
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Food and Wine Pairings? All Lies!
 Food and Wine 
 Pairings? All Lies! 

Food and Wine Pairings? All Lies!

Study suggests wine aficionados often skip the meal

(Newser) - We’re always hearing that this wine goes with that food, and feel guilty when we get it wrong—but what if it’s all a scam? asks Jason Wilson in the Washington Post . A new study suggests it might be: More than 60% of wine sipped by “high-frequency...

Sporks and More: the 10 Dumbest Food Inventions
 10 Dumbest Food Inventions 

10 Dumbest Food Inventions

Sporks, wine stoppers serve no discernible purpose

(Newser) - Have you ever truly benefited from a spork? Do you face a pressing need to bake muffin tops, not actual muffins? The Daily Meal rounds up the most useless food-related inventions:
  • Quesadilla maker: Don’t you already have a pan?
  • Spork: Use a fork or use a spoon. End of

Mark Bittman: 6 Morsels of Good News on Food
 6 Morsels of  
 Good Foodie News 
mark bittman

6 Morsels of Good Foodie News

School lunches are improving; Walmart's into sustainability: Mark Bittman

(Newser) - Sometimes it’s important for a critic to drop the criticism and offer some praise. In the New York Times , Mark Bittman presents a taste of good news in the food world:
  1. Backers of better food policy are gaining real traction: The reauthorized Child Nutrition Act will improve school lunches,

Wanna Eat Like St. Patrick? Have Some Gruel, Seaweed

Culinary historians break down the ancient Irish diet

(Newser) - Forget the corned beef and green beer; if you really want to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, why not make yourself a nice bowl of gruel? Because that was probably a major part of St. Patrick’s diet, according to culinary historians at the University College of Cork. Other things...

Cartoon on the Box? Your Kid Will Like the Cereal
Cartoon on the Box? Your
Kid Will Like the Cereal
study says

Cartoon on the Box? Your Kid Will Like the Cereal

Children preferred the taste when there was a penguin on the package

(Newser) - Want to get your kids eating brussels sprouts? Try putting them in a box with a cartoon character on the front. A new study found that children thought cereal tasted better when it came out of a box with penguins from Happy Feet on the front, USA Today reports. The...

Here's Your Acronym for a Healthier Diet: ERF

 Here's Your Acronym 
 for a Healthier Diet: ERF 

mark bittman

Here's Your Acronym for a Healthier Diet: ERF

As in Eat Real Food, writes Mark Bittman

(Newser) - America's taking baby steps toward eating a diet of real food, writes Mark Bittman in the New York Times. He rounds up a trio developments—the USDA urging people to eat less , Michelle Obama teaming up with Walmart , and Oprah challenging her staff to go vegan for a week. All...

Here's a 'Food Manifesto' for the Nation
Here's a 'Food Manifesto'
for the Nation
mark bittman

Here's a 'Food Manifesto' for the Nation

Mark Bittman: It includes better food education for children

(Newser) - The US needs a modern version of old-school home ec classes, writes foodie Mark Bittman. "When people cook their own food, they make better choices," he writes in the New York Times . Let's provide food education for kids and cooking classes for any adults who want them, Bittman...

Nestle's Plan to Trim Your Waist: Trick Your Belly

Scientists pursue fullness-inducing food

(Newser) - Scientists at Nestle are working on food to fool our stomachs. They’re studying the “gut brain”—which tells us when we’re hungry and when we’re full—in an effort to develop products that will keep us feeling full longer and thus reduce overeating, the Wall ...

Forget Trucks; Let's Shove Food Cross-Country in Tubes
Forget Trucks; Let's Shove Food Cross-Country in Tubes

Forget Trucks; Let's Shove Food Cross-Country in Tubes

UK group proposes 'transport Internet'

(Newser) - In the future, we won’t truck our food across the country—we’ll shoot it through underground tubes at more than 60 miles an hour. Or at least, that’s the dream of Foodtubes, a UK-based group of academics, engineers, and project planners. It may sound like science fiction,...

What It's Like to Kill Your Own Turkey

At some farms, you can see firsthand where your meat comes from

(Newser) - Ariel Kaminer recently enjoyed the most flavorful turkey she’s ever eaten. And maybe this is why: She slaughtered it herself. Kaminer visited Madani Halal, a family-run slaughterhouse in Queens that is among the “small but significant number of farms” that allow customers to get truly up-close-and-personal with their...

