
Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>

Twitter Will Make You Smarter
 Twitter Will Make You Smarter 

Twitter Will Make You Smarter

Like other new media, site beefs up brain if used wisely

(Newser) - It's fashionable to cry about how Twitter and other new forms of electronic media are making us intellectually lazy and downright stupid. In fact, the opposite is true, writes Harvard's Steven Pinker. "Don’t rail at PowerPoint or Google," he writes. "It’s not as if habits...

New York Times Banishes the Word 'Tweet'

Standards editor calls it 'jargon'

(Newser) - The cool kids may call their Twitter posts “tweets,” but no one ever accused the New York Times of being a cool kid. Phil Corbett, the Times’ new standards editor, has sent out a proclamation banning the use of the word “outside of ornithological contexts,” reports...

McCain, Snooki Trade Tweets
 McCain, Snooki Trade Tweets 
beyond awkward

McCain, Snooki Trade Tweets

The senator is so down with the lingo

(Newser) - Yesterday’s Awkward Tweet of the Day Award goes to John McCain, who made the world cringe when he started up a Twitter conversation with none other than Jersey Shore’s Snooki…about tanning. “u r right, I would never tax your tanning bed! Pres Obama's tax/spend policy is...

BP Demands Changes to Prank Twitter Feed

They want it made clear that it's a fake

(Newser) - BP has asked Twitter to straighten out @BPGlobalPR , the hilariously snarky satirical feed specializing in messages like, “Doing our best to turn oil into oilinade. So far, the stuff tastes TERRIBLE.” BP has asked Twitter to force the feed to comply with the site’s impersonation policy, it...

Judge Bars Blagojevich From Tweeting in Court

But he can still talk to the press

(Newser) - Geez, now Rod Blagojevich is going to have sit still during his corruption trial. The judge today blocked his perfectly rational plan to issue live tweets from the courtroom, reports the Chicago Tribune . Judge Zagel didn't bar Blagojevich from making his many public statements before and after the proceedings, though...

10 Best Fake Twitter Feeds
 10 Best Fake Twitter Feeds 

10 Best Fake Twitter Feeds

You don't have to be the real McCoy to be hilarious

(Newser) - If only @BPGlobalPR were the real deal: The spoof account is far more entertaining than BP's actual one (find a clear demonstration of that here ). Time's Newsfeed shares 9 more spectacular, satirical Twitter feeds, with sample tweets:
  1. @FakeAP Stylebook : "'horrible tragedy'—use this phrasing to differentiate the described

Miffed MIA Tweets Times Reporter's Phone Number

And pretends it's her own

(Newser) - Maya Arulpragasam, aka MIA, must have really hated Lynn Hirschberg's piece about her in New York Times Magazine , because she's just plastered Hischberg's cell phone number on Twitter—pretending it's her own. “CALL ME IF YOU WANNA TALK TO ME ABOUT THE N Y T TRUTH ISSUE, ill b...

Fake BP Twitter Feed More Popular Than Real One

And a lot funnier

(Newser) - In the last few days, @BPGlobalPR has become something of a Twitter phenomenon, wracking up 44,000 followers, but BP's PR guys aren't too happy about it. Because, as will become instantly apparent to anyone who reads it, @BPGlobalPR isn't actually the oil giant's Twitter handle. It's a gag account,...

Britney Is Twitter's New Queen

 Britney Is Twitter's New Queen 
sorry, ashton

Britney Is Twitter's New Queen

So what if Spears herself isn't doing much of the tweeting

(Newser) - Just nine days after Mashable's prediction , it came to pass: Ashton Kutcher has been dethroned as Twitter’s reigning superstar. Britney Spears , despite a distinct lack of tweets actually posted by the singer herself, officially has the most followers on the microblogging site, though the numbers constantly fluctuate. Both are...

