails to Mention 
 Trump While at Podium
gop convention

Rick Perry Fails to Mention Trump While at Podium

Though he did use the campaign's slogan

(Newser) - One of Donald Trump's vanquished rivals took to the stage at the Republican National Convention Monday night, but he didn't exactly sing Trump's praises. As the Austin American-Statesman notes, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry did not mention Trump at all in his brief remarks. Perry's main...

McCain: Obama's Policies 'Directly Responsible' for Orlando Massacre

Though he quickly backtracks a bit on original comments

(Newser) - John McCain said Thursday that President Barack Obama is "directly responsible" for the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, because of the rise of the Islamic State group on the president's watch, the AP reports. The Republican senator made the comment Thursday while Obama was in Orlando visiting with...

McCain: Trump Still Needs to Retract POW Comments

But he thinks it's time for GOP leaders to support him

(Newser) - John McCain, unlike some other leading Republicans , can accept Donald Trump as the party's nominee—but there's still the matter of those POW comments . McCain tells CNN that he will support Trump, but before he will appear on a stage with the candidate, who joked last year that...

McCain Says He's Not Sure Cruz Is Eligible to Be President

And this coming from a former presidential candidate born in Panama

(Newser) - There's a surprising new skeptic on the eligibility of the Canadian-born Ted Cruz to be president: John McCain. "It came up in my race because I was born in Panama, but I was born in the Canal Zone, which is a territory," McCain said Wednesday on 550...

McCain Blames Russian Airstrikes on Obama

As do other Republicans

(Newser) - Russia launched airstrikes against Syria Wednesday, and John McCain was quick to blame it on Obama. "It did not have to be this way—but this is the inevitable consequence of hollow words, red lines crossed, tarnished moral influence, leading from behind, and a total lack of American leadership"...

McCain: Trump Should Say Sorry to POWs, Not to Me

'To denigrate that service in any way is offensive to veterans,' senator says

(Newser) - Donald Trump has been vocal in his refusal to apologize to John McCain, whose war hero status Trump mocked Saturday. Trump doubled down on that to the Today show's Matt Lauer this morning, saying, "I'm not a fan of John McCain. He's done a horrible job...

Trump on McCain Diss: 'I Will Say What I Want to Say'

The Donald doubles down, won't be apologizing to former POW

(Newser) - Donald Trump does what he wants, and what he apparently wants is near-universal condemnation—including that of the vast and diverse field of fellow Republican presidential contenders, which has apparently found one thing they can agree on, and that is Trump's attack on John McCain's time as a...

Trump Mocks POW McCain's Status as 'War Hero'

'I like people who weren't captured'

(Newser) - John McCain and Donald Trump have been sparring the last few days, with McCain telling the New Yorker that Trump "fired up the crazies" with his immigration comments. Today, Trump shot back in what can only be described as Trump fashion—by attacking the former prisoner of war's...

McCain: Obama, Get Over Israel &#39;Tantrum&#39;
 Obama, Get 
 Over Israel 

McCain: Obama, Get Over Israel 'Tantrum'

President's priorities 'so screwed up that it's unbelievable'

(Newser) - President Obama pulled no punches in his blunt assessment of Benjamin Netanyahu's campaign rhetoric, and John McCain is today taking his own jabs at Obama. Appearing this morning on CNN , he said, "The president should get over it. Get over your temper tantrum, Mr. President." He dismissed...

Ayatollah: GOP Letter to Iran Sign of US 'Disintegration'

Meanwhile, from John McCain: 'Maybe that wasn't exactly the best way to do that'

(Newser) - The 47 GOP senators who sent a letter to Iran's leadership about nuclear negotiations likely anticipated the reaction they got from President Obama. But some were taken aback by public backlash, and now they have another opinion to mull: that of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who said today through Iran'...

GOP Didn't Expect Iran Letter Backlash

McCain blames snowstorm for lack of discussion

(Newser) - Some of the 47 Republican senators who signed a controversial letter to Iran's leaders seem a little surprised that people are making a big deal out of their bypassing of President Obama during nuclear negotiations. Sen. John McCain, who signed the letter warning that any deal could be canceled...

McCain to Protesters: Get Out, 'Low-Life Scum'

Group disrupted hearing with Henry Kissinger

(Newser) - John McCain uttered today's most memorable phrase on Capitol Hill, telling a group of protesters to "get out of here, you low-life scum," report the Hill . He was speaking to protesters from the group Code Pink, who disrupted the start of a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing...

John McCain Snags Another Parks and Rec Cameo

Senator will appear again on NBC show

(Newser) - John McCain will be back for the seventh and final season of Parks and Recreation. McCain, who appeared in a brief cameo with Amy Poehler's character, Leslie Knope, in the fifth season premiere, will have more scenes with Poehler—as well as Aubrey Plaza, who plays April Ludgate—in...

McCain Tweet-Brags That Syria Whined About Him

Gleefully boasts about Assad regime's annoyance with him

(Newser) - John McCain has put together quite the résumé for himself lately, and it includes the wrath of Vladimir Putin, ISIS, Fidel Castro, and now the regime of Bashar al-Assad. McCain added those latest bragging rights after Bashar Ja'afari, the Syrian ambassador to the UN, yesterday asked the Security...

John McCain: No, Obama, Sony Hack Was &#39;Warfare&#39;
 John McCain: 
 No, Obama, 
 Sony Hack 
 Was 'Warfare' 

John McCain: No, Obama, Sony Hack Was 'Warfare'

GOP sharply disputes president's 'cyber vandalism' assessment

(Newser) - President Obama characterized the Sony hack this morning as "cyber vandalism" and "not an act of war," and Republicans including John McCain would beg to differ, reports the Hill . Also appearing on CNN's State of the Union, McCain charged that "the president does not understand...

How McCain Could Change US Defense

With GOP taking control of Senate, he'll likely chair Armed Services Committee

(Newser) - With Senate leadership changing , John McCain appears poised to be the new head of the Armed Services Committee—and that could have big implications for US defense, Reuters reports. McCain has a history of criticizing what he sees as excessive spending on some weapons programs; as chair of the committee,...

McCain: ISIS Is &#39;Winning and We&#39;re Not&#39;
 McCain: ISIS 
 Is 'Winning 
 and We're Not' 

McCain: ISIS Is 'Winning and We're Not'

But US effort still in 'early stages': Susan Rice

(Newser) - "They're winning, and we're not," says John McCain in his assessment of the American effort against the Islamic State. "The Iraqis are not winning. The Peshmerga, the Kurds are not winning." The Arizona Republican wants American boots on the ground to better coordinate airstrikes,...

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