Why Airline Food Is So Bland
 Why Airline Food Is So Bland 

Why Airline Food Is So Bland

Background noise diminishes sense of taste

(Newser) - Airline food is notoriously bland because of engine noise, not a lack of spice, according to new research. Volunteers who ate sweet or salty foods while listening to silence through headphones found the flavors more intense than a group of volunteers who heard white noise. The latter group found the...

Our Food Labels Need to Tell Us the Bad News

...says a new report that wants calories, fat listed on the front of packages

(Newser) - It's time for food manufacturers to come clean about what's in their products, a new report on food labeling suggests. In addition to trumpeting the good (high fiber!) food labels should fess up to the bad ('high sodium!') on the front of the package, argue experts from the...

Why I Finally Love Farmed Fish
 Why I Finally Love Farmed Fish 

Why I Finally Love Farmed Fish

Former skeptic Josh Ozersky sees benefits to the earth

(Newser) - Not even a fish-loving foodie can justify the environmental cost of wild-caught salmon . "If I could, I would only eat wild," writes Josh Ozersky for Time. "But I can't in good conscience." Sure, farmed salmon's "taste is duller, the flesh flabbier, the finish forgettable."...

6 Truly Gross Restaurant Sandwiches

Massive amounts of cheese, anyone?

(Newser) - KFC's Double Down was just the beginning. The Stir lists five more truly disgusting (not to mention unhealthy) sandwiches being served at restaurants near you:
  • Denny's Fried Cheese Melt: The restaurant took the grilled cheese sandwich and added more cheese to it, in the form of four fried mozzarella sticks

6 Weird, Pricey Foods
 6 Weird, Pricey Foods 
civet poop coffee, anyone?

6 Weird, Pricey Foods

How much would you pay for a nice bowl of bird spit?

(Newser) - You may have heard of kopi luwak, the coffee brewed from civet poop that sells for $30 a cup. In case you’d like some more bizarre, extravagant food to go along with that…interesting-sounding cup of coffee, The Frisky lists five ideas:
  • Bird Spit Soup: Made from the nests

$8 for Dozen Eggs? Why It's a Good Deal

Food is too artificially cheap, argues Michael Pollan

(Newser) - Foodie reformer Michael Pollan continues his "pay more, eat less" crusade in an interview with the Wall Street Journal , arguing that $8 for a dozen eggs should be standard fare. It sounds absurd, "but when you think that you can make a delicious meal from two eggs, that'...

10 Celebs' Odd Eating Habits
 10 Celebs' Odd Eating Habits 
cockroaches, yum

10 Celebs' Odd Eating Habits

Bet you never thought of rice as a gateway drug

(Newser) - Cockroaches, butterflies, peanut-butter-and-bacon sandwiches: Celebrities sure do have some odd eating habits. The Daily Beast , with the help of Matthew and Mark Jacob’s What the Great Ate: A Curious History of Food and Fame, lists a few:
  • Angelina Jolie: She’s tried bee larvae, crickets, and cockroaches—and the

That Ballpark Hot Dog Could Kill You

ESPN gives more info than you wanted on stadium food safety

(Newser) - If you’d like to enjoy the next hot dog you eat at a baseball game, don’t read on. ESPN reviewed health department inspection reports for the North American MLB, NFL, NHL, and NBA venues and found that 28% had been cited for a “critical” or “major”...

Men Avoid 'Girlie' Foods, Go for 'Guy' Meals

Study suggests that society drives home differences early

(Newser) - Yeah, yeah: Real men don't eat quiche. Now, new research from Northwestern University shows men really do shun foods perceived to be "girlie." Researchers gave male and female diners choices including tried-and-true guy grub—like heavy gravy and then options with a more female-friendly flare (say, white wine...

101 Innovative Grill Recipes
 101 Innovative Grill Recipes 
no boring burgers here

101 Innovative Grill Recipes

Put down that pack of hot dogs and try some of these

(Newser) - This Independence Day, don’t limit yourself to burgers and dogs on the grill. Mark Bittman offers up 101 innovative ideas for your backyard BBQ, from meat and veggies to desserts, in the New York Times :
  • Tomatoes: Grill ripe tomatoes until hot and lightly charred; serve with olive oil, salt,

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