10 Most Creative Tweeters
 10 Most Creative Tweeters 
meet @neilhimself

10 Most Creative Tweeters

These folks know how to make 140 characters count

(Newser) - Fast Company surveys the world of Twitter and suggests 10 people worth following based on their creative tweeting. Full list here, along with samples . A peek:
  1. Dawn Danby, @altissima : She a "sustainable design strategist" who covers her own field, often in haiku-like form.
  2. Padmasree Warrior, @Padmasree : Cisco's chief technology

Brothers Meet for First Time—on Twitter

Onetime strangers discover they're relatives

(Newser) - You use social networking sites. You even type back and forth to this one guy—and you might not like him too much at first. Then, out of the blue, you receive a message from this "friend" giving personal information that only you would know about. Kind of freaky,...

Parents Council Threatens CBS Over $#*! My Dad Says
 Parents Council 
 Threatens CBS Over 
 $#*! My Dad Says 
bleeping doesn't cut it

Parents Council Threatens CBS Over $#*! My Dad Says

Network just wants to offend people, prez says

(Newser) - Well, that didn’t take long: The Parents Television Council is, in a not entirely shocking move, protesting new CBS show $#*! My Dad Says. The decision to include an expletive—albeit a bleeped expletive—in the name of the sitcom demonstrates the network’s “contempt for families and...

State AG Orders Twitter to Rat Out His Critics

Republican candidate for governor wants names, addresses

(Newser) - Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett has subpoenaed Twitter, demanding it release “any and all subscriber information” for two accounts that seem to mainly specialize in criticizing him. The subpoena orders Twitter to “testify and give evidence regarding alleged violations of the laws of Pennsylvania,” but doesn't specify...

What Do We Tweet About? TV, Mostly
 What Do We Tweet 
 About? TV, Mostly 

What Do We Tweet About? TV, Mostly

New social media still fixated on the original

(Newser) - Everybody's eager to talk about the social media "revolution." But you know what the social media conversation mostly focuses on? Old media, particularly TV. Just ask Simon Dumenco, who analyzes Twitter data every week for Advertising Age . “Old media still rules our lives,” he writes. “...

Bieber Fans Outsmart Twitter
 Bieber Fans Outsmart Twitter 

Bieber Fans Outsmart Twitter

Tweens fool trending algorithm to keep Justin on top

(Newser) - Hoping to keep things fresh—and, perhaps, curb Bieber-mania—Twitter changed the algorithm that decides which topics to publicize as "trending," Gawker reports . The new rules favor topics that suddenly become more popular over those, like teen singing sensation Justin Bieber , that are constant topics of discussion. But...

Britney Spears Will Soon Rule Twitter

She's on track to overtake Ashton Kutcher

(Newser) - This might matter in only a parallel universe, but Ashton Kutcher is on the brink of losing his title as Twitter king. He's got nearly 5 million followers, but he's a mere 10,000 or so ahead of Britney Spears. What's more, she's on track to overtake him within a...

'Follow' Hack Causes Twitter Pandemonium

Privacy gap closed, but not before some opportunistic hijinks

(Newser) - If your Twitter account lists no followers or follow-ees, thank the happy-go-lucky iPhone acquirers at Gizmodo , who tipped the tech world to a vulnerability this morning. It's no longer working, but the web interface allowed the attention-starved to type "accept" and the Twitter name of any account, thereby gaining...

How to Get Free Stuff on Twitter

Follow the right tweeters, and mind your hashtags

(Newser) - More and more marketers are giving away free stuff on Twitter, and Erin Gifford at Mashable offers advice on to cash in. Read the full list here . A sampling:
  • Find tweeters who give away merchandise by searching for "freebie" or "free stuff." Some winners: @heyitsfree ; @freestuffrocks ; @freenology

Palin: Don't Trust Foreign Oil Companies

Like that no-good BP, which used to employ Todd Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is fired up about the Gulf Coast oil spill, and she's taking away a powerful lesson: Don't trust foreigners, like those tea-sippers over at British Petroleum. “Gulf: Learn from Alaska's lesson w/foreign oil co's: don't naively trust—VERIFY,” she wrote on Twitter . That sounds great and...

Teens: Um, Twitter Is for Lame Oldsters

Turns out it's only un-hip adults who use it

(Newser) - Sure, you keep hearing about the 140-character miracle that is Twitter, but that’s because old people are writing about it, not because all the cool kids are doing it. When old person Patrick Goldstein asked some teenagers about the microblogging site, he found out how the next generation feels:...

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>