John McCain

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McCain Slaps Obama: We Predicted Rise of ISIS

'Of course' we are at war, says senator

(Newser) - In a 60 Minutes interview last night , President Obama asserted that the US had "underestimated" the looming threat posed by ISIS, but John McCain strongly disagrees. "We predicted what would happen if we didn't leave residual force [in Iraq]," McCain tells CNN . "His intelligence comments—...

Feinstein Dings Obama as 'Too Cautious' With ISIS

Republicans similarly unhappy with 'we don't have a strategy'

(Newser) - Republicans were today again busily piling on President Obama's strategy— or lack thereof —against Islamic State militants, but this week they were joined by a pretty prominent Democrat: Dianne Feinstein. "I’ve learned one thing about this president, and that is he’s very cautious," said...

McCain, Graham: Go After ISIS Now
 McCain, Graham: 
 Go After ISIS Now 

McCain, Graham: Go After ISIS Now

Senators say Obama needs a military strategy immediately

(Newser) - Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham say they're appalled that President Obama's response to the threat posed by the Islamic State is to say, " We don't have a strategy yet. " He needs to get one fast, they write in the New York Times . Putting a...

Rogers: ISIS a 'Plane Ticket Away' From US Attack

Graham: Militants aren't 'the JV team anymore'

(Newser) - Mike Rogers dropped a dire prediction this morning, contending that the Islamic State militants currently rampaging through Iraq "are one plane ticket away from US shores " and that an attack "is a very real threat." Continued the House Intelligence Committee chair: "There’s no mulligans...

Pete King: Islamic State 'More Powerful Than Qaeda on 9/11'

Other politicians point to growing threat

(Newser) - With the United States today dropping a fourth round of airstrikes on Iraq's Islamic State militants, the pope expressing outrage over the humanitarian situation, and Iraq claiming that militants had slaughtered some 500 Yadizis , naturally our elected lawmakers felt compelled to offer up their two cents on the situation...

John McCain: Botched Execution Was Torture

He says 'bollocks-upped' situation is unacceptable

(Newser) - John McCain, who learned a thing or two about torture during his years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam, says the botched execution of an Arizona inmate was torture and that the people involved need to be held responsible. "I believe in the death penalty for certain...

McCain: 'Hell to Pay' If Russia Is Linked to Crash

While Putin says Ukraine bears responsibility

(Newser) - With the evidence increasingly suggesting that today's jet crash over Ukraine was caused by a missile and not a mechanical failure, John McCain is burnishing his reputation as the Senate's top foreign policy hawk. While stressing that it's too early to know anything for sure, McCain said...

McCain: Israel &#39;Spiraling Out of Control&#39;
 McCain: Israel 
 'Spiraling Out 
 of Control' 

McCain: Israel 'Spiraling Out of Control'

Wants to send in Kerry

(Newser) - Even as Israel arrested six people in the murder of a 16-year-old Palestinian boy, John McCain said today "this thing is in danger of spiraling out of control," and advocated that John Kerry be sent over for a little "shuttle diplomacy." "There’s a whole...

GOP Rips Bergdahl Deal: 'We Have Now Set a Price'

Susan Rice again sent to face fallout for White House

(Newser) - Republicans are weighing in on the US-Taliban trade that yesterday set POW Bowe Bergdahl free, and they are decidedly not in favor. A sample of reactions on today's talk shows, as per Politico :
  • Mike Rogers : "The No. 1 way that al-Qaeda raises money is by ransom—kidnapping and

VA Report: 1.7K Vets Left Off Hospital Waiting List

McCain calls for Shinseki ouster following damning report

(Newser) - At least 1,700 veterans awaiting treatment from the Department of Veteran Affairs' now-infamous Phoenix medical center were kept off of any official waiting list, putting them "at risk of being forgotten or lost," according to a damning initial report from the department's inspector general. What's...

