British Petroleum

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BP Cut Corners on Well Casing
 BP Cut Corners on Well Casing 

BP Cut Corners on Well Casing

Went with riskier option because it was cheaper

(Newser) - First rule of business, kids: cut costs where you can. For example, if you can buy a cheaper cement for the casing pipe in your oil well, and the only risk is that it might fail to seal, let gas leak in, and lead to a massive explosion, you should...

BP on 'Top Kill': So Far, So Good (But It's Very Early)

The live feed video probably won't reveal much

(Newser) - And now we wait. BP's chief executive says the "top kill" operation that got under way this afternoon is going as planned, reports the AP . He reiterated it will be at least a day before engineers know whether 50,000 barrels of thick mud on the way will do...

Most Think Obama Doing a Lousy Job on Oil Spill

53% bash him; BP's numbers are worse

(Newser) - No big surprise with these poll numbers: The public is paying close attention to the Gulf oil spill and thinks pretty much everyone involved is doing lousy work, including President Obama. Highlights from the USA Today/Gallup poll :
  • About 75% say BP is doing a "poor" or "very poor"

Fishermen Getting Sick in Gulf Cleanup

Lawmaker wants mobile clinics funded by BP

(Newser) - More reports are surfacing about fishermen getting sick while cleaning up the Gulf oil spill, and a Louisiana congressman wants BP to pay for mobile clinics, reports the Los Angeles Times . With the "top kill" strategy under way at the ocean bottom, the fishermen on the surface are complaining...

Fake BP Twitter Feed More Popular Than Real One

And a lot funnier

(Newser) - In the last few days, @BPGlobalPR has become something of a Twitter phenomenon, wracking up 44,000 followers, but BP's PR guys aren't too happy about it. Because, as will become instantly apparent to anyone who reads it, @BPGlobalPR isn't actually the oil giant's Twitter handle. It's a gag account,...

BP Begins 'Top Kill' Plan
 BP Begins 'Top Kill' Plan  

BP Begins 'Top Kill' Plan

They hope to plug well with mud and cement

(Newser) - The "top kill" is under way. BP has begun pumping heavy mud into the blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico in an attempt to seal it. Cement will follow. The top kill has never before been tried a mile beneath the sea, and company officials say it could...

Coast Guard OKs BP's 'Top Kill' Plan

Company can proceed with idea to plug the gushing well

(Newser) - The Coast Guard has told BP to fire when ready with its so-called "top kill" plan. The idea is to pump mud into the gushing well to plug it, a practice that has worked on land but never been tried at these ocean depths. The Coast Guard's approval was...

Oil Spill Gives Bobby Jindal a 2nd Chance

By criticizing cleanup, governor regains footing

(Newser) - Bobby Jindal, last seen spectacularly botching his response to an Obama speech last year, may have resurrected his political career thanks to the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe. The Louisiana governor has ironically been calling for a bigger government response, and criticizing BP's slow, incompetent efforts to fix the leak. In the...

Oil Rig Workers Blew Past Red Flags

Equipment showed danger of blowout, but they kept working

(Newser) - Just two hours before the Deepwater Horizon exploded, a major test revealed a “very large abnormality” in the well, but workers simply ignored it and kept working, BP revealed in a report to Congress yesterday. Previously, BP had said the test was inconclusive, the Wall Street Journal notes, but...

BP Caves, Agrees to Show 'Top Kill' Attempt

Obama: 'Plug the damn hole'

(Newser) - BP has bowed to pressure from an increasingly ticked-off White House and reversed an earlier decision to cut off a live video feed as it attempts a top kill maneuver to plug the Gulf oil leak. The company—slammed by lawmakers yesterday after executives said the feed would be cut...

Obama Going to Gulf Coast Friday

President will review oil spill cleanup as frustration mounts

(Newser) - The political pressure and frustration mounts: President Obama will head back to Louisiana on Friday to review efforts to stop the Gulf oil spill. The White House did not yet release details of exactly where Obama will go, but he will spend most of the day there. As impatience grows...

BP Botched Exxon Cleanup, Too
 BP Botched Exxon 
 Cleanup, Too 

BP Botched Exxon Cleanup, Too

BP was partially in charge of mopping up that mess, too

(Newser) - Commentators can't help but compare the Deepwater Horizon disaster to the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster, which leaked 11 million gallons of crude into the water, killed countless animals, and tarnished the owner of the damaged tanker, Exxon. Yet the leader of botched containment efforts in the critical hours after the...

BP: 60%-70% Chance 'Top Kill' Will Work

Oozing oil, not confidence

(Newser) - BP 's " containment dome " plan failed big time, and the oil giant is less than confident as it readies its latest and greatest plan for tomorrow: The "top-kill" maneuver, which Reuters reports the company thinks has a 60%-70% chance of succeeding. Tomorrow BP plans to inject...

Feds Won't Replace BP: Cleanup Point Man

Coast Guard admiral defends oil company's efforts

(Newser) - BP is "exhausting every technical means possible" in cleanup of the Gulf oil spill, and the federal government has no plans to take over the project from the oil company, the administration's chief contact for the disaster said this afternoon. Adm. Thad Allen didn't join the chorus of frustration...

Gulf Spill Gives Scientists Deja Vu

It's the 1979 Ixtoc spill all over again

(Newser) - The Deepwater Horizon rig wasn't the first to explode and spew oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists are looking back to a 1979 disaster that, they tell the Miami Herald , offers insight into the current disaster. “Everybody keeps saying the spill is unprecedented,” says one geologist. “...

Give BP a Final Chance, Then Obama Must Step In

President not only has authority, he's obligated

(Newser) - In the month-plus since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, BP has downplayed the amount of oil gushing into the Gulf, withheld information, and repeatedly failed to plug the well. The oil giant has one last shot with its "top kill," blogs Andrew Revkin for the New York ...

BP: 'Everyone Is Frustrated' With Spill Failures

Next fix attempt won't come until Wednesday

(Newser) - BP tried to mollify the outraged masses today, sending COO Doug Suttles onto all the major network morning talk shows to apologize for his company's failure to stop the oil flowing into the Gulf. “We are doing everything we can, everything I know,” he said on NBC, adding...

Jindal to US: We're Not Waiting for You
 Jindal to US: 
 We're Not 
 for You 


Jindal to US: We're Not Waiting for You

Sand berms will go without Army Corps of Engineers OK

(Newser) - Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says the state is not waiting for federal approval to begin building sand barriers to protect the coastline from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Jindal's defiant comments today came as oil pushed at least 12 miles into the heart of Louisiana's marshes. Two major pelican...

Frustrated Salazar: 'We'll Push BP Out of the Way'

Interior secretary talks tough during visit to oil company's HQ

(Newser) - As the Obama administration ramps up its response to the Gulf oil disaster, the interior secretary visited BP's Houston headquarters today and blasted the company for missing "deadline after deadline" in the cleanup effort. "There's no question BP is throwing everything at this problem," Ken Salazar acknowledged....

Obama Deploys Top Aides to Gulf

EPA's Jackson, Salazar, Napolitano will monitor response

(Newser) - Three top Obama administration officials are returning to the Gulf Coast to monitor the massive oil spill that seems to have no end in sight, as frustration with the response to the spill threatens to boil over. Environmental Protection Agency chief Lisa Jackson was headed today to Louisiana, where she...

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