Take That: Russia Bars Boehner, Reid, McCain

After US sanctions, Moscow singles out 9 American officials

(Newser) - Russia got Crimea , but the US is dominating in the sanctions department. After President Obama ramped up strong economic penalties against 20 prominent Russians (but not Vladimir Putin), Moscow fired back by telling nine American officials (but not Obama) that they weren't welcome in Russia, reports the Hill . The...

Ukraine's Military At the Ready: Acting PM

But Arseniy Yatsenyuk 'convinced' Russia won't intervene

(Newser) - Ukraine's acting prime minister is "convinced" that Russia's military won't intervene in his country—but Ukraine's military is prepared for action. If Moscow were to make such a move, "this would be the beginning of war and the end of all relations," says...

Bank's 'Spy Novel' Tactics Hid US Tax Dodgers' Billions

And Justice Dept. did little to respond, per Senate report on Credit Suisse

(Newser) - Swiss bank Credit Suisse helped thousands of Americans keep as much as $12 billion in assets tucked away from the eyes of the IRS, a Senate report out yesterday alleges—and the bank used some unconventional techniques in the process, including once hiding bank statements in a copy of Sports ...

Amid Pressure, Brewer May Veto Ariz. Anti-Gay Bill

Business leaders, GOP backers urge veto

(Newser) - Jan Brewer is likely to veto a bill that would allow Arizona businesses to refuse service to gay people for religious reasons, sources tell NBC News . The move comes in the wake of intense pressure from a host of sources—including three GOP senators who voted for the bill. "...

McCain: Ukraine Ought to Make Putin &#39;Nervous&#39;
 McCain: Ukraine 
 Ought to Make 
 Putin 'Nervous' 

McCain: Ukraine Ought to Make Putin 'Nervous'

Susan Rice warns getting involved would be 'grave mistake'

(Newser) - John McCain had some stern words for Vladimir Putin today, saying that it was clear that the people of Ukraine "want to be Western" and not "Eastern," and that the protests there ought to make the Russian strongman, an ally of Viktor Yanukovych, more than a little...

Romney: In Hillary 2016, Bill Is 'Not Relevant'

Addressed gay marriage, Sochi

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton is the Democrats' nominee in 2016, Bill hasn't got anything to do with it, says Mitt Romney. "I don't think Bill Clinton is as relevant as Hillary Clinton," he says, as per Politico . "Hillary Clinton will have plenty to discuss about her...

Kerry Admits US Syria Policy Is a Mess, McCain Says

Off-record meeting doesn't stay off-record

(Newser) - John Kerry thinks that the administration's policy in Syria is failing and that it's time to arm the rebels … at least according to noted hawks John McCain and Lindsey Graham. The Senate pals were among 15 lawmakers in attendance at a closed-door meeting with the secretary of...

'Too Liberal' McCain in Hot Water With Arizona GOP

In reprimand, senator's record called 'disastrous and harmful'

(Newser) - Seems John McCain is getting too liberal for Arizona conservatives—so liberal that the state's Republican party has formally reprimanded the senator for his "disastrous and harmful" record, Politico reports. At a party meeting in Tempe yesterday, the party hammered McCain for assisting Democrats on immigration reform, ignoring...

On Question of Christie, No One Rushes to Judge

GOP thinks he can move on; Dem O'Malley says 'I don't know'

(Newser) - Chris Christie was as popular a topic on the Sunday shows today as one might expect, but rather than getting tarred and feathered, guest after guest either came to the New Jersey governor's defense or declined judgment. A rundown of the highlights, as per Politico :
  • John McCain : "I

Historic Navy Carrier Sold ... for a Penny

USS Forrestal will become scrap metal after 4 decades of service

(Newser) - A supercarrier once hailed as the "biggest ship ever built" has been sold—for a price that must rank among the smallest ever: one penny, paid by the seller. All Star Metals now owns the historic USS Forrestal after the Pentagon paid it one cent to dismantle and recycle